
Minutes of the Municipal Council Meeting

Meeting of February 16, 2018

At nineteen o'clock on the sixteenth day of FEBRUARY, in the year two thousand and eighteen, the Municipal Council, duly convened, met in public session under the chairmanship of Monsieur Claude FERCHAL, Mayor.


Present: Claude Ferchal, Philippe Lefebvre, Denis Grout, Jean Pierre Boittout, Jean-Pierre Joubert, Michel Lecat, Richard Dupont

 Colette Gouyer, Françoise Gambs


Absent: Mrs Christelle Weber

                            Mr David Petiton (proxy for Mr Grout)

                            Mr Vincent Varin (proxy for Mrs Gouyer)

                            Mr Eric Lincot

                            Mr Ludovic Patin (proxy for Mr Ferchal)



Françoise Gambs was elected secretary of the meeting.



Invitation date: February 9, 2018 Posting date: February 9, 2018





–       Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting

–       Communications from the Mayor

–       Delegate communications

–       V3D quote: Project management for the installation of 2 fire tanks

–       Sales proposal: Telephone provider

–       Don

–       Deposit for the Salle du Point de Rencontre




Adoption of the minutes of the previous meeting


The minutes of the previous meeting, sent in advance to each member of the Municipal Council, were adopted unanimously, there being no observations.


Communications from the Mayor


  • Dates to remember:


  1. Seniors' meal March 18, 2018


  • Theater :


Monsieur le Maire informs the members of the Municipal Council that he has been contacted by the Théâtre de la Bataille for a new musical show, "SANS INTERDIT", whose repertoire is made up of cheeky, daring, funny and even... forbidden songs.

The performance will take place on Saturday, November 3, 2018.


  • PLU :


Monsieur le Maire informs the Assembly that the responses from associated parties are starting to arrive at the town hall. All have issued favorable opinions, some with observations and requests for corrections.


  • Thanks to :


The Mayor wishes to thank :

–       Mrs Monique BOSSE for the Christmas parcel and concert


Delegate communications


  • Club des Communes :


Jean-Pierre BOITTOUT, Club des Communes delegate, reports on a meeting held on 1ster February 2018 in Dieppe. The agenda of this meeting was the actions to be implemented, possibly, for the Sustainable Development days.




V3D quote: Project management for the installation of two fire tanks


The Mayor explains to the Municipal Council the commune's objective of improving fire risk coverage in areas not covered. Three areas - Résidence Bel Air, the end of Route de Saint Martin and Chemin des Frênes - are not covered by this system. The commune plans to create two underground cisterns in "Résidence Bel Air and Route de Saint Martin" and a covered basin in "Chemin des Frênes". V3D is proposing a quote for a project management mission to install the two underground fire tanks. The Mayor proposes to wait for the estimate for the covered tank, and decides to postpone the project until the next Council meeting.


Sales proposal: Telephone supplier


The Mayor informs the General Meeting of the project to renew the telephony package.

OPTIPRO Groupe MSI 2000 and CORIOLIS propose a switchboard installation. The main objectives of this proposal are to :

–       optimize telephone reception

–       help increase the town hall's resources and reduce telephony costs.

GROUPE TELECOM, our current supplier, made an appointment on February 26, 2018.


The Municipal Council, having considered the above, unanimously :


–       DECIDES to postpone the telephony package renewal project until the next Board meeting




The Mayor informs the members of the Municipal Council of a donation in the form of a cheque from :

–       Kermesse des Clochers de l'Ailly in the amount of €1,000


The Municipal Council, after deliberation, unanimously :


–       ACCEPTS the donation of €1,000 from the Kermesse des Clochers de l'Ailly


Deposit: Meeting Point Room rental


The Mayor invites the Municipal Council to vote on an increase in the rental deposit for the Salle du Point de Rencontre.


During the last rental, damage to the hall was noted. The hirers paid to repair the wall, but the deposit was too low (€100), so we had to ask for a supplement. Monsieur le Maire proposes that the deposit be set at €1,000, the cheque being returned after the inventory of fixtures.


The Municipal Council, having deliberated, unanimously :


–       DECIDES to set the deposit for the Salle du Point de Rencontre at €1,000




There being no further business, the Mayor thanked all those present and adjourned the meeting at 8:30 pm.



For certified extract


The Mayor,



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