The year two thousand TWENTY ONE, the EIGHTH of JANUARY, at EIGHTEEN P.M., the Municipal Council, duly convened, met in public session under the chairmanship of Mr Olivier de CONIHOUT, Mayor.
The following were present:
- Olivier de CONIHOUT, Francis LEGROUT, Jean-François DEROIDE, Philippe BOSQUET, Christophe TIRARD, Philippe HERITIER,
- Véronique DEPREUX, Catherine CORNILLOT, Brigitte GAUTHIERDARCET, Christine MOUQUET
Absent excused: Mr David PETITON
Proxy : Mr David PETITON to Mr Philippe HERITIER
Mr Jean-François DEROIDE was elected meeting secretary.
Invitation date: December 29, 2020 Posting date: December 29, 2020
After noting compliance with sanitary measures (physical distancing, wearing a mask), the Mayor opened the meeting.
- Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
- Communications from the Mayor
- Communications Commissions
- Projects with SDE 76
- Cancellation of Coriolis contract - Internet de la Mairie
- PLU - Replacement of design office
- Other business
The minutes of the previous meeting, sent in advance to each Board member
There being no observations, the report was adopted unanimously.
Agenda since last meeting
December 1: PLU Commission - Bureau d'Etudes Geostudio
December 1: Conference of Mayors - Dieppe Maritime Conurbation
December 3, 10:30 a.m. - Meeting with Conservatoire du Littoral, Département and Bassins Versants
December 3: SMVOS Syndical Committee meeting - Christine MOUQUET and Jean-François DEROIDE
December 7: Trailwalker Oxfam 2021 - Project manager visit - Véronique DEPREUX
December 8: Meeting with Mrs LEROUX - Agglomération - Waste management
December 8: Agglomération Community Council meeting
December 11: Meeting on the Local Program for the Prevention of Household and Assimilated Waste - Christine MOUQUET
December 11: Meeting with Mme PECQUET (Agglomération) - SCOT presentation
December 14: Dieppe Pays Normand Council - Longueville sur Scie
December 15: Comité Syndical Bassins Versants Saâne, Vienne et Scie - Christine MOUQUET
December 15: SDE 76 project meeting
December 17: Meeting with Antoine HACHIN (Dieppe Seine Nationale) - Philippe HERITIER and Véronique DEPREUX
December 17: Seine Maritime Attractivité meeting
December 18: Meeting with Gauvin ALEXANDRE, Perpectives Urba design office (PLU)
December 21: Church - Architect Coralie DANTAN
December 29: Installation of Orange fiber at the Town Hall
January 04: Church - Architect Virginie LECA
January 8: Finance Committee
Upcoming events
January 13: Meeting with Erwan JOUBAUD (Department) - Francis LEGROUT
January 13: Dieppe Pays Normand - SCOT
January 21: Presentation of fire defense regulations by Clément JOLY (Service Départemental d'Incendie et de Secours).
January 25 (3:30 pm): Economic Development Commission - Dieppe Pays Normand
January 25 (4pm - Rouen) : Syndicat Mixte de Promotion de l'Activité
January 28: Appointment with Mr Jean-Marc LACIRE at the Tax Office,
principal treasurer, for the preparation of the 2021 budget - Brigitte GAUTHIER-DARCET and Magali LAFOREST
February 2: Agglomeration Community Office
Miscellaneous communications
- Syndicat Départemental d'Energie (SDE 76) activity report 2019
- Departmental subsidies: maximum subsidizable expenditure raised from €350 to €400,000 for administrative and technical buildings, and €2 million for heritage restoration.
- Nuclear exercise around the Penly nuclear power plant on March 23 and 24, 2021
Commission communications
o Trailwalker Oxfam 2021
Madame DEPREUX reminds us that the next edition of the Trailwalker will pass through the commune (checkpoint) on the night of Saturday July 3 to Sunday July 4, 2021.
200 teams of 4 runners are expected, along with their "supporters". The Community Life Committee will be looking into the possibility, in addition to making the meeting point room available (sanitary facilities, breaks, etc.), of contacting partners who could offer a take-away food service.
o Updating the Communal Safeguard Plan (PCS)
The safety commission informs of regulations requiring the PCS to be updated every 5 years. The last version was produced in 2017. In view of the renewal of the Municipal Council (10 out of 11 members), a first update will have to be carried out so that a new decree can be sent to the Prefecture.
o SDE 76 projects - 2021
Mr LEGROUT sent each member of the Board the 5 preliminary 2021 projects drawn up with the Syndicat Départemental d'Energie following the December 15th meeting:
1- Replacement of 20 obsolete masts with 23 LED masts (Total cost: €43,152, financed in part by the SDE - remaining cost: €17,619.50)
2- Upgrading of all public lighting control cabinets + solar mast in the Phare d'Ailly sector (Total cost: €34,968, partly financed by the SDE - Outstanding balance: €12,556.75)
3- Replacement of 78 obsolete and energy-guzzling lanterns with LEDs on existing masts (Total cost: €102,240, financed in part by the SDE - Remainder: €36,914.50)
4- Replacement of 22 obsolete, energy-guzzling floodlights around the church (Total cost: €36,600, partly financed by the SDE - Remainder: €16,3410.50)
5- Replacement of Front de mer masts (Total cost: €68796, financed in part by the SDE - Remainder: €36340.50)
Mr LEGROUT would like the projects to be prioritized so that they can be included in the 2021 budget. He points out that the total amount to be borne by the commune is €119,741.75, and that VAT recoverable in N+2 would be €47,626. The Mayor points out that all projects are equally important and must be carried out. He therefore proposes a vote of approval by the Council for all the projects.
The Council approved the proposals and authorized the Mayor to sign all related documents and apply for any subsidies.
o Cover for the next issue of "Le Phare" and poster design
As mentioned at the previous meeting, Mr LEGROUT has contacted Mr Nicolas STERIN, author and illustrator of the comic strip "Polète", to propose an innovative cover for the "Phare". All rights to the illustration will be transferred, and 900 posters will be produced for sale in the town hall or at the weekly market in the small café. A framed poster is also proposed for the Town Hall. An estimate of €730 is proposed.
The Board unanimously approved the cover and posters. The amount will be charged to account 6232 Fêtes et Cérémonies.
o Installation of fibre optic cable in the Town Hall - Termination of contract with Coriolis
For several months now, our ISP has been asked to solve the problem of untimely Internet connections. On November 6, an audioconference was held with the Coriolis sales representative, during which a technician was to be dispatched and a more advantageous quote proposed. A simple "reboot" of the box was carried out (after a reminder) and no quotation was received. In a registered letter dated November 21, we asked Coriolis to respect the commitments made during the audioconference.
competition. Following further connection problems, a quote was received from Orange on December 4 for the installation of fiber at a cost of €52 per month excluding VAT. Installation took place on December 29, 2020. To date, all equipment is working perfectly. The Mayor requests the Council's agreement to terminate the subscription.
from Coriolis.
The agreement is unanimous.
o PLU - Replacement of the design office
As mentioned at the previous meeting, the EUCLYD company, commissioned by the previous council, seems to have lost interest in the project (no progress on their part and absence from meetings). The PLU commission therefore contacted two other consultancies to help move the project forward. Perspectives Urbanisme et Paysages proposed an estimate of €18,150. The PLU commission therefore proposes that the contract with EUCLYD be terminated, that the procedure be resumed and that the design office listed in deliberation no. 2019-040 of October 4, 2019 be changed.
The Board unanimously approved the resumption of the PLU development process by Perspectives Urbanisme et Paysages.
The amount will be included in the 2021 budget.
o Amending Decision No. 1
On December 16, we received an invoice from the Communauté d'Agglomération for €1,772.01, corresponding to the compensation payment for the month of December. The amount charged to the chapter to which this invoice should have been made was underestimated in the budget drawn up for 2020. After consultation with the treasury department, a budget amendment is required to enable the invoice to be paid. This involves transferring the missing credits (€1,210) from account 022 - Unforeseen expenditure, to account 739211 - Compensation payments.
The Board gave its unanimous approval.
The Mayor adjourns the meeting at 8:00 pm.