In the year two thousand and TWENTY, on the TWENTY-FIFTH day of SEPTEMBER, at EIGHTEEN p.m., the Municipal Council, having been duly convened, met in public session under the chairmanship of Mr Olivier de CONIHOUT, Mayor.
In attendance were :
Messrs Olivier de CONIHOUT, Francis LEGROUT, Jean-François DEROIDE, Philippe BOSQUET, Christophe TIRARD, Philippe HERITIER, David PETITON
Véronique DEPREUX, Catherine CORNILLOT, Christine MOUQUET, Brigitte GAUTHIER-DARCET
Mr Jean-François DEROIDE was elected meeting secretary.
Invitation dates September 18, 2020 Posting date September 18, 2020
Agenda :
- Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
- Communications from the Mayor
- Projects 2021 - Syndicat Départemental d'Energies (SDE)
- Membership of a consortium for the purchase of energy and related services (SDE)
- Creation of a permanent post in the technical department (trainee post for Mr RAMBERG)
- Modification of the decision concerning the compensation scheme (administrative department)
- Other business
Adoption of the minutes of the previous meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting, sent in advance to each member of the Municipal Council, were adopted unanimously, there being no observations.
Communications from the Mayor
Agenda since last meeting
August 29, 3pm: AG ASA Vasterival
1er September 2:30 p.m.: Press briefing - Saâne project
September 5 12pm: Departure of Catherine Quessandier, Town Hall Secretary
September 7, 6pm: Dieppe Conurbation Mayors' Conference
September 8 10:30 am: Meeting with EUCLYD (PLU)
September 8, 6pm: Mayors' meeting (security and public order)
September 9, 6 p.m.: CSLA AGM
September 11, 6pm: Meeting of Seine-Maritime Mayors (ADM 76)
September 18: Inhumation of Mr Didier GUEROUT
September 25, 4pm: Church tour
Upcoming events
September 27: Senate elections
September 28 10:30 am: Meeting with Mr JUMEL, Member of Parliament
September 28 18h: SMVOS meeting in Longueil (Framework agreement)
September 29, 2pm: SCOT (Schéma de COhérence Territoriale) meeting
September 29, 6pm: Dieppe Conurbation Community Council
September 30 9:30am: Meeting with the Envermeu DDR (Offranville)
October 2, 3pm: Information meeting on coastline retreat (Petit Caux)
October 8, 9am: Watershed meeting (Mr LEGROUT)
October 9, 2pm: Agglomération Architecture and Urban Planning Department (Ms DEPREUX)
October 13 9:30 a.m.: Comité d Développement du Tourisme et des Sports nautiques general meeting
October 14, 10 a.m.: Territories workshop + elected representatives' lunch
October 15, 2:30 pm: Conseil d'Architecture, d'Urbanisme et de l'Environnement (CAUE) bungalow zone (Mme DEPREUX)
The next Conseil Communautaire of the Agglomération de Dieppe takes place on Tuesday September 29.
The agenda includes the appointment of various representatives for unions and commissions.
The commune has been asked to sit on certain points. Monsieur le Maire informs the council and asks for everyone's views on a possible position. The following representation of the Communal Council was agreed:
- Commission Locale d'Evaluation des Charges Transférées: Mr Philippe BOSQUET
- Commission Intercommunale des Impôts Directs: Member - Mr Philippe BOSQUET; Substitute - Mr Jean-François DEROIDE
- Commission Consultative d'Elaboration et de Suivi du Programme Local de Prévention des Déchets Ménagers et Assimilés: Mrs Christine MOUQUET
- Syndicat Mixte pour la Promotion de l'Activité Transmanche: Mr Olivier de CONIHOUT
- Seine-Maritime Attractivité: Mr Olivier de CONIHOUT
- Mission Locale Côte d'Albâtre: Ms Catherine CORNILLOT
- Boards of directors of local public secondary schools: Candidate for alternate member - Mrs Véronique DEPREUX
The Mayor also points out that a Dieppe-Maritime representative will be appointed to the Association Nationale des Elus du Littoral (ANEL). Although the commune has not been asked to take part, it seems worthwhile to join the Association. Following her proposal, Madame Catherine CORNILLOT is appointed by the Council to become a member of this association on behalf of the commune. The Council also approved payment of the annual membership fee of €141.
Communications from the Assistants
- Technical department
The Syndicat Départemental d'Energies (SDE 76) has sent us its call for projects for 2021. Mr. LEGROUT met with Mr. BOUTIN on September 9 to review current projects and studies. A second meeting is scheduled for October 7.
The SDE is also proposing membership of a consortium for the purchase of energy and related services. In view of the cost study carried out, it seems worthwhile to accede to this request. The Municipal Council validates the request with 10 votes in favor and one abstention.
Mr Damien RAMBERG's internship was discussed and approved at a previous meeting. In order to implement this decision, it is necessary to deliberate on the creation of a permanent position (transformation of the fixed-term contract into a permanent position). The Board gives its unanimous approval.
Mr LEGROUT informs the Board that the leaf vacuum cleaner has broken down. Repairs would cost around €1,500. Given the age of the equipment, he suggests replacing it. He presents a quote from Garage du Poinçon for €4,794.30 inc. tax.
The Board unanimously approved the purchase of the leaf vacuum cleaner.
- Communication
Mr DEROIDE informs the Board that the Facebook page has been online since September 5.
Regular communication is needed to keep residents better informed about communal activities.
He also reports on preparations for the annual edition of "Le Phare", and invites everyone to submit articles for it by 1 December 2020.
- Community life
The Société Protectrice des Animaux offers its support in the management of stray cats, notably through the loan of trap cages. The minimum annual subsidy is €210. The Board unanimously approved the grant.
With regard to the organization of various ceremonies and events, Ms. DEPREUX requests the Council's agreement to propose that Ms. BELLET work occasional overtime. The Board approved unanimously.
Other business
In view of the health measures in force and the decree dated September 25, the Council decided to cancel the seniors' meal. Aware of the interest shown in this event, the communal life commission will schedule a discussion with former members of the CCAS to consider other proposals.
Mme LAFOREST, Mairie secretary, will be on vacation from October 19 to 25.
The Mayor adjourns the meeting at 8:30 pm.
For certified extract
The Mayor,
Olivier de CONIHOUT