In the year two thousand and TWENTY ONE, on the THIRD day of SEPTEMBER, at EIGHTEEN hours and THIRTY minutes past midnight, the Municipal Council, having been duly convened, met in public session under the chairmanship of Mr Olivier de CONIHOUT, Mayor.

The following were present:
- Olivier de CONIHOUT, Francis LEGROUT, Jean-François DEROIDE, Philippe BOSQUET, Christophe TIRARD, Philippe HERITIER
- Véronique DEPREUX, Brigitte GAUTHIER-DARCET, Christine MOUQUET, Catherine CORNILLOT
- Mr David PETITON

Mr Jean-François DEROIDE was elected meeting secretary.

Invitation date: August 24, 2021 Posting date: August 24, 2021

After noting compliance with sanitary measures (physical distance, sanitary pass), the Mayor opened the meeting.


- Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
- Communications from the Mayor
- Communications from the Commissions
- Modification of the Restaurant de la Plage agreements
- Agreement for the installation of a foodtruck
- Cheque cashed: kermesse des deux clochers
- Purchase of an encrypted hard disk
- Other business


The minutes of the previous meeting, sent in advance to each member of the Municipal Council, were adopted unanimously, there being no observations.


Agenda since last meeting
July 10: Vasterival ASA Annual General Meeting
July 10: "Sur les chemins du Phare" Festival - MARAKANA Association
July 14: Wreath-laying ceremony (11 a.m.) - Greetings from the Mayor (11:30 a.m.) - "18h à la plage" concert
July 19: Signing of the purchase of the "Rue de la Ferme" plot of land
July 20: CEREMA site visit (Valleuse de Vasterival)
July 23: Summer Salon opening - Cap d'Ailly
July 25: Feast of Saint Marguerite (Mass at 10:30 a.m.)
August 16: Meeting with Mr TOPIN (Bassins Versants) for the "Rue de la Ferme" project.
August 19: Canadian Raid commemoration ceremonies
August 24: Communications Committee
September 01: Community Life Commission
September 02: Meeting with GAN Assurances to review contracts

Upcoming events

September 10: Meeting to organize commemorations for August 19, 2022
September 11: Wedding of Mr FRIBOURG and Ms ALESSANDRI
September 11: Musical readings by Cap d'Ailly - Church
September 18: Wedding of Mr LAIGNIER and Ms SANNIER
September 18: Opening of the lighthouse for Heritage Days - Cap d'Ailly
September 19: Watershed visits to check structures
September 27: Community Office
September 27: Closing seminar for regional workshops
September 27: Regional Attractiveness Commission
September 28: Community Council
October 02: Concert Poème harmonique - Cap d'Ailly - Eglise de Longueil
October 15: Finance meeting (Brigitte GAUTHIER-DARCET and Magali LAFOREST)

Next Town Council meeting: Friday, October 15 at 6:30 p.m.


o Communication Commission

- Newsletter
The next newsletter is currently being designed.
It will be available for distribution by neighborhood referents from September 15.
Consideration can now be given to the next edition of Le Phare. The Board proposes that the Communications Commission set up a retro-planning.

- Kakemono
Madame CORNILLOT, Messrs BOSQUET and DEROIDE met to work on the visual for the Kakemono. They thanked Madame Nathalie HERITIER for her photo suggestions. A further meeting will be held to draw up the final design.

o Community Life Commission

- Organization of the "repas des anciens
The next seniors' meal will be held on Sunday, November 21, 2021, starting at 12:00 pm.
It will be offered to residents aged 67 and over (around 60 people).

- Preparing the children's Christmas
The children's Christmas show and party will take place on Saturday December 11 from 4pm.
Ms MOUQUET is awaiting the details of the quotation for the service.

o Work on Rue de la Ferme

- Fence Rue de la Ferme

Following the purchase of the land and prior to the creation of the Rue de la Ferme ditch, it is necessary to fence off the plot.
Three quotations were requested and two were received.
After deliberation, the Municipal Council agreed to carry out the work and approved the quote from Environnements et Forêts for €5,278.16.
The expenditure will be charged to item 2128 Other fixtures and fittings.

o Green waste collection

Maintenance of the green spaces this year has proved very complicated.
In addition to climatic conditions, which led to more sustained plant growth, green waste collection by municipal workers increased sharply.
From one day of collection (Tuesday), the agents have moved to a day and a half (i.e. 40% of weekly working time). Bags are no longer supplied by the Communauté d'Agglomération. Collection conditions are also difficult.

Many residents regularly comment on the upkeep of green spaces throughout the commune.

Mr. LEGROUT proposes that the Communauté d'Agglomération be contacted in order to carry out the transfer of competence proposed last year. This would lead to an increase in household waste tax for residents.
The solution of cancelling the service altogether does not seem feasible, as it would force residents to take their green waste to a waste collection center.

The Communauté d'Agglomération will be contacted shortly to assess more precisely the impact on the household waste collection tax.
The decision is therefore postponed until the Board meeting of October 15, 2021.


In accordance with the provisions of the agreement, the current agreements will not be renewed.

The termination of the two agreements (restaurant and oyster bar) was sent by registered mail.

A call for projects will shortly be launched to examine all ideas from interested applicants. The review will be based on a dossier submitted by each applicant, the expected content of which is detailed in a call for projects, a copy of which has been given to each Board member.

This call for projects will be posted on the Town Hall notice boards and will also be available on the Commune's website.


At its meeting on July 09, the Council approved the installation of a foodtruck by TRUCK MULTICOLORE, represented by Mr. SOULET Gauthier; Parking de la plage.

As no news has been received to date, we have postponed the decision on the duration and rates to be applied.


We have received a cheque for €500 from the Association des Clochers de l'Ailly, to be donated following the Clochers' fair on Sunday August 1, 2021. A letter of thanks has been sent on behalf of all members of the Board. A resolution is required to collect the money.

Board members unanimously approve.


The Data Protection Regulation requires that computer documents be protected.
Today, data backup remains on simple external hard disks.
Mr DEROIDE proposes that these be replaced by a hard disk whose data can be encrypted.
A quote from ABIS for €99.48 was proposed.
After deliberation, the Board approved the purchase from ABIS.


- Incorporation of a vacant property into the municipal private domain Parcel A 345

In view of the order of the Dieppe Judicial Court n° 21/00133 dated July 26, 2021 declaring the estate of Mrs Françoise MARIE widow MESNIER-PIERROUTET vacant,
Considering that no owner has asserted his rights, nor claimed the land cadastred A 345, with a surface area of 603 m²,

Having heard this presentation and after deliberation, the Municipal Council unanimously approves,
- authorizes the commune to contact the trustee of the estate (Trésor Public de Picardie et de la Somme) to make known its wish to sell the parcel by mutual agreement;
- authorizes the Mayor to sign, in the name and on behalf of the commune, any administrative, technical or financial document required to implement this resolution

- Stagiairisation of Mrs Louise BELLET

Ms. BELLET's fixed-term contract expires in November 2021.
After 3 years, it becomes necessary to discuss the possibility of an internship prior to tenure.
Ms. BELLET was interviewed by Ms. DEPREUX on Wednesday September 1. A job description was drawn up and validated by the employee and the local authority.

Ms. BELLET's internship will result in the abolition of a non-permanent position and the creation of a permanent one. At present, her contract is for 20h/week. The duration will remain unchanged. The job description specifies that Ms. BELLET will be present on Saturday mornings at the market, as well as for occasional ceremonies (New Year's greetings, senior citizens' meal, etc.).
The probationary period could begin on November 1, 2021, with tenure possibly starting on November 1, 2022.

The Municipal Council unanimously approved the creation of a permanent part-time technical assistant position (20h/week) corresponding to the traineeship of Mrs Louise BELLET.

- Annual bonus for technical staff

Question raised with Mme DEPREUX before Mme BELLET's interview:
An annual compensation supplement (CIA) that takes into account professional commitment and the manner in which service is rendered is awarded annually to municipal employees.

In 2019, the IAC for administrative staff has been reduced.

In view of our staff's qualifications and motivation, the Municipal Council unanimously approved an increase in the CIA to €200 (i.e. an extra €100 per staff member, paid in November).

- Proposal for zumba / dancefit classes

Emilie Bocquet has asked Mme Mouquet to give a zumba/dancefit class (one hour) at Ste-Marguerite. Her association (les quiberladies) has been operating successfully in Quiberville for several years, working with schoolchildren. She has plans for a show in association with Marakana.
Madame Mouquet proposes the 6:30-7:30 p.m. slot on Fridays.

- 2022 City Council meeting schedule

Together, the Board members drew up the following provisional timetable:

- Friday, January 21, 2022 - Friday, June 24, 2022
- Friday, February 18, 2022 - Friday, September 02, 2022
- Friday, March 18, 2022 - Friday, October 14, 2022
- Friday, April 29, 2022 - Friday, November 25, 2022
- Friday, May 20, 2022 - Friday, January 06, 2023

The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 8:45pm.

For extract
Certified true

The Mayor
Olivier de Conihout