On the FOURTH day of JUNE, at EIGHTEEN p.m., in the year two thousand TWENTY ONE, the Municipal Council, duly convened, met in public session under the chairmanship of Mr Olivier de CONIHOUT, Mayor.
In attendance were :
- Olivier de CONIHOUT, Francis LEGROUT, Jean-François DEROIDE, Philippe BOSQUET, David PETITON, Philippe HERITIER, Christophe TIRARD
- Véronique DEPREUX, Brigitte GAUTHIER-DARCET, Christine MOUQUET, Catherine CORNILLOT
Mr David PETITON was elected meeting secretary.
Invitation dates May 28, 2021 Posting date May 28, 2021
After noting compliance with sanitary measures (physical distancing, wearing a mask), the Mayor opened the meeting.
Agenda :
- Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
- Communications from the Mayor
- Communications from the Commissions
- Deliberation to purchase land in Rue de la Ferme
- PLU Deliberation
- Amending decision for capital expenditure 2020 to 2021
- Deliberation to switch to Déclaration Sociale Nominative on 01/01/2022
- Organization of school time
- Opening path 23
- Grants
- Other business
Adoption of the minutes of the previous meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting, sent in advance to each member of the Municipal Council, were adopted unanimously, there being no observations.
Communications from the Mayor
Agenda since last meeting
May 6: TrailWalker Oxfam meeting
May 7: Communication Commission
May 8: Commemorations
May 12: PLU meeting
May 14: Meeting with Mr TOPIN, Bassins Versants (spikes)
May 14: Waste management workshop
May 17: Regional Attractiveness Commission - Agglo
May 17: PLU meeting
May 19: HTAG telephony update
May 19: Demarcation of land Rue de la Ferme
May 20: Safety Commission
May 21: Seine Maritime Attractivité Annual General Meeting
May 25: GSM antenna meeting
May 27: Community Life Commission
May 28: Meeting to open road no. 23
May 28: Electoral roll control commission
May 31: 1st results of the CEREMA study Valleuse de Vasterival
May 31: Town Hall project - Architect Boudet
June 02: Offranville road program meeting
June 04: Meeting with the DDR on road safety in the commune
Upcoming events
June 7: "Eoliennes en Mer" meeting
June 7: Meeting with Mme SIMON (Conservatoire du littoral)
June 7: PLU - Meeting with the "Personnes Publiques Associées" (2pm - meeting point room ?)
June 7: Agglo culture workshop
June 7: SMVOS Council
June 8: Community office
June 10: Annual General Meeting Cap d'Ailly
June 11: Rendez-vous Département - Chemins du bois de l'Ailly
June 14: Syndicat Mixte numérique
June 15: Mayors' Conference
June 18: Dieppe Pays Normand Attractiveness Commission
June 18: Signing of the PACS agreement between Mr Bouteiller and Mrs PETIT
June 19: Operation Clean Beach
June 22: Community Council
June 28: Attractiveness Commission
July 02: PLU - Public meeting (18h/20h - Salle du point de rencontre)
July 03 and 04: Trailwalker OXFAM
July 10: AG ASA
Commission communications
- Safety camera
The Mayor informs the Council that, following a meeting with the Roads Department, a letter has been sent to the President of the Département, requesting the loan of an educational radar.
Its installation over the summer period will enable us to assess the number and speed of vehicles on the Route du Phare.
- Purchase of land Rue de la ferme
The demarcation of Mr and Mrs LEGRAND's plot was carried out by EUCLYD on parcel ZC 40 in order to delimit the public domain. The new parcel (ZC 3), with a surface area of 4707 m², was created.
The price per square meter is set at €1.50, plus notary fees.
Maître Maxime GUERILLON, notary in Yerville, has been chosen to draw up the deed.
The sum of €7060.50 will be charged to item 2111 Bare land.
The Municipal Council unanimously approved the purchase of the plot and authorized the Mayor to sign all the necessary documents.
- Deliberation prescribing the PLU
- the Mayor recalls the history of the PLU studies.
The commune of Sainte-Marguerite-sur-Mer had initiated the revision of its former Plan d'Occupation des Sols (POS) into a Plan Local d'Urbanisme (PLU) through three successive deliberations:
- The first two, adopted on October 14, 2005 and January 13, 2006, prescribed the launch of the procedure;
- The third, adopted on June 9, 2006, sets out the objectives and procedures for consultation.
A first draft of the PLU was approved by the commune on July 12, 2013, accompanied by the Laurence HUBERT architectural firm. This first draft of the PLU was not approved by the Municipal Council.
On November 27, 2015, the commune decided to relaunch the PLU study with a new design office, Euclyd Eurotop. The second draft of the PLU was approved on October 20, 2017, then approved on September 28, 2018.
On November 15, 2018, the Prefect, by means of an ex gratia appeal, asked the commune to cancel the approval of the PLU, on the grounds that the latter was illegal with regard to the Coastal Law (illegal classification of several sectors as hamlets within the meaning of the Coastal Law). In a deliberation dated March 1, 2019, the commune withdrew the approval decision. Since that date, Sainte-Marguerite-sur-Mer has once again been governed by the RNU.
By deliberations of July 25, 2019, October 4, 2019 and January 8, 2021, the new Sainte-Marguerite-sur-Mer municipal council relaunched the PLU study. The PERSPECTIVES firm has been commissioned to complete this mission, leading to final approval of the PLU.
- The Mayor reminds us that article L153-11 of the town planning code stipulates that the commune "prescribes the preparation of the local town planning scheme and specifies the objectives pursued and the consultation procedures, in accordance with article L103-3".
In view of the large number of deliberations relating to the PLU since 2005, the Mayor would like the Municipal Council to clearly summarize and specify the objectives pursued and the consultation procedures.
The municipal council, after deliberation :
Confirms its decision to prescribe the preparation of the Local Urban Plan, in accordance with articles L153-11 to L153-26 and R153-2 to R153-10 of the French Urban Planning Code;
Specifies that the objectives pursued by the municipality during this process are :
- Preserve the current structure of the territory's organization into 3 landscape entities (coastal strip, built-up area, agricultural plateau);
- Preserving interpenetrating spaces;
- Take into account the relief in the logic of future development;
- Ensure moderate and controlled development of the commune;
- Enhance the town's image at the entrance to the town;
- Take into account the presence of risks in the commune;
- Integrate the Basse Vallée de la Saâne territorial project;
- Encourage young couples to settle down and drive demographic growth;
- Attracting new residents to the commune;
- Develop the housing stock and supply;
- Preserving the agricultural belt;
- Preserve and enhance the quality of life (services, facilities, etc.) for the commune's residents and users.
Defines the terms of consultation in accordance with articles L103-2 to L103-6 of the French urban planning code (means of information used and means offered to the public to express themselves and engage in debate):
- A register is available to the public;
- Mail received at the town hall ;
- Elements of the PLU project on display at the town hall;
- Communication in the municipal bulletin;
- Communication on the website of the commune of Sainte-Marguerite-sur-Mer ;
- Organization of a new public meeting.
Specifies that, in accordance with articles R153-20 to R153-22 of the French Urban Planning Code, this deliberation of the municipal council will be posted in the town hall for one month and published in a newspaper circulating in the département. Each of these formalities will indicate where the file can be consulted.
In accordance with article L153-11 of the French urban planning code, this deliberation will be notified to the following associated public bodies:
- The Prefect
- The President of the Region
- Department Chairman
- The SCOT Chairman
- The President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- The President of the Chamber of Trades
- The President of the Chamber of Agriculture
- The President of the public body responsible for drawing up, managing and approving the territorial coherence plan.
- Public bodies responsible for drawing up, managing and approving neighboring territorial coherence schemes
- Amending resolution no. 1 - capital expenditure
As a result of a misallocation in the previous financial year, two receipts totalling €27,268.93 were booked to account 1313 (departmental investment subsidies attached to depreciable assets). However, we do not depreciate. For this reason, we need to cancel the corresponding titles (n°62 and 94) before re-issuing them under 1323 (departmental investment subsidies attached to non-depreciable assets). As this correction was not foreseen when the budget was drawn up, the following DM will have to be made beforehand:
Expenditure: chap 13 (1313) + €27,268.93
Revenue: chap 13 (1323)= - €27,268.93
The amending resolution was unanimously approved by the Board.
- Decision to switch to DSN
Legislation requires local authorities to switch to the Déclaration Sociale Nominative (Nominative Social Declaration) as of January 1.er January 2022.
This involves the remote transmission of social data for payroll purposes.
COSOLUCE, the publisher of our software, has informed us of the urgency of subscribing, given the delay in deploying the computer version.
A quotation has been submitted for a set-up cost of €176.40. This expense will be charged to account 2051 "Concessions and similar rights".
The quote was unanimously accepted by the Municipal Council.
Organization of school time
SMVOS is asking us about the school timetable for our schools. As a reminder :
The renewal of the current organization was unanimously approved by the Board.
Opening of road n°23
Following the May 28 meeting concerning the possible reopening of chemin n°23 (linking Chemin du Petit hêtre to Route de St Martin), Christine MOUQUET informed the Board of the agreement of the farmers concerned.
An estimate drawn up by EUCLYD for the reboring of this land (destroyed more than 50 years ago) proposes an amount of €2,040 including tax.
After deliberation, the Board decided not to take a decision and asked Mrs MOUQUET to request a second estimate for the demarcation.
Mr. HERITIER also proposes that a "neighborhood survey" be carried out.
Municipal subsidies
At its meeting on May 3, the Board decided to postpone the decision on the MARAKANA Association's annual grant (pending further information). The 2020 grant was €500.
An exceptional grant of €700 has also been requested.
Following receipt of the information, the Board unanimously approved the annual and exceptional grants.
Following the program of events for 2021, the Cap d'Ailly Association is requesting the full amount of the 2020 annual grant, i.e. €800.
As Mr. HERITIER, President of the association, did not take part in the vote, the Board unanimously approved the payment of the additional €400 (payment of €400 in May).
Other business
- Electoral roll control commission
Mr Roger SOUDAY (88) has asked to be replaced as delegate for the administration. The prefecture has asked us to propose a replacement.
Mrs. LAFOREST proposes to call on Mr. FRIBOURG (a young resident who would like to get involved - he will help run the polling stations).
The Board unanimously approved the proposal.
- Tractor mower
The commune has a tractor-mower which has been abandoned for several years (deck and blade to be replaced). Insurance for this equipment represents a budget of €165.50 / year.
Mr LEGROUT proposes that the tractor be resold to one of the municipal employees for the sum of €300 including VAT. The proceeds will be entered in article 70388 Other fees and miscellaneous receipts.
The Board unanimously approved the proposal.
- Switchboard
The commune has been asked by HTAG (based in Le Havre) to study the costs and telephone installations.
At present, the town hall has several analog lines. The total telephony/internet cost is around €315. HTAG is offering a quote of around €280, with the lines upgraded to IP.
Monsieur le Maire reminds us that we switched over to fiber for the Town Hall last January. The box has 2 telephone outlets.
The relevance of maintaining the standard will have to be studied.
- Postcards
Fenêtres sur Mer is offering a quote of €46.19 inc. VAT for the production of 1,000 postcards featuring the lighthouse's latest cover, an illustration by Mr STERIN for which we hold the copyright.
The card can be resold for €1 at the Town Hall and at the Petit Café (market receipts).
The Board unanimously approved the quotation and the resale price.
- 100 years Mme BOULONGNE
On July 23, the Cap d'Ailly association will take advantage of the inauguration of its exhibition to honor Mme BOULONGNE. The association has invited the commune to take part in the event.
Mr. Maire proposes the purchase of a plant, possibly a communal medal, and the payment of the vin d'honneur (charged to article 6232 Fêtes et Cérémonies).
The Municipal Council unanimously approved the proposal.
- PPMS kit
Mrs HELUIN, the elementary school teacher, points out that it is compulsory to have a first-aid kit in all safety areas.
Each school is already equipped with one, but the Meeting Point and Town Hall premises are not.
Only the Town Hall is really identified as a fallback site.
An estimate of around €400 has been drawn up by MANUTAN.
The Municipal Council approved the purchase of a case to be made available at the Town Hall.
- PACS / Weddings - Buy flowers
Mme LAFOREST points out that one PACS and two weddings are already scheduled for this year. She asks for the Board's advice on the purchase of bouquets of flowers to be presented at the ceremonies.
The Board unanimously approved this approach. Expenditure will be charged to article 6232 "Fêtes et Cérémonies".
- Installation of a "Chemin de la Mer" bench
We've been approached by a local resident about installing a bench on the Chemin de la Mer to give the elderly a place to rest.
Mr LEGROUT says he will discuss the matter at the meeting with the agents, so that a solution can be proposed.
The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m.