In the year two thousand and eighteen, on the thirteenth of JULY, at nineteen p.m., the Municipal Council, duly convened, met in public session under the chairmanship of Monsieur Claude FERCHAL, Mayor.
In attendance were Claude Ferchal, Philippe Lefebvre, Denis Grout, Jean Pierre Boittout, Jean-Pierre Joubert
Colette Gouyer, Françoise Gambs
Absent Ms Christelle Weber
Mr Ludovic Patin (proxy for Mrs Colette Gouyer)
Mr Richard Dupont
Mr David Petiton (proxy for Mr Denis Grout)
Mr Vincent Varin
Mr Eric Lincot
Mr Michel Lecat (proxy for Mr Claude Ferchal)
Invitation dates July 5, 2018 Posting date July 5, 2018
As a quorum was not reached, the Municipal Council was postponed to Friday, July 20, 2018 at 2:30 p.m. at the Town Hall and will deliberate regardless of the number of members present, in accordance with the law Article L. 2121-17 of the Code Général des Collectivités Territoriales.