In the year two thousand and TWENTY ONE, on the NINTH day of JULY, at EIGHTEEN hours and THIRTY minutes past midnight, the Municipal Council, duly convened, met in public session under the chairmanship of Mr Olivier de CONIHOUT, Mayor.
In attendance were :
- Olivier de CONIHOUT, Francis LEGROUT, Jean-François DEROIDE, Philippe BOSQUET, David PETITON, Christophe TIRARD
- Véronique DEPREUX, Brigitte GAUTHIER-DARCET, Christine MOUQUET, Catherine CORNILLOT
Power :
- Mr Philippe HERITIER to Mr Francis LEGROUT
Mr Jean-François DEROIDE was elected meeting secretary.
Invitation dates June 30, 2021 Posting date June 30, 2021
After noting compliance with sanitary measures (physical distancing, wearing a mask), the Mayor opened the meeting.
Agenda :
- Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
- Communications from the Mayor
- Communications from the Commissions
- Opening of road no. 23 - Choice of office for boundary marking
- PLU / Complementary debate PADD
- Approval of the plan for the renovation of the first floor of the Town Hall
- Request to open a table tennis slot
Adoption of the minutes of the previous meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting, sent in advance to each member of the Municipal Council, were adopted unanimously, there being no observations.
Communications from the Mayor
Agenda since last meeting
June 7: "Eoliennes en Mer" meeting
June 7: PLU - Meeting with Associated Public Bodies
June 7: Agglo culture workshop
June 8: Community office
June 10: Annual General Meeting Cap d'Ailly
June 11: Rendez-vous Département - Chemins du bois de l'Ailly
June 11: Rendezvous Wolftrott project
June 14: Syndicat Mixte numérique
June 15: Mayors' Conference
June 18: Dieppe Pays Normand Attractiveness Commission
June 18: Signing of the PACS agreement between Mr Bouteiller and Mrs PETIT
June 19: Operation Clean Beach
June 22: Community Council
June 28: Attractiveness Commission
June 30: Meeting to prepare the commemoration of August 19, 1942 - Dieppe
1er July: Meeting with the Agglomération's paths technician
July 02: PLU - Public meeting (18h/20h - Salle du point de rencontre)
July 03: Opening of the first-aid post
July 03 and 04: Trailwalker OXFAM
Upcoming events
July 10: AG ASA
July 10: "Sur les chemins du Phare" Festival - MARAKANA Association
July 14: Wreath-laying ceremony (11 a.m.) - Greetings from the Mayor (11:30 a.m.) - "18h à la plage" concert
July 19: Safety meeting to commemorate August 19, 1942
July 20: CEREMA site visit (Valleuse de Vasterival)
July 23: Inauguration of the Salon d'été and centenary of Mme Boulongne
July 25: Feast of Saint Margaret (open-air mass at 10:30 a.m.)
Next Town Council meeting: Friday, September 3 at 6:30 p.m.
Commission communications
- Opening of road n°23
Following the June 4 meeting concerning the possible reopening of chemin n°23 (linking Chemin du Petit hêtre to Route de St Martin), an estimate drawn up by EUCLYD for the reboring of this plot of land (destroyed more than 50 years ago) proposed an amount of €2040 inc.
After deliberation, the Board decided not to take a decision and requested a second estimate for the demarcation.
Ms MOUQUET contacted GE360, who offered a less detailed quote of €2,256 inc.
After deliberation, the Municipal Council unanimously decided to accept EUCLYD's proposal, and to record the sum of €2040 in article 202 for the cost of producing town planning and cadastral documents.
Ms MOUQUET also proposes that the Council authorize the inclusion of this path in the Plans Départementaux des Itinéraires de Promenade et de Randonnée (PDIPR).
The Board unanimously approved the proposal.
- PLU - Additional debate on the PADD project
The draft PADD was presented at the public meeting on Friday July 2.
There are no particular comments from members of the Municipal Council.
- Approval of the plans for the renovation of the first floor of the Town Hall
The BOUDET architects, for whom we had given the go-ahead for a preliminary design, have submitted their initial plans.
These were e-mailed to the entire Board on Monday July 5.
The working group proposes to deliberate on the approval of the plans and the building permit application. Estimates will be drawn up at a later date and submitted to the Municipal Council for approval.
The plans proposed by Société BOUDET were unanimously approved by the Council. The Municipal Council also unanimously approved the request for a building permit.
- Request to open a slot for table tennis
Pascal CAVECIN, from Saint-Marguerit and president of the Dieppe Table Tennis Club, would like to offer a slot to local residents.
The space-saving equipment would be supplied by the association.
As the meeting point room remains free on Monday evenings, Madame MOUQUET proposes that the 6.30-8.30 pm slot be made available to her from September onwards.
Mr. DEROIDE also suggests that Mr. CAVECIN contact him so that residents can be informed.
The Municipal Council thanks Pascal CAVECIN for proposing this new activity.
The request was unanimously approved by the Municipal Council.
Other business
- Changes to Town Hall opening hours
The opening of full-day slots means that it is no longer possible to attend meetings, training courses and external appointments.
It has therefore been decided to review the slots, starting in September.
The Mayor proposes that the office be open to the public on Mondays and Fridays from 2pm to 5pm, and on Wednesdays from 9am to 12pm. A new slot, the first Saturday of each month between 10am and 12pm, is also proposed (basis of the Town Hall Secretary's remuneration: Saturday standby hours, already used during the summer season for technical staff). The trial period could last 6 months.
The Municipal Council approved the proposal and the method of remuneration for the Town Clerk by 10 votes in favor, with one abstention.
- Communication - Purchase of a roll-up
To date, the commune has no communication media to promote its participation in the organization of certain events.
Councillor HERITIER proposes the purchase of a roll-up that can be installed at all events (inaugurations, exhibitions, greetings, etc.).
Two quotes were received from Ancot Publicité.
The first, costing €138 incl. VAT, is for equipment that is difficult to use outdoors and rather fragile.
The second quotation, for €354 incl. VAT, proposes a more resistant material with different possible faces.
The expense can be booked to 6232 Celebrations and ceremonies.
After deliberation, the Municipal Council agreed (7 votes in favor, 4 abstentions) to the purchase of the roll-up proposed in quotation no. 9390 for a total of €354 inc. tax.
Mrs CORNILLOT, Mr HERITIER and Mr DEROIDE are in charge of creating the background for the support that will promote the Commune.
- Application to set up a goat farm
We have received an application from Mrs Adeline BELLENGER, who is planning to set up a goat farm to make goat's cheese, to be sold at the farm and in small shops in the surrounding area, as well as at a few markets. The aim of this farm is to create products that will be sold directly to consumers in the shortest possible circuit between producer and consumer. Once well underway, it could also be used for educational purposes in subsequent years.
The herd would be around 70 goats, but would start with around 40. This project will require the construction of a building (the goat house).
The Municipal Council salutes this entrepreneurial initiative and unanimously agrees to support the project, subject to approval of the construction by the State (RNU).
- Request to install a pizza vending machine
We have received a request from Mr Jean-Michel THUILLIEZ (Pizza Jean Mi) for a possible site for a pizza vending machine.
Board members received the presentation file by e-mail on Monday July 5.
Technical advice was sought to determine the location and existing connections (telephone and electrical).
The contractual framework would be formalized by a commercial lease committing the commune for a minimum of 3 years.
After deliberation, the municipal council unanimously decides not to accept Mr. THUILLIEZ's proposal.
- Hotdogs foodtruck installation request
We have received a request from Mr. Gauthier SOULET to set up a hotdog foodtruck (local products).
The proposal having been approved by the entire Board, Mr. DEROIDE proposes to meet the owner for a more detailed presentation of the project.
- Thanks Club Caprimont
The Mayor informs the Council of letters received from Mme GOUYER, President of Club Caprimont. She thanks the Council for the annual subsidy and informs them that meetings between Club members will resume in August, on the 1st of Thursday afternoon of each month, at the Town Hall.
The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 8:00 p.m.