Minutes of the Town Council Meeting
Meeting of June 24, 2022
In the year two thousand TWENTY TWO, on the TWENTY-FOURTH of JUNE, at EIGHTEEN THIRTY minutes past midnight, the Municipal Council, duly convened, met in public session under the chairmanship of Mrs Véronique DEPREUX, 1era deputy mayor, for the mayor who is unable to attend.
In attendance were :
- Véronique DEPREUX, Brigitte GAUTHIER-DARCET, Christine MOUQUET, Catherine CORNILLOT
- Francis LEGROUT, David PETITON, Philippe HERITIER, Philippe BOSQUET, Jean-François DEROIDE, Christophe TIRARD
Absent excused :
- Mr Olivier de CONIHOUT
Power :
- Mr Olivier de CONIHOUT to Ms Véronique DEPREUX
Mr Jean-François DEROIDE was elected meeting secretary.
Invitation dates June 16, 2022 Posting date June 16, 2022
Madame la Présidente opens the meeting.
Agenda :
- Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
- Communications from the Mayor
- Communications from the Commissions
- Budget item
- Approval of the Local Urban Plan (PLU)
- Miscellaneous (introduction of DPU, publication of deeds, computer sales)
Adoption of the minutes of the previous meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting, sent in advance to each member of the Municipal Council, were adopted unanimously, there being no observations.
Council members nevertheless questioned the aid granted at the last meeting to the Communauté d'Agglomération Dieppe-Maritime, and in particular its inclusion in "attributions de compensation", which blurs the notion of an exceptional advance granted.
All reaffirmed the importance of the Communauté d'Agglomération providing a written statement concerning the repayment of this advance in 2023.
Communications from the Mayor
Agenda since last meeting
May 23: End of public inquiry for the Local Town Planning Scheme
May 24: Meeting to sign tenders and open the town hall worksite
May 28: Inauguration of "Les Voiles" restaurant
May 31: Meeting of the Community Life Commission
June 12: 1er round of legislative elections - Salle du Point de rencontre
June 15: Meeting with Bassins Versants (Francis LEGROUT)
June 17: Installation of buoys for beach surveillance
June 19: 2ème round of legislative elections - Salle du Point de rencontre
June 20: Syndicat Mixte de Promotion de l'Activité Transmanche (Joint Syndicate for the Promotion of Cross-Channel Activity)
June 20: SMVOS meeting
June 21: 2ème Littoral Commission (Philippe BOSQUET)
June 22: Work begins on the Vasterival staircase
June 23: School Council
Upcoming events
June 25: César Velev concert at the church
June 28: Agglomération Community Council meeting
June 29: CSLA Extraordinary General Meeting
July 02: General Meeting of the Vasterival ASA
July 04: Beach opening ceremony
July 05: Financial and Fiscal Pact meeting - Dieppe-Maritime agglomeration community
July 07: Distribution of dictionaries to CM2 students
July 09 and 10: "Sur les chemins du Phare" festival
July 14: Greetings from the Mayor and concert on the beach
July 23-August 7: Summer fair organized by Cap d'Ailly
Next Council meeting: Friday, September 2 at 6.30pm.
Communications from the Commissions
Community Life Commission
Following the meeting of May 31, 2022, Ms. DEPREUX reports that the first edition of "The Daisies" Festival on June 4, 5 and 6 was a success, particularly in view of the unpredictable weather conditions.
As the current market banner is badly damaged, it is proposed to replace it.
A quote of €484.80 (incl. VAT) was obtained from Angot Publicité.
The visual for the banner, presented at the committee meeting, is proposed to the Board members.
The Municipal Council unanimously approved the design and purchase of the banner from Angot.
Mr. BOSQUET also raises the issue of vehicle parking in the Place Sylvain Halfon on Friday night. It is not uncommon for vehicles to be parked in the parking lot when traders arrive to set up the market on Saturday mornings, despite the decree in force. The installation of a no-parking sign with a sign indicating the time of day is recommended.
Safety Commission
Mr DEROIDE informs Council members that the noise abatement order has been issued. It is also available on the commune's website.
The municipal by-law setting out the terms of agreement for the organization of the "Sur les Chemins du Phare" Festival has also been prepared.
Mrs LAFOREST points out that she has offered the Association the loan of the first-aid box available at the Town Hall.
Budget item
Mrs GAUTHIER-DARCET and Mrs LAFOREST presented a slide show showing the financial statements at the end of the 1st quarter.er semester.
- We have not received the invoices from Syndicat Départemental d'Energies (SDE 76) for all the lighting work carried out in late 2021/early 2022,
- We incurred a number of unforeseen expenses in the first half of the year (around €19,500) and already have to plan for the second half (around €15,000),
- To date, we have received NO definitive response to our grant applications,
- In view of the current work at the Town Hall and a foreseeable overrun of +/- 10 %, we absolutely must put the brakes on spending until we receive the answers to our grant applications,
- Even in the event of an agreement, we will only be able to make a few small unforeseen expenses, the rest having to be passed on to 2023 (no expenditure over €2,500 in order to visualize progressively and build up a margin for maneuver).
Approval of the Local Urban Development Plan
The town council,
Having regard to the town planning code;
Considering the deliberations of the Sainte-Marguerite-sur-Mer town council dated October 14, 2005, January 13, 2006 and June 9, 2006, prescribing the development of the Sainte-Marguerite-sur-Mer Local Urban Development Plan and specifying the objectives pursued and the consultation procedures;
In view of the deliberation of the Sainte-Marguerite-sur-Mer town council dated November 12, 2021, adopting the Sainte-Marguerite-sur-Mer local urban development plan project;
Having regard to the opinions of the associated public bodies;
In view of order no. 08/2022 dated March 31, 2022 submitting the Sainte-Marguerite-sur-Mer local urban development plan project to public inquiry;
Having heard the investigating commissioner's conclusions,
Considering that taking into account the observations made by the associated public bodies and the results of the public inquiry requires some minor modifications to the local urban development plan. These include
- Renaming of zones according to the nomenclature requested by Pays Dieppois Terroir de Caux
- Reclassification of the NP zone as an urban development zone, with regulations prohibiting construction and severely limiting possible development/imperviousness, so as to preserve the site's "semi-natural" character.
- Specific reductions in urban zones to better reconcile the urban planning project with the need to preserve agricultural and natural land.
- Much of the land currently farmed is reclassified as agricultural land (except in areas of high environmental concern, where natural areas have been retained).
- Enlargement of the urbanization divide between the village and Haut de Blancmesnil, and creation of a new urbanization divide between Bas and Haut de Blancmesnil.
Considering that the local urban development plan as presented to the Sainte-Marguerite-sur-Mer town council is ready for approval, in accordance with article L153-21 of the town planning code.
After deliberation, with 9 votes for, 0 against and 2 abstentions :
- Resolves to approve the local urban plan as appended hereto;
- This resolution will be posted in the Sainte-Marguerite-sur-Mer town hall for one month, and published in the following newspaper: Informations Dieppoises;
- The approved local urban development plan is available to the public at Sainte-Marguerite-sur-Mer town hall during normal opening hours, and at the prefecture;
- The present deliberation is enforceable as from its transmission to the sub-prefect and the completion of the publicity measures.
Urban Right of Preemption
The town council,
Having regard to the French urban planning code, in particular articles L210-1, L211-1 et seq. and R211-1 et seq;
Having regard to the local urban development plan for the commune of Sainte-Marguerite-sur-Mer approved on June 24, 2022;
Considering the interest of being able to exercise a right of pre-emption;
DECIDES with 10 votes for, 0 against and 1 abstention:
To institute an urban right of first refusal on all urban and urbanizing zones of the Sainte-Marguerite-sur-Mer Local Urban Plan.
This deliberation will be subject to the publicity measures stipulated in article R211-2 of the town planning code:
- posted for one month in the Sainte-Marguerite-sur-Mer town hall;
- mention in the two newspapers listed below:
- Paris-Normandie
- Les Informations Dieppoises
This resolution, together with a plan specifying the scope of application of the urban right of first refusal, will be sent to :
- to the Prefect of Seine-Maritime ;
- to the Departmental Director of Public Finance ;
- the departmental chamber of notaries ;
- to the bar associations attached to the district court ;
- at the clerk's office of the district court.
Other business
Sale of a computer
A computer in the Mayor's old office has been unused for over two years.
One of our agents, Mr RAMBERG, has expressed an interest in buying it.
The computer has been completely emptied of all files and the old session has been deleted.
Mme DEPREUX, first deputy mayor, proposes that it be sold to her for the sum of €200.
The members of the Municipal Council unanimously agreed to sell the computer to Mr. Damien RAMBERG for the sum of €200 including VAT.
Publication of proceedings
Having regard to the General Code of Local Authorities,
Having regard to Ordinance no. 2021-1310 of October 7, 2021 reforming the rules governing the publication, entry into force and conservation of acts issued by local authorities and their groupings,
Having regard to decree no. 2021-1311 of October 7, 2021 reforming the rules governing the publication, entry into force and conservation of acts issued by local authorities and their groupings.
Ms DEPREUX points out that the aforementioned ordinance and decree of October 7, 2021 have modified the rules governing the publication of local authority acts. It specifies that for communes with fewer than 3,500 inhabitants, the methods of publication must be chosen and set by deliberation of the deliberative assembly: posting, publication on paper or in electronic form. In the absence of a deliberation before July 1, all documents must be published in electronic form. To this end, the local assemblies concerned are invited to deliberate on the choice made before July 1.
After deliberation, the municipal council unanimously decides :
- adopt the following advertising procedure:
- Publicize municipal acts by electronic publication on the municipal website.
- In addition, although not covered by the aforementioned decree, the municipality will continue to publish municipal acts by posting for the most important items.
- to instruct the Mayor to carry out all actions required to implement the present resolution.
Plant conservation measures in the Local Urban Plan
Madame President asked Mr. Minil, who had been present throughout the meeting, if he wished to speak. Mr. Minil only mentions that he deplores the classification of vegetation in the PLU. For example, close to where he lives, poplars are classified when older pines are not.
Board members told him that several areas had been identified, and that some others may be owned by the Conservatoire.
It is also specified that even after the PLU has been approved, the question may be the subject of a subsequent request and/or study.
Mrs DEPREUX, 1era adjointe, adjourns the meeting at 8:05pm.