Minutes of the Municipal Council Meeting
Meeting of March 3, 2017
At nineteen p.m. on the third day of March, two thousand and seventeen, the Municipal Council met in public session under the chairmanship of Claude FERCHAL, Mayor.
Present: Claude Ferchal, Philippe Lefebvre, Denis Grout, Vincent Varin, Jean Pierre Boittout, Jean Pierre Joubert, Eric Lincot, David Petiton, Richard Dupont,
Françoise Gambs, Colette Gouyer, Sandrine Caron
Absent: Mrs Christelle Weber
Mr Ludovic Patin (proxy for Mr Ferchal)
Mr Michel Lecat
Mr Vincent Varin was elected secretary of the meeting.
Invitation date: February 24, 2017
Date posted: February 24, 2017
- Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
- Communications from the Mayor
- Delegate communications
- Opposition to the transfer of Town Planning competence to the "Dieppe-Maritime" Urban Community
- Debate on change of service provider for urban planning documents
- Beach surveillance services 2017 season
- Continuation of sanitation work at the church: 2ème tranche
- Restoration of the beach shelter roof
- Beach Restaurant Agreement 2017-2020
- Seniors' meal
- Cheque acceptance: Insurance reimbursement
- Change in compensation scheme: Administrative department
- 2017 membership fee: Fondation du patrimoine
- Canteen rental rates 2016-2017
Adoption of the minutes of the previous meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting, sent in advance to each member of the Municipal Council, were adopted unanimously, there being no observations.
Communications from the Mayor
- August 19, 1942 : Monsieur le Maire informs the Assembly that a commemorative plaque, financed by the "Commando Vétérans Association", will be affixed to the Place du 4.ème Commando in honour of Captain Patrick PORTEOUS, who was awarded the Victoria Cross for his action with the 4ème Commando.
For the 75ème anniversary, the commune of Sainte Marguerite Sur Mer is planning an exhibition in the Salle du Point de Rencontre in collaboration with the Association "Je me souviens" from August 12 to 21.
- Plan Communal de Sauvegarde : The Plan Communal de Sauvegarde is a crisis management tool.
The Plan Communal de Sauvegarde describes the resources in place to receive the alert, the organizational measures that can be implemented to inform and alert the population, and the essential tasks to be carried out in the event of a crisis. It lists the human and material resources available in the commune to assist and support the population. The commune has identified vulnerable persons. The Plan Communal de Sauvegarde is coming to an end. A presentation to municipal councillors is scheduled for Friday, April 7, 2017 at 6 p.m. in the presence of Madame Sonia HOUZARD, Syndicat des Bassins Versants Saâne, Vienne et Scie.
- Booster station : Following Mr Jean-Pierre BOITTOUT's questioning of safety issues at the last municipal council meeting, the Mayor informed the assembly that a letter from VEOLIA Eau had arrived at the town hall. The letter states that all accesses to the Sainte Marguerite Sur Mer booster and reservoirs are locked. This installation also has intrusion detectors connected to the offices during the day and to the on-call agent outside working hours. These systems indicate if an intruder has entered the station, or if a water access hatch has been lifted.
- Thanks to : The Mayor wishes to thank :
- August 19, 1942 : Monsieur le Maire informs the Assembly that a commemorative plaque, financed by the "Commando Vétérans Association", will be affixed to the Place du 4.ème Commando in honour of Captain Patrick PORTEOUS, who was awarded the Victoria Cross for his action with the 4ème Commando.
- Mrs Monique BOSSE for the Christmas parcel and concert
Delegate communications
- Syndicat des Bassins Versants Saâne, Vienne et Scie Mr. Jean Pierre BOITTOUT, delegate of the Syndicat des Bassins Versants Saâne, Vienne et Scie reports that a meeting was held on Thursday, February 9, 2017. The agenda of this meeting was the inauguration and presentation of the measurement network at Bacqueville and the Scie flood markers at Auffay.
- Green and Blue Mapping : As part of the Green and Blue network, a survey of ponds has been initiated, with a view to obtaining assistance for their restoration. The Mayor will provide details of the owners of land where a pond has been identified. The relevant Dieppe-Maritime departments will contact the interested parties.
Opposition to the transfer of Town Planning competence to the "Dieppe-Maritime" Urban Community
- Syndicat des Bassins Versants Saâne, Vienne et Scie Mr. Jean Pierre BOITTOUT, delegate of the Syndicat des Bassins Versants Saâne, Vienne et Scie reports that a meeting was held on Thursday, February 9, 2017. The agenda of this meeting was the inauguration and presentation of the measurement network at Bacqueville and the Scie flood markers at Auffay.
Law n°2014-366 of March 24, 2014 for Access to Housing and Renovated Urban Planning (ALUR) provides in its article 136 that the Communauté de Communes or Communauté d'Agglomération existing on the date of publication of this law, or one created or resulting from a merger after the date of publication of this same law, and which does not have jurisdiction over a local town-planning plan, a local town-planning document or a local map, becomes so the day after the expiry of a period of three years from the publication of the said law.
However, communes will be able to oppose the implementation of the provision for the automatic transfer of urban planning competence if, in the three months preceding the end of the three-year period, "at least 25 % of communes representing at least 20 % of the population oppose it".
The Town Council, eonsidering the Mayor's presentation, after discussion and deliberation, unanimously :
- CONSIDERING that it would be inappropriate to transfer to an inter-municipal level the responsibility for town planning, which enables communes and municipal councils to freely determine the organization of their living environment, according to local specificities and particular objectives, and in ways that may differ from one commune to another;
- RECALLS that the Communauté d'Agglomération must be seen as an intelligent space for cooperation, born of the will of the mayors;
- REAFFIRMS that the Communauté d'Agglomération - which is not a local authority in the sense of the Constitution - is legitimate only as a tool at the service of its member communes. The degree of effective intercommunal cooperation needs to be considered, discussed and adapted to the local context, and cannot be arbitrarily decreed or authoritatively imposed;
- DECIDES consequently to approve opposition to the transfer of town-planning competence to the "Dieppe-Maritime" Conurbation Community.
Debate on change of service provider for urban planning documents
The Mayor explains to the members of the Municipal Council that, faced with the withdrawal of the State's services in terms of the instruction of acts linked to the Application du Droit des Sols (ADS), the Municipality of Sainte Marguerite Sur Mer, by deliberation n° 2015-015 dated March 27, 2015 decided to entrust the instruction of permits, declarations and operational urban planning certificates to the instruction service of the City of Dieppe. The Mayor has signed an agreement and all related documents.
In this context, the "Dieppe-Maritime" Conurbation Community has made its services available to the communes of Offranville, Varengeville sur Mer, Tourville Sur Arques, Rouxmesnil-Bouteilles and Hautot Sur Mer, and since 1 January 2009, has also made them available to the "Dieppe-Maritime" Conurbation Community.er January 2017 the commune of Sauqueville to instruct their urban planning documents in place of the DDTM, which has withdrawn.
The above-mentioned communes have informed the Communauté d'Agglomération "Dieppe-Maritime" of their satisfaction with the service they receive, and above all that they would not understand being obliged to entrust this task to a neighboring community, and that this was naturally part of the Communauté d'Agglomération's role.
The Communauté d'Agglomération "Dieppe-Maritime" plans to make this service permanent, but logic would dictate that all the communes in the agglomeration should subscribe to this service.
The Mayor gives the cost of the service provided by the "Dieppe-Maritime" Conurbation Community: €1 per inhabitant and €55 per file.
The Mayor explains that the present agreement with the City of Dieppe may be terminated on each anniversary date by either party, subject to six months' notice, without affecting the cost of running the service for the current year. If this were the case, the cost would be due for the entire year.
The Municipal Council, having deliberated, unanimously :
- DECIDES to postpone their decision until the next Council meeting
- REQUEST the Mayor to obtain the Dieppe-Maritime agreement template. Beach Watch services for the 2017 season
Monsieur le Maire informs the members of the Municipal Council that the Service Départemental d'Incendie et de secours is renewing the beach surveillance operation for the 2017 summer season. Beach surveillance for 2016 amounted to €10,208.70.
The Municipal Council, after deliberation, unanimously :
- DECIDES to renew beach surveillance for the 2017 season by the Service Départemental d'Incendie et de Secours for the period from Saturday July 8 to Sunday August 20, 2017, i.e. 44 days for an estimated amount of €10745.52.
- INSTRUCTS the Mayor to sign all documents relating to this operation.
Continuation of renovation work on the church: 2ème tranche
As part of the overall project to restore the Church of Sainte Marguerite Sur Mer, and following a first phase of sanitation work, we have decided to launch the second phase of exterior sanitation work on the north aisle.
Monsieur le Maire proposes a quote from NORMANDIE RENOVATION for a total of €15,428.38 including tax.
The Municipal Council, having heard this presentation and after deliberation, unanimously :
- ACCEPTE the quote from NORMANDIE RENOVATION for €15,428.38 incl. VAT
- SOLICITATES the highest possible subsidy from the Département and the DRAC
- DONATE full powers to the Mayor to sign all related documents. Restoration of the Abri Plage roof
The Mayor explains that the local authority has been asked by the owner of the beach restaurant to repair the roof of the beach shelter.
To date, the roof is made of wood and leaks have occurred during gales and rain. For the 2017 season, the roof of the beach shelter needs to be repaired in the same way as the beach cabins. Monsieur le Maire proposes a quote from SARL DROUET-PICARD for €10,626 before tax.
After deliberation, the Municipal Council unanimously :
- ACCEPTS the quotation proposed by SARL DROUET-PICARD for a pre-tax amount of €10626
- LOAD Monsieur le Maire to sign all related documents. Beach Restaurant Agreement 2017-2020
The rent is made up of a base amount, an investment contribution, all increased by 3 % each year, and a fixed charge for electricity consumption.
The agreement previously signed with Valérie FRANCOIS included a contribution to the investment in the beach shelter until 2019.
As roof waterproofing work is scheduled for 2017 at a cost of €10,626 excluding VAT, it has been agreed that Ms. Charlotte WADOUX, the new manager of the site, will contribute €5,313 (50 %) to this investment. The schedule should have been spread over 9 years, from 2017 to 2025. Mrs Charlotte Wadoux has asked for the schedule to be reduced to 6 years, starting in 2020, so as not to accumulate the remaining instalments on the first contribution.
It has therefore been decided that the amount of €5,313 will be spread over 6 years, i.e. €1,062 per year, or €212.52 per month from 2020, increased by 3 each year.
At this date, the monthly rent will be :
- Current indexed rent: € 562.52
- Participation 1er indexed investment : - 186.41 €
- Participation 2ème investment: + € 212.52
- Electricity package: + € 300.00
So...................... 888.63 €
Every year, from April 15 to April 30 and from September 30 to October 15, free of charge, and from April 1 to April 30 and from September 30 to October 15, free of charge.er May to September 30 in the form of monthly rents payable at the end of each month.
The Commune of Sainte Marguerite Sur Mer rents and makes available to Mrs Charlotte WADOUX, who accepts, for a period of three years, premises located on the beach of Sainte Marguerite Sur Mer for use as a kitchen, as well as a beach shelter serving as a catering area in order to operate a fast-food business.
The Commune of Sainte Marguerite Sur Mer will receive a fee of 514.80 €uros per month for the year 2017 with an increase of 3 % every year according to the preamble, in the case of an extension the monthly rent for the year 2020 will be 588.63 €uros.
This agreement is for a period of 3 years, tacitly renewable for 2 identical periods of 3 years.
This agreement may be terminated by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, at any time, subject to 3 months' notice.
In addition to the rent, a lump sum of €1,500 payable in 5 monthly instalments of €300 has been agreed for electricity consumption, subject to annual review.
The Municipal Council, having deliberated, unanimously :
- AGREES to sign the three-year agreement with the terms and conditions accepted by Ms Charlotte WADOUX
- AUTHORIZES the Mayor to sign the agreement. Seniors' meal
As usual, those aged 65 and over will be invited on March 12, 2017 to share the traditional seniors' meal.
The theme of the meal will be "The Disco Years".
The meal will be prepared by Restaurant de l'Ailly for a menu costing €40 per person.
The Municipal Council, having heard the Mayor's presentation, after deliberation, and unanimously :
- ACCEPTS the organization of the seniors' meal on March 12, 2017 Cheque Acceptance: Insurance Reimbursement
Monsieur le Maire informs the members of the Municipal Council that, following damage to the wood-fired boiler at the Salle du Point de Rencontre following the delivery of wood pellets by the supplier "Chaleur Nature", GROUPAMA insurance has reimbursed us €1,393.56, the amount of the repair bill. The Municipal Council is asked to approve the cheque.
The Municipal Council, having heard the Mayor's presentation, after deliberation, and unanimously :
- DECIDES accept the cheque for €1,393.56 from GROUPAMA insurance company Modification of the Compensation Scheme: Administrative Department
HAVING REGARD TO Law no. 83-634 of July 13, 1983 on the rights and obligations of civil servants, and in particular article 20,
VU la Loi N° 84-53 du 26 janvier 1984 modifiée portant dispositions statutaires relatives à la fonction publique territoriale et notamment son article 88,
VU le décret N° 91-875 du 6 septembre 1991 modifié pris pour l'application du premier alinéa de l'article 88 de la Loi N° 84-53 du 26 janvier 1984 portant dispositions statutaires relatives à la Fonction Publique Territoriale,
HAVING REGARD TO Decree no. 2014-513 of May 20, 2014 creating the RIFSEEP in the French State Civil Service,
VU l'avis du Comité Paritaire en date du 9 décembre 2016,
The Mayor reminds the Municipal Council that the new compensation scheme for functions, hardships, expertise and professional commitment (RIFSEEP), introduced for the French State Civil Service, can be transferred to the Territorial Civil Service.
It consists of :
- An allowance linked to duties, hardship and expertise (IFSE)
- Possibly a supplementary allowance that takes into account professional commitment and the way in which service is performed. The RIFSEEP replaces all bonuses and allowances previously paid, except those for which a continuation is explicitly provided.
The Municipal Council, having deliberated, unanimously :
- DECIDES Article 1 It has been decided to institute the "indemnité de fonctions, de sujétions et d'expertise" and the "complément indemnitaire".
Article 2 IFSE: the IFSE may be paid to trainee and permanent civil servants. It is paid monthly
Article 3 Each job category is divided into function groups with corresponding maximum amounts.
Function group for administrative assistants |
Function group |
Jobs |
Annual amount IFSE ceiling |
Group 1 | Framing
Particular hardship -Town hall secretary manager |
11 340 |
Group 2 | -Assistant
Reception agent |
10 800 |
The IFSE may be adjusted according to professional experience.
Article 4 Article 2: The agents mentioned in article 2 also benefit from an additional allowance which takes into account their professional commitment and the way in which they perform their duties. This supplement will range from 0 to a maximum of 100 %. It is paid annually, in one or two instalments.
Each job category is divided into function groups for which the following maximum amounts apply
Function group for administrative assistants |
Function group |
Jobs |
Annual amount Ceilings CIA |
Group 1 | Framing
Particular hardship -Town hall secretary manager |
1 134 |
Group 2 | -Assistant
Reception agent |
1 080 |
Article 5 The allocation of the IFSE and the additional allowance will be the subject of an individual decree issued by the Mayor, who will set the individual amounts. For the French State, each part of the bonus is made up of a basic amount that can be adjusted individually within the limits specified by ministerial decree. The amounts applicable to local authority employees are set within these ceilings
Article 6 The IFSE and additional benefits are maintained during the following periods of leave:
- Annual leave, maternity and paternity leaveIn the event of ordinary sick leave (including industrial accidents), the IFSE and additional benefits will be paid in the same way as salary.In the event of long-term sick leave, long-term illness or serious illness: payment of the IFSE and additional benefits is suspended.
Article 7 RIFSEEP: the RIFSEEP and the supplementary allowance will be automatically adjusted when the amounts, rates or reference bodies are revalued or modified by a regulatory text.
Article 8 The present resolution will take effect as of January 1.er March 2017 and cancels the previous resolutions concerning the compensation scheme for administrative staff.
Article 9 Any change in regulations that reduces or eliminates the allowance will entail maintaining the amount of compensation available to the agents concerned under previous provisions.
Article 10 The corresponding expenses will be charged to chapter 012 article 6411 of the budget.
2017 dues: Fondation du Patrimoine
Monsieur le Maire explains that the aim of the Fondation du Patrimoine is to help finance projects to restore built heritage through various forms of sponsorship. This assistance is provided through membership of the Fondation du Patrimoine for an annual fee of €55.
The Municipal Council, having deliberated, unanimously :
- AGREES to join the Fondation du Patrimoine for €55
- INSTRUCTS the Mayor to sign all related documents. Canteen rental rates 2016-2017
The Mayor informs the members of the Municipal Council that the rental rates for the Salle du Point de Rencontre and the canteen must be set for the SIVOS LQSASM for the year 2016-2017.
The Municipal Council, having deliberated, unanimously :
- FIXES the rental charge for the Salle du Point de Rencontre and the canteen to the SIVOS L.Q.SA.SM for 2016-2017 at €3,350.
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