Minutes of the Municipal Council Meeting
Meeting of July 31, 2020
The year two thousand and TWENTY, on the TENTH of JULY, at EIGHTEEN p.m., the Municipal Council, duly convened, met in public session, under the chairmanship of Mr Olivier de CONIHOUT, Mayor.
In attendance were :
- Olivier de CONIHOUT, Francis LEGROUT, Philippe HERITIER, David PETITON,
- Véronique DEPREUX, Catherine CORNILLOT, Christine MOUQUET, Brigitte GAUTHIER-DARCET
Absent excused Jean-François DEROIDE, Christophe TIRARD and Philippe BOSQUET
Powers Jean-François DEROIDE to Philippe HERITIER, Christophe TIRARD to David PETITON and Philippe BOSQUET to Brigitte GAUTHIER-DARCET.
Mrs Catherine CORNILLOT was elected meeting secretary.
Invitation dates July 21, 2020 Posting date July 21, 2020
Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
- Communications from the Mayor
- Appointment of a defense correspondent
- Hiring of technical staff - Mr Damien RAMBERG
- Request from Mme BOURLET - Authorization to hold a vin d'honneur (wine reception)
- Commissions
- Other business
Adoption of the minutes of the previous meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting, sent in advance to each member of the Municipal Council, were adopted unanimously, there being no observations.
Communications from the Mayor
Agenda since last meeting
July 11: Meeting with Mr CHAMBELLAN - Presentation of ASA Vasterival
July 18: Meeting with the Mayor of St Aubin sur Mer to discuss telephone coverage.
July 31: Service Gestion des Espaces Naturels (sentier du littoral) - Development of hiking trails (loops by difficulty level), projects on certain sites...
With regard to the meetings of the Dieppe Conurbation's Conseil Communautaire (July 16 and 23), the Mayor reports on the election of Patrick BOULIER as Chairman. He also highlighted a number of new features, notably the creation of transversal commissions (attractiveness, quality of life and digital transition).
A number of Board members have also expressed an interest in participating in a number of working groups: Ms CORNILLOT for tourism, Ms MOUQUET for watersheds, Mr de CONIHOUT for digital development and Mr HERITIER for culture and heritage.
Upcoming events
August 6 2.30 pm: DDTM / PLU - Mrs FOUGY
August 21 16h: MP Xavier Batut (following a meeting with the Mayor of St Aubin sur Mer): presentation of the commune
August 24 18h: SMVOS meeting
August 29, 3pm: AG ASA Vasterival
September 5 12pm: Departure of Catherine Quessandier, Town Hall Secretary
Arrival of Mr David PETITON at 6.40 pm.
Appointment of a defense correspondent
Following communication from the Rouen National Service Center, we need to pass on the name of the commune's Defense correspondent.
The primary role of defense correspondents is to inform and raise awareness of defense issues among local residents (military census, military training days, etc.). They are also privileged contacts with the civilian and military authorities in the département and the region.
Following his application, Mr. David PETITON was unanimously appointed defense correspondent for the commune.
Hiring of personnel - Mr Damien RAMBERG
Mr LEGROUT mentions Mr RAMBERG's case.
The latter has been employed on a fixed-term contract in the technical services department since June 04, 2018. His third fixed-term contract expires on September 30, 2020 and cannot be renewed. A decision must be notified to the agent at least one month before the end of the contract.
Mr. LEGROUT points out that the scope of the tasks to be carried out requires the presence of 3 agents (replacement for vacations, illness, increased activity during the summer season, etc.). The agent is ready to commit himself and to undergo training.
The Centre de Gestion de la Fonction Publique (CDG) has been contacted to obtain the classification (step) on the technical assistant grade (1st grade in technical). They have yet to make the calculations, taking into account previous service.
Gross salary today: €1539.45;
Minimum gross salary at traineeship without seniority: €1,532.33
Maximum gross salary offered by CDG - Step 5 - €1555.39
In view of Mr RAMBERG's very satisfactory service record, Mr LEGROUT proposes that he be placed on probation with effect from 1 January.er October 2020. The Board unanimously agrees.
Request from Mme BOURLET - Authorization for a vin d'honneur
Mme BOURLET has asked the Mairie to authorize her to hold the vin d'honneur for her wedding (on June 05, 2021 at around 5pm) on the seafront, in the grassed area.
The question was raised at a meeting of the "Vie Communale" committee, and opinions were divided. This is a precious space. The lawns, designed by architects to create an overhang towards the sea, are still very fragile. It's a public space that everyone can enjoy, especially from June onwards when the weekend crowds become more intense.
After discussion, the Board decided not to grant the request.
Urban planning / PLU
Commission meetings have been held, and meetings have already been scheduled with the Direction Départementale des Territoires et de la Mer on August 6, and a second to be confirmed with EUCLYD (for the construction of the dossier) on the morning of September 8.
Community life
Madame MOUQUET returns to the subject of the organization of the seniors' meal (November 29, 2020). She points out that several neighboring towns have cancelled. Monsieur le Maire recommends maintaining the event, but making sure to indicate "subject to health measures" on the invitation.
Requests to several entities to make the descent to Vasterival beach safer have been ignored. Mr. LEGROUT suggests a partnership with the commune of Varengeville Sur Mer and the installation of poles and posts. Mr LEGROUT proposes a partnership with the commune of Varengeville Sur Mer and the installation of posts and rope to create a guardrail along the staircase. Madame GAUTHIER-DARCET adds that this would enable costs to be shared.
The work is therefore scheduled for week 32 and will be carried out by municipal staff.
Other business
Catherine CORNILLOT has received a request from Chez Céline (smoked salmon) for permission to have a stand at the market. The Board approved the proposal and asked that this type of request be handled directly by Mr. BOSQUET, the market referent.
September 05, 2021 has been set as the date for a reception to mark the retirement of Madame Catherine QUESSANDIER, Town Hall Secretary.
Mr. HERITIER informs the Board that the invitation cards have been prepared and will be distributed shortly.
After studying the proposals, the municipal council unanimously approved the presentation of a gift card and the order of a bouquet of flowers.
The Mayor closed the meeting at 8.15pm.
For extract
Certified true
The Mayor,
Olivier de CONIHOUT