At nineteen p.m. on the twentieth day of October, two thousand and seventeen, the Municipal Council met in public session under the chairmanship of Claude FERCHAL, Mayor.
Present: Claude Ferchal, Philippe Lefebvre, Denis Grout, Jean Pierre Boittout, Jean-Pierre Joubert, Michel Lecat
Colette Gouyer, Sandrine Caron, Françoise Gambs
Absent: Mrs Christelle Weber
Mr David Petiton (proxy for Mr Grout)
Mr Richard Dupont (proxy for Mrs Gouyer)
Mr Vincent Varin
Mr Ludovic Patin
Mr Eric Lincot
Mrs Sandrine Caron was elected secretary of the meeting.
Invitation date: October 12, 2017 Posting date: October 12, 2017
– Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
– Communications from the Mayor
– Ruling on the Local Town Planning Scheme (PLU)
– Creation of 2 fire-fighting reserves
– Pavement repair "Rue aux Juifs
– Nursery school joinery
– Beach Extension: Creation of New Cabins
– Christmas parcels
– Christmas concert
– Don
Adoption of the minutes of the previous meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting, sent in advance to each member of the Municipal Council, were adopted unanimously, there being no observations.
Communications from the Mayor
- Dates to remember:
- Upcoming town councils November 24, 2017
- Theater :
Monsieur le Maire informs the members of the Municipal Council that a theater performance is being organized on Sunday, November 19, 2017 in the Salle du Point de Rencontre. The play to be performed is entitled "Ma chambre froide" by Joël Pommerat, directed by Jean-François Levistre. A flyer is to be distributed to letterboxes in the commune.
- Association pour le Sauvetage de l'Eglise de Sainte Marguerite :
Monsieur le Maire informs the members of the Municipal Council that a new donation campaign has been launched to raise funds for the work.
Ruling on the Local Town Planning Scheme (PLU)
The Mayor presents the following information to the Municipal Council:
– the objectives pursued by the community and which motivated the development of the PLU:
- . Maintain the current structure of the territory's organization into 3 landscape entities (coastal strip, built-up area, agricultural plateau).
- . Preserving spaces of interpenetration
- . Take into account the relief in the logic of future development
- . Ensuring moderate and controlled development of the commune
- . Enhancing the town's image at the entrance to the town
- . Taking into account the presence of risks in the commune
- . Integrating the Basse Vallée de la Saâne territorial project
- . Encouraging young couples to settle down and drive demographic growth
- . Attracting new residents to the commune
- . Developing the housing stock and supply
- . Preserving the agricultural belt
- . Preserve and enhance the quality of life (services, facilities, etc.) for the commune's residents and users.
– The debate that took place within the Municipal Council at the meeting of August 4, 2017 on the general orientations of the Sustainable Planning and Development Project (PADD).
– The essential elements of the PLU project, and the stage it has reached in the procedure
– The results of the consultation process carried out during the preparation of the PLU project, the terms of which correspond to those defined by the deliberation of the Municipal Council on June 9, 2006;
This consultation took the following form (means of information used and means offered to the public to express themselves and engage in debate):
- . Mail received at the town hall
- . Register available to the public
- . Exhibition of the elements of the PLU project at the town hall
- . Posting on the notice boards at the town hall of the various stages in the procedure.
- . Communication on the Sainte-Marguerite-sur-Mer website
- . Organization of 2 public evening meetings (11/10/2016 and 06/07/2017)
This consultation revealed the following points:
– Interesting turnout at public meetings (30 people per meeting)
In addition, two meetings with associated public bodies were held at the "diagnosis / Sustainable Development and Amenity Project (PADD)" phase and at the "regulatory translation" phase, on 02/05/2016 and 15/12/2017 respectively.
Having heard the Mayor's presentation and deliberated, the Municipal Council decides :
- To approve the results of the consultation process as presented by the Mayor, in application of article L. 103-6 of the Code de l'Urbanisme,
- To adopt the draft Local Urban Plan as appended to the present deliberation
- To submit the draft plan for approvalin accordance with articles L153-16, 17 and 18 of the French Urban Planning Code:
– The public bodies involved in its preparation, as mentioned in articles L132-7 and L132-9 of the Code de l'Urbanisme (the State, the Region, the Département, the organizing authorities stipulated in article L. 1231-1 of the Code des transports, the Etablissements Publics de Coopération Intercommunale with jurisdiction over the PLH, the Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie territoriale, the Chambre des Métiers, the Chambre d'Agriculture and the section régionale de la conchyliculture).
– To the Commission Départementale de la Préservation des Espaces Naturels, Agricoles et Forestiers (CDPENAF) (the CDPENAF must be consulted in all cases concerning the reduction of extensions and annexes to dwellings in zones A and N);
– And, at their request : neighboring communes, public establishments of inter-communal cooperation directly concerned, and the Commission Départementale de la Préservation des Espaces Naturels, Agricoles et Forestiers (CDPENAF) (Departmental Commission for the Preservation of Natural, Agricultural and Forest Areas).
In accordance with article R.153-3 of the Code de l'Urbanisme, the present deliberation will be posted in the town hall for one month.
A copy of the deliberation adopting the PLU project (accompanied by the draft plan) will be sent to the prefect of the Seine-Maritime department.
Creation of 2 fire-fighting reserves
The Mayor informs the members of the Municipal Council that the Seine-Maritime Departmental Fire Defense Regulations, approved by prefectoral decree, have been in force since 1 January.er March 2017. Land-use authorizations must be analyzed in the light of this document. Certain parts of the commune, such as Résidence Bel Air and the end of Route de Saint Martin, are not covered by this system, and can only be covered by very costly network extensions. The commune plans to create two underground cisterns with a capacity of 120 m³. The "Résidence Bel Air" tank will be buried in the heart of the residence, in an area of green space, while the "Route de Saint Martin" tank will be installed on the communal land adjoining the cemetery. V3D CONCEPT has drawn up two quotations:
– Résidence Bel Air for €37,940.00 excluding VAT
– Route de Saint Martin for €36,200.00
The Municipal Council, having deliberated, unanimously :
– ACCEPTS the project to reinforce and complete its fire protection system
– ACCEPTS installation of two 120 m³ fire-fighting tanks
– AUTHORIZES the Mayor to apply for a grant from the Département, the State and the Communauté d'Agglomération de DIEPPE MARITIME
– AUTHORIZES the Mayor to sign all related documents.
Pavement repair "Rue aux Juifs
The Mayor explains to the members of the Municipal Council that the Rue aux Juifs will have to be restored after the networks have been removed, the street lighting installed and the fire tank installed. The roadway is already in serious disarray, with potholes. For the safety of users, it is urgent to undertake reinforcement work. The estimated cost of repairs to the "Rue aux Juifs" municipal road is €25,827.00 excluding VAT.
The Municipal Council, having heard the Mayor's presentation, after deliberation, and unanimously :
– ACCEPTS the Mayor's proposal
– AUTHORIZES the Mayor to apply for a grant from the Department and the State
– AUTHORIZES the Mayor to sign all related documents.
Nursery school joinery
The Mayor explains to the members of the Municipal Council that the windows and doors at the nursery school need to be replaced, in particular because of poor thermal insulation. Mr. Maire presented a quotation from Menuiserie HEBERT for the supply and installation of aluminum joinery at a cost (excluding VAT) of €15,655.50.
The Municipal Council, having deliberated, unanimously :
– ACCEPTS the Mayor's proposal
– AUTHORIZES the Mayor to apply for a grant from the Department and the State
– AUTHORIZES the Mayor to sign all related documents.
Beach Extension: Creation of New Cabins
Due to the ever-increasing demand for seasonal rentals, the construction of 7 additional beach huts has become necessary. Monsieur le Maire consulted Menuiserie HEBERT and SARL DROUET-PICARD, builders of the 3 additional beach huts built in 2016, as well as Entreprise CARPENTIER for the earthworks.
Monsieur le Maire presents the quotations:
- Ø Menuiserie HEBERT has submitted a quotation of €54,215.00 (excluding VAT) for the construction, excluding roofing, of 7 beach cabins.
- Ø The HEBERT carpentry firm has submitted a quotation of €3,715.00 (excluding VAT) for an exotic hardwood frame to accommodate the floor in front of each cabin.
- Ø SARL DROUET-PICARD has submitted a quotation of €7,535.04 (excluding VAT) for the copper roofing of 7 beach cabins.
- Ø Entreprise CARPENTIER has submitted an estimate of €14,848.13 (excluding VAT) for earthworks to accommodate the 7 beach cabins.
The total cost of these 3 service providers amounts to €80,313.17 before tax.
The Municipal Council, having heard and deliberated, unanimously :
– DONATE a favorable opinion on this operation
– ACCEPTS quotations from :
- Ø Menuiserie HEBERT has submitted a quotation of €54,215.00 (excluding VAT) for the construction, excluding roofing, of 7 beach cabins.
- Ø The HEBERT carpentry firm has submitted a quotation of €3,715.00 (excluding VAT) for an exotic hardwood frame to accommodate the floor in front of each cabin.
- Ø SARL DROUET-PICARD has submitted a quotation of €7,535.04 (excluding VAT) for the copper roofing of 7 beach cabins.
- Ø Entreprise CARPENTIER has submitted an estimate of €14,848.13 (excluding VAT) for earthworks to accommodate the 7 beach cabins.
For a total of €80,313.17 before tax.
– SOLICITATES a grant from the Seine-Maritime department for the highest possible amount
– SOLICITATES a grant from the Communauté d'Agglomération de Dieppe-Maritime (Dieppe-Maritime Conurbation Community)
– DONATE full powers to the Mayor to sign all documents required to implement this decision.
Christmas parcels
The Mayor informs the members of the Municipal Council that the "CCAS" Commission met on Friday October 20th at 6pm, with the "Christmas parcel" on the agenda. The Mayor informs the Assembly of the Commission's decision to give preference to traders from the weekly Saturday morning market for the composition of the parcels. The amount of the parcel is €20 for a single person and €30 for a couple.
The number of people aged 70 and over eligible for Christmas parcels this year is 87:
– 21 couples
– 45 single people
The Municipal Council, after deliberation, unanimously :
– DECIDES to follow the advice of the "CCAS" commission in favoring the merchants of the weekly Saturday morning market.
– DECIDESdistribute Christmas parcels to people aged 70 and over
– FIXES the amount for :
Ä Single person €20 + half a bottle of Champagne
Ä A couple at €30 + a bottle of Champagne
Christmas concert
Monsieur le Maire explains to the Assembly that the Cap d'Ailly Association is organizing a Christmas concert to be held on Sunday, December 17, 2017 in the Church of sainte Marguerite Sur Mer
As usual, people aged 70 and over are invited, and their places are paid for by the Commune.
The Municipal Council, having heard the Mayor, unanimously :
– DECIDES to invite people aged 70 and over to the Christmas Concert to be held on Sunday, December 17, 2017 in the Church of Sainte Marguerite Sur Mer.
Monsieur le Maire has received a cash donation of €27 from Mr and Mrs Philippe HERITIER in recognition of the lively weekly market, which reinforces the commune's image as a friendly place to do business.
The Municipal Council, having heard this presentation and after deliberation, unanimously :
– ACCEPTS the donation of 27 € from Mr and Mrs Philippe HERITIER
There being no further business, the Mayor thanked all those present and adjourned the meeting at 9:30 pm.
For certified extract
The Mayor,
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