At nineteen o'clock on June 8th, in the year two thousand and eighteen, the Municipal Council, duly convened, met in public session under the chairmanship of Mr Claude FERCHAL, Mayor.
In attendance were Claude Ferchal, Philippe Lefebvre, Denis Grout, Jean Pierre Boittout, Jean-Pierre Joubert, Michel Lecat, Richard Dupont
Mrs. Colette Gouyer
Absent Ms Christelle Weber
Mrs Françoise Gambs
Mr Eric Lincot
Mr David Petiton
Mr Vincent Varin (proxy for Mr Denis Grout)
Mr Ludovic Patin (proxy for Mr Claude Ferchal)
Mrs Colette Gouyer was elected secretary of the meeting.
Invitation dates : the 1er June 2018 Posting date : the 1er June 2018
- Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
- Communications from the Mayor
- Creation of a "Chemin des Frênes" flexible tank fire reserve
- SIVOS agreement
- Contrat à Durée Déterminée - Contract
- Creation of a non-permanent position following a temporary increase in activity - Article 3, 1° of Law no. 84-53 of January 26, 1984
- Don
- Orange refund - Cheque
Adoption of the minutes of the previous meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting, sent in advance to each member of the Municipal Council, were adopted unanimously, there being no observations.
Communications from the Mayor
- Operation to remove sand from the beach at Saint Martin en Campagne and compensatory measure to transfer sea cabbage
Monsieur le Maire informs the Municipal Council that meetings were held with Madame Maguy Constant, Communications Officer at the Centrale de Penly on April 26, 2018 and May 16, 2016.
The agenda for this meeting was the desilting of the Saint Martin en Campagne beach and the compensatory measure for the transfer of sea cabbage.
Sand has accumulated against the west dike of the Penly power plant, and the 300,000 m³ relocation project is scheduled to start in September 2018.
The sea cabbages, a nationally protected species of heritage interest, present on the beach of Saint Martin en Campagne, found on areas reworked by the works, must be reimplanted on nearby host sites according to successful recovery criteria. The two sites considered most suitable for the re-establishment of sea cabbage are the beaches of Criel sur Mer and Sainte Marguerite Sur Mer.
- Thanks to :
Les Consorts BOULLIER would like to thank the Municipality for sending flowers and lending the Town Hall hall on the occasion of the death of Madame Madeleine BOULLIER.
Creation of a fire-fighting reservoir in a flexible tank " Chemin des Frênes
The Mayor informs the members of the Municipal Council that the Seine-Maritime Departmental Fire Defense Regulations, approved by prefectoral decree, have been in force since 1 March 2017. Land-use authorizations must be analyzed in the light of this document. In deliberation no. 2017-054, the members of the Municipal Council approved the installation of two underground cisterns in "Résidence Bel Air" and "Route de saint Martin". Chemin des Frênes is not covered by this system and can only be covered by network extensions, which are very costly. The commune plans to install a 120 m³ capacity flexible tank, create a parking area for firefighters and supply and install a fence with a gate. The CREVECOEUR company has drawn up an estimate of €15,346.80 before tax.
The Municipal Council, having deliberated, unanimously :
- ACCEPTS plans to reinforce and complete its fire protection system
- ACCEPTS installation of a 120 m³ fire-fighting flexible tank
- AUTHORIZED Monsieur le Maire to apply for a grant from the Département and the State
- DONATE full powers to the Mayor to sign all related documents.
SMVOS agreement
Monsieur le Maire states that the Treasurer of the Luneray Public Treasury has sent the commune a draft agreement for the use of the Salle Polyvalente and the canteen.
The purpose of this agreement is to define the financial conditions governing the use and maintenance of the premises. The Mayor proposes a three-year agreement.
The Municipal Council, after deliberation, unanimously :
- ACCEPTS the three-year agreement for an amount of :
- 3600 € for the 2018- 2019 school year
- 3750 € for the 2019 - 2020 school year
- 3950 € for the 2020 - 2021 school year
- AUTHORIZES the Mayor to sign the agreement
Duré contracte Determinede - Market
The Mayor reminds the Municipal Council that article 3,2° of Law no. 84-53 of January 26, 1984 on statutory provisions for the local civil service authorizes the recruitment of contractual agents for non-permanent positions to cover seasonal increases in activity, for a maximum duration of six months over a consecutive twelve-month period, including renewals.
The Mayor also informs the Municipal Council of the need to hire a market receptionist on a seasonal basis, to ensure that the market reception area remains open to the public. These tasks cannot be performed by the commune's permanent staff alone.
Thus; in view of the tasks to be carried out, he proposes to the Assembly to create, from July 7, 2018 until August 25, 2018 a non-permanent job on the grade of reception agent whose weekly duration of service is 3 h and to authorize him to recruit a contractual agent following a seasonal increase.
The Municipal Council, having deliberated, unanimously
- DECIDES to create a non-permanent job to carry out market reception duties following the seasonal increase in activity for a weekly working time equal to 3 h from July 7 to August 25, 2018.
- Remuneration will be based on an hourly rate of €11.50, plus applicable supplements and allowances.
- The corresponding expenditure will be entered in chapter 012 article 6413 of the 2018 primitive budget.
Creation of a non-permanent position following a temporary increase in activity - Article 3, 1° of Law no. 84-53 of January 26, 1984
The Mayor reminds the members of the Municipal Council that Article 3, 1° of Law no. 84-53 of January 26, 1984 on the statutory provisions governing the territorial civil service authorizes the recruitment of contractual agents for non-permanent positions in the event of a temporary increase in activity, for a maximum duration of twelve months over a consecutive period of eighteen months, including renewals.
The Mayor also informed the Municipal Council of the need to provide for the following tasks: Mowing, weeding the cemeteries, beach and sidewalks, hedge trimming, sweeping, cleaning the beach and multi-purpose hall. These tasks cannot be carried out by permanent local authority employees alone.
Thus, in view of the tasks to be performed, he proposes that the Municipal Council create, from June 4, 2018 until September 28, 2018, a non-permanent position on the grade of Adjoint Technique Territorial of 2ème Class for a weekly working time of 35 hours, and to authorize him to recruit a contractual agent for a temporary increase in activity.
The Municipal Council, having heard the Mayor's presentation, after deliberation,
- DECIDES to create a non-permanent position in the grade of Territorial Technical Assistant of 2ème Class to perform following tasks: Mowing, Weeding cemeteries, beach and sidewalks, Hedge trimming, Sweeping, Cleaning the beach and the Salle Polyvalente following the temporary increase in activity for a weekly working time equal to 35 hours from June 4, 2018 until September 28, 2018.
- Remuneration will be based on the SMIC hourly wage of €88, plus applicable supplements and allowances.
- The corresponding expenditure will be entered in chapter 012 article 6413 of the 2018 primitive budget.
Monsieur le Maire informs the members of the Municipal Council that the Association Rotary Club de Tôtes has made a donation of €50 to the Commune de Sainte Marguerite Sur Mer in gratitude for a visit to the Ailly Lighthouse which took place on Sunday, April 22, 2018.
The Municipal Council, having deliberated, unanimously :
- ACCEPTS the donation of €50 to the Commune of Sainte Marguerite Sur Mer by the Association Rotary Club de Tôtes
Orange refund - Cheque
Monsieur Le Maire informs the Assembly that following the change of telephone operator. Orange has reimbursed the Commune de Sainte Marguerite Sur Mer the sum of €9 by cheque, the amount of the cell phone credit.
The Municipal Council, having deliberated, unanimously :
- ACCEPTS the refund of €9 following cancellation of the cell phone subscription
There being no further business, the Mayor thanked all those present and adjourned the meeting at 8:30 pm.