Minutes of the Municipal Council Meeting
November 15, 2019
In the year two thousand nineteen, on the FIFTEENTH OF NOVEMBER, at nineteen p.m., the Municipal Council, duly convened, met in public session under the chairmanship of Monsieur Claude FERCHAL, Mayor.
In attendance were Claude Ferchal, Philippe Lefebvre, Denis Grout, Jean Pierre Boittout, Jean-Pierre Joubert, Richard Dupont, David Petiton
Colette Gouyer, Christelle WEBER
Absent Mrs Françoise Gambs (proxy for Mrs Gouyer)
Mr Ludovic Patin
Mr Eric Lincot
Mr Vincent Varin
Mr David Petiton was elected meeting secretary.
Invitation dates November 7, 2019 Posting date November 7, 2019
- Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
- Communications from the Mayor
- Delegate communications
- Project management for roadworks
- Creation of an Enumerator position
- Council Allowance for the Municipal Treasurer
- Logement Communal - Lease renewal
- Reimbursement of Mrs Ingrid HELUIN's expenses
- Social assistance for municipal employees
- Motion against the new organization of departmental judicial jurisdictions
- Creation of a permanent position for a Principal Technical Assistant of 1era Class
- Opinion on the 1er adoption of the 2020-2025 Local Housing Program
- Don
- Amending Decision No. 3
- Amendment to the contract of Mrs Louise BELLET
- Avis dur le Plan Local d'Urbanisme de Quiberville
- Request for assistance
Adoption of the minutes of the previous meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting, sent in advance to each member of the Municipal Council, were adopted unanimously, there being no observations.
Communications from the Mayor
- Dates to remember:
- December 14, 2019 Children's Christmas
- December 19, 2019 : Next City Council meeting
Delegate communications
- Ailly Lighthouse:
The Mayor gives the floor to Philippe Lefebvre, 1er deputy, who attended the November 6, 2019 meeting concerning the launch of the museographic and scenographic programming study for the Ailly Lighthouse.
This study, conducted on the basis of a Scientific and Cultural Project (SCP), will be divided into two stages. A first phase of diagnosis and pre-programming will lead to the proposal of a scenario for the overall tour of the site. A second phase will specify the sequencing of the museographic proposal, based on the chosen scenario.
The drafting of a PSC is a process aimed at defining the museum's vocation and its development: it is a document that defines the museum's major orientations and strategies for the next five years, taking into account and ensuring the coherence of all the museum's missions: conservation of collections, restoration, acquisition, management, study, research-knowledge and public policy, reception, cultural and educational activities, museography. In the case in point, the priorities developed in the Phare d'Ailly's CSP must take into account a number of unavoidable parameters, intrinsic to the nature of the site, its ownership and the multiplicity of players involved. The main ones are :
- Bringing the project into line with the objectives of the owner (Conservatoire du Littoral) and the manager (Département 76): preservation of natural environments and landscapes and welcoming the public
- Enhancing and respecting the natural heritage close to the buildings (Site Classified as a Sensitive Natural Area)
- Dedicate a museum space to maritime heritage and the role of lighthouses,
- Integrate technical obligations related to lantern operation (DIRM)
- Preserving the authenticity of the site and buildings (listed historic monuments)
- Integrate the project into the creation of a regional or even national "Lighthouse Route
- Integrate a scientific component into the project: set up an observatory/research laboratory in conjunction with the universities of Caen, Rouen or Le Havre.
- Develop an artistic component on the site
The lighthouse is located in the commune of Sainte Marguerite Sur Mer, which boasts a remarkable tourist site:
- The Jardin de Vasterival, a natural setting around the former home of composer Albert Roussel
- Romanesque church showcased during heritage walks
The neighbouring commune of Varengeville Sur Mer is also well known for its natural, cultural and heritage assets:
- Le Jardin des Moutiers, a park planted by Guillaume Mallet in a valley facing the sea
- Shamrock Garden, collection of hydrangeas and hydrangeas
- The Church of Sainte-Valery, whose marine cemetery is home to the graves of Georges Braque and other historic figures from the arts and sciences.
- Le Manoir d'Ango, Italian Renaissance-style summer residence of shipowner Jehan Ango
The lighthouse can be a real attraction for the surrounding sites. What's more, there is no similar structure (visitable lighthouse) less than 190 km to the south (Ouistreham) and 180 km to the north (Calais).
The objectives of the space-based enhancement project :
- The Lighthouse and its technical facilities:
- Restore and upgrade the lighthouse and its technical facilities for public use
- Create a museum space dedicated to the history of the 3 lighthouses and maritime heritage
- Create a museographic space dedicated to the natural site of Cap d'Ailly and the culture of risk.
- Create a reception/ticketing/shop area
- Create an innovative and original dining and relaxation area
- Creating an educational reception area
- Janitor's cottage:
- Create offices, a living room and storage space for site personnel
- Older homes :
- Create event reception areas
- Creating a panoramic belvedere on the upper floor
- The outdoor site :
- Creating a secure cliffside panorama
- Create a visitor trail evoking the history of the site and its natural environment
- Set the scene for immersion in the site's history (path paved with buoys, floats, etc.).
- Provide calibrated services (parking, picnic area, sanitary facilities, bike shelter, etc.).
The project will be included in the Communauté d'Agglomération Dieppe-Maritime's review clause, and will be presented to the agglomeration council in February 2020.
Project management for roadworks
The Mayor reminds the Municipal Councillors that by deliberation no. 2019-008 dated the 1er March 2019, the Municipal Council has accepted the Mayor's proposal to carry out various roadworks: Creation of a turning circle on the Chemin sous Les Bruyères, and the repair of the :
- Chemin Sous Les Bruyères,
- Chemin des Droseras,
- Chemin des Douaniers ,
- Chemin Sous Le Bois.
Appropriations have been voted in the 2019 Budget Primitif. It is now time to appoint a firm to carry out the "Repair of various roadways" project. The Mayor proposes two quotes:
- ARCAADE for €11,900 before tax
- V3D for € 7,080 before tax
The Municipal Council, having heard this presentation and deliberated : VOTE : FOR : 9
- DECIDES to award the project management contract to V3D
- ACCEPTS the quotation from V3D for an amount before tax of € 7,080
- AUTHORIZES the Mayor to award the contract for the work
- GIVES full powers to the Mayor to sign all documents required for this study.
Creation of a job for a census taker
VU :
- Code Général des Collectivités Territoriales, in particular article L. 2122-21-10°.
- Law no. 2002-276 of February 27, 2002 on local democracy, in particular Title V ;
- Decree no. 2003-485 of June 5, 2003 on the population census;
- Decree no. 2003-561 of June 23, 2003 on the distribution of municipalities for population census purposes;
- Decree no. 88-145 of February 15, 1988 on non-tenured employees;
- L'Arrêté du 16 février 2004 fixant l'assiette des cotisations de sécurité sociale dues pour les agents recenseurs ;
On the Mayor's report,
The Municipal Council, after deliberation, unanimously :
- DECIDES to create a non-tenured position in application of paragraph 2 of article 3 of the aforementioned law, to meet occasional requirements for :
- A non-permanent, non-full-time census-taker position for the period from January 6 to February 20, 2020
- DECIDES to set the enumerator's remuneration for this period at €900 net.
- DECIDES that the necessary appropriations will be entered in the 2020 budget in chapter 12 article 64118.
Council Allowance for the Municipal Treasurer
VU :
- Article 97 of amended Act no. 82-213 of March 2, 1982 on the rights and freedoms of communes, départements and regions;
- Décret n° 82-979 du 19 novembre 1982 précisant les conditions d'octroi d'indemnités par les collectivités territoriales et leurs établissements publics aux agents des services extérieurs de l'Etat ;
- L'Arrêté Interministériel du 16 septembre 1983 relatif aux indemnités allouées par les communes pour la confection des documents budgétaires ;
The Municipal Council, after deliberation, unanimously :
- DECIDES to request the assistance of the Municipal Receiver to provide advice and assistance in budgetary, economic, financial and accounting matters, as defined in article 1 of the Decree of December 16, 1983.
- DECIDES to grant a council allowance at the rate of 100 % per annum
- DECIDES that this indemnity will be calculated on the basis defined in article 4 of the aforementioned interministerial decree and will be awarded to Mrs Véronique GAMBLIN, Acting Treasurer of Dieppe Municipale and the local authority's Receiver.
Logement Communal - Lease renewal
The Mayor informs the Assembly that the lease for the communal accommodation is due to expire on December 31, 2019. Mr. Maire proposes that Mr. Franck DUMANOIR's lease be renewed for a period of 6 years from December 1.er January 2020 for a monthly principal rent of €353.60 and €79.19 for utilities (water + heating).
Having heard the Mayor's presentation, the Municipal Council unanimously :
- DECIDES adopt the Mayor's proposal
- AUTHORIZED Monsieur le Maire to sign the lease and define its terms.
Reimbursement of Mrs Ingrid HELUIN's expenses
The Mayor informs the members of the Municipal Council that Mrs Ingrid HELUIN, teacher at Sainte Marguerite Sur Mer Primary School, has advanced the payment of books to reward the 20 children who came to sing the national anthem "La Marseillaise" at the November 11th commemorative ceremony, for a total of €86.57.
Mrs Ingrid HELUIN should therefore be reimbursed.
The Municipal Council, after deliberation, unanimously,
- ACCEPTS to reimburse Mrs Ingrid HELUIN for an amount of 86.57 €.
Social assistance for municipal employees
The Mayor invites the Municipal Council to vote on the introduction of social benefits for local authority staff.
Considering the following articles:
Ä Article 70 of Law no. 2007-209 of February 19, 2007 relating to the local civil service, which stipulates that: "the deliberative assembly of each local authority or the board of directors of a local public establishment shall determine the type of actions and the amount of expenditure it intends to commit to in order to provide the services stipulated in article 9 of Law no. 83-634 of July 13, 1983 relating to the rights and obligations of civil servants, as well as the terms and conditions of their implementation".
Ä Article 71 of Law no. 2007-209 of February 19, 2007 on local government, which adds to the list of compulsory expenditure set out in the Code Général des Collectivités Territoriales by stipulating that expenditure on social benefits is compulsory for communes, general councils and regional councils.
After an analysis of the various possibilities for implementing a Social Action to meet the different needs that employees may encounter, while keeping expenditure within the limits of the budget.
The Municipal Council, having deliberated, unanimously :
- DECIDES to offer a gift voucher worth €50 to the Collectivité's permanent and non-permanent technical service employees (in the form of a Gift Card) for 2019
- DECIDES to offer a gift voucher worth €100 to the Collectivité's permanent administrative service employees (in the form of a Gift Card) for 2019
Motion Against the New Organization of Departmental Judicial Jurisdictions
The reform of the justice system has given rise to lively debate and concern about the future of a humane, local justice system.
The mobilization of the judicial community within the jurisdiction of the Dieppe court, supported by local and national elected representatives, has made it possible to preserve the existence of a court in our district, whose importance in terms of access to rights is well known, as is the economic and social importance of the jobs generated by this vital public service.
The 1er On September 1, 2019, the implementing decrees for the French Justice Programming Act were published, along with the list of specialized civil and criminal matters to be divided between the various courts nationwide.
At present, according to initial information, the plan is to allocate one or two specialties to Dieppe, in return for which certain areas of litigation will be eliminated, including medical liability and the investigation department.
The undersigned elected representatives :
- The jurisdiction of the Tribunal Judiciaire de DIEPPE covers the cantons of Argueil, Aumale, Bacqueville en Caux, Bellencombre, Blangy sur Bresle, Dieppe Est, Dieppe Ouest, Envermeu, Eu, Forges les Eaux, Gournay en Bray, Londinières, Longueville sur Scie, Neufchâtel en Bray, Offranville, Saint Saëns and Tôtes, i.e. 47 % of the territory Seine-Maritime and 240,000 inhabitants.
At a time when our fellow citizens are reaffirming their attachment to proximity more and more each day, at a time when the climatic urgency of reducing travel is both economically and environmentally costly, at a time when the government says it understands the importance of standing by the rural world and medium-sized towns, the elected representatives :
- Demand to stay in Dieppe a Full court and refuse to accept a purely accounting approach to justice, which always results in the relocation of living areas.
Creation of a permanent position for a Principal Technical Assistant of 1era Class
- Code Général des Collectivités Territoriales (General Code of Local Authorities)
- Law no. 82-213 of March 2, 1982 on the rights and freedoms of municipalities, departments and regions;
- Law no. 84-53 of January 26, 1984 on statutory provisions for the local civil service, in particular article 34;
The Mayor informs the members of the Municipal Council that, following promotion to the grade of 1era class of Mr Franck DUMANOIR, it is necessary to create a full-time position of 1era class.
The Municipal Council, having deliberated, unanimously :
- DECIDES to create a full-time position for a 1era class as of 1er November 2020
The local authority's staffing table will be modified accordingly.
Opinion on the 1er Adoption of the 2020/2025 Local Housing Program
On October 8, 2019, the Communauté d'Agglomération Dieppe-Maritime decided to draw up a new Local Housing Program (PLH).
This PLH is the proposed operational roadmap for the period 2020-2025 to meet the SCOT's ambition of producing 180 housing units per year, or 1,080 over the duration of the PLH.
Drawing up this PLH has enabled us to analyze the local housing market, identify needs and bring to light the territory's housing challenges, and establish a program of actions aimed at maintaining the population, reducing vacancy, renewing the stock and producing around 180 new homes per year.
The PLH defines six strategic orientations:
- Better stabilize the population to halt demographic decline by offering new, diversified, high-quality supply.
- Continue and expand the rehabilitation of older housing stock, to deal with substandard housing, massively increase energy renovation and prevent depreciation.
- Define a genuine land strategy to limit urban sprawl and better control development prospects.
- Improving the existing social housing stock, promoting greater social and territorial diversity.
- Better meet the accommodation and housing needs of the most vulnerable households through strengthened partnerships.
- Promote, monitor and evaluate housing policy.
The estimated budget for carrying out this program within the framework of its own appropriations is €9,055,452 over 6 years. The terms and conditions for granting financial assistance for social rental housing will be submitted to the agglomeration council for approval at a later date.
In view of the above, the Municipal Council unanimously :
- DECIDES to issue a favorable opinion on the draft 2020-2025 Local Housing Program of the Communauté d'Agglomération Dieppe-Maritime.
- AUTHORIZES the Mayor to sign all documents required for the execution of this resolution.
The Mayor informs the members of the Municipal Council of a donation in the form of a cheque from :
- L'Association des Chasseurs (Hunters' Association) in the amount of €200 to help with Christmas for local children
The Municipal Council, after deliberation, unanimously :
- ACCEPTS the donation of €200 from the Association des Chasseurs
Amending Decision No. 3
Monsieur le Maire explains to the members of the Municipal Council that the municipal treasurer gave the depreciation accounts after the vote on the 2019 primitive budget. As the appropriations provided for in certain accounts of the 2019 budget are insufficient, it is necessary to make a transfer of funds:
The Municipal Council, having heard the Mayor's presentation, after deliberation, and unanimously :
- DECIDES to make the following budget amendment:
Ø D - Account 2116 - Cemeteries + 3 000.00
Ø D - Account 2158 - Other installations, equipment + 5 700.00
Ø D - Account 2181 - General fixtures and fittings + 1 300.00
Ø D - Account 2315 - Plant, machinery and equipment - 10 000.00
Amendment to the contract of Mrs Louise BELLET
The Mayor explains to the members of the Municipal Council that :
- Law no. 83-634 of July 13, 1983 on the rights and obligations of civil servants,
- Law no. 84-53 of January 26, 1984 on statutory provisions for the local civil service, article 3-3,4°,
- Decree no. 88-145 of February 15, 1988 on the status of contractual agents in the local civil service,
- deliberation no. 2018-033 of September 28, 2018 creating a permanent job for a maintenance agent corresponding to the grade of technical assistant
- Louise BELLET's contract dated October 4, 2018,
In view of the new organization of the Saturday morning market, it is appropriate to increase the agent's weekly hours by 1 hour from 1er January 2020.
The Municipal Council, having deliberated, unanimously :
- DECIDES to increase the weekly working time of this position to 20 hours per week, with effect from January 1.er january 2020
- AUTHORIZES the Mayor to sign an amendment to the fixed-term employment contract of Mrs Louise BELLET
Avis sur Le Plan Local d'Urbanisme de Quiberville
VU :
- Code Général des Collectivités Territoriales ;
- Urban Planning Code;
- the draft PLU of the commune of Quiberville approved on October 17, 2019 by the Communauté de communes Terroir de Caux's Conseil Communautaire;
- That, in accordance with the Code de l'Urbanisme, the draft Local Urban Plan for the commune of Quiberville has been transmitted to the commune of Sainte Marguerite Sur Mer, which has three months to give its opinion as an associated public body;
The Municipal Council, after deliberation, unanimously :
- DECIDES to issue a favorable opinion on the draft PLU of the commune of Quiberville as adopted by deliberation of the terroir de Caux community council on October 17, 2019 with the following remark:
- On the zoning plan: No indication of the modification of the Saâne outlet in the future reconnection project.
Request for assistance
Monsieur le Maire informs the members of the Municipal Council that he has received a financial request from Madame OPER for a contribution towards the payment of a cleaning and disinfection bill following the death of her husband, in the amount of €2,994.00.
The Mayor proposes to help this family with a non-refundable sum of €3,000, if the insurance company does not cover the bill. In the event of partial coverage, an additional payment will be made, up to the amount of the invoice including VAT.
The Municipal Council, having deliberated, VOTED: FOR: 9
- DECIDES to grant additional or total financial assistance of €2,994 to Mrs OPER.
- AUTHORIZES the Mayor to sign all related documents.
There being no further business, Mayor Claude FERCHAL thanks all those present and closes the meeting at 8.45pm.
For certified extract
The Mayor,