Minutes of the Municipal Council meeting of January 21, 2022
In the year two thousand TWENTY TWO, on the TWENTY-FIRST DAY of JANUARY, at EIGHTEEN THIRTY minutes past midnight, the Municipal Council, duly convened, met in public session under the chairmanship of Mr Olivier de CONIHOUT, Mayor.
The following were present:
- Messrs Olivier de CONIHOUT, Philippe BOSQUET, David PETITON, Christophe TIRARD, Mr Jean-François DEROIDE, Francis LEGROUT
- Véronique DEPREUX, Brigitte GAUTHIER-DARCET, Catherine CORNILLOT
Absent excused :
- Mrs Christine MOUQUET and Mr Philippe HERITIER
Power :
- Mr Philippe HERITIER to Mr Jean-François DEROIDE
- Mrs Christine MOUQUET to Mr Francis LEGROUT
Mr Jean-François DEROIDE was elected meeting secretary.
Invitation date: January 14, 2022 Posting date: January 14, 2022
After noting that the sanitary measures had been complied with, the Mayor opened the meeting.
- Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
- Communications from the Mayor
- Communications from the Commissions
- Beach animation project
- Agreement to participate in snow clearing operations
- Vasterival valley
- Secretariat computer replacement
- Climate law and resilience - coastline recession
- Other business
The minutes of the previous meeting, sent in advance to each member of the Municipal Council, were adopted unanimously, there being no observations.
Agenda since last meeting
December 11: Merchants' Christmas party
December 11: Children's Christmas
December 11: Annual General Meeting of the church preservation association
December 13: Seine-Maritime Attractivité Board of Directors meeting
December 14: Ailly Lighthouse Management Committee
December 14: Appointment with the Agglo's paths manager - Valentin ADNET
December 14: Prefectural meeting on coastline retreat (Quiberville)
December 15: Dieppe Pays Normand cluster council
December 19: Christmas concert - Church - Cap d'Ailly
December 20: PACS Mr DANGER and Mrs BOUZICK
December 23: Beach entertainment juries
January 6: Community Life Commission
January 10: CEREMA study feedback meeting - Vasterival valley
January 10: Bureau Seine-Maritime Attractivité
January 11: Seine-Maritime Attractivité meeting in the area
January 14: Beach sub-committee
January 20: Coastline recession meeting at the Prefecture
January 20: August 19 preparatory meeting with the sub-prefecture
January 21: Presentation of the EPR 2 project
January 28: Presentation of LEADER funds
Upcoming events
February 1: Agglo meeting - Financial and Fiscal Pact
February 11: Appointment for the beach convention - Seine-Maritime Attractivité (Mme Corruble)
February 15: Watershed Syndicate
February 18: Finance Committee at 5 p.m.
February 19: End of the PPA consultation phase for the PLU
Next Town Council meeting: Friday, February 18, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
o Beach animation project
Monsieur le Maire reports that 8 projects have been proposed for beach entertainment.
4 applications were shortlisted by the working group; one of the applicants withdrew. Additional documents were requested.
Following interviews with the 3 remaining candidates, the working group selected the project submitted by Mme BOÉ and Mr BOULANGER.
The Mayor therefore proposes that Council members approve the proposal. A precarious occupancy agreement will be drawn up. In view of the major investment required (empty premises), the working group proposes a provisional period of one year at a symbolic rent of one euro.
After deliberation, the Council unanimously agreed to sign a precarious occupancy agreement with Mme BOÉ and Mr BOULANGER, for which the rent will be one euro for one year.
o Community Life Commission
The commission met on Thursday January 6, 2022.
Monsieur le Maire informs us that, following a meeting with the sub-prefecture, commemorations of the 80th anniversary of the 1942 landings will take place in the commune on Saturday August 20, starting at 11am at the beach.
o Snow removal agreement
An agreement was signed on January 6, 2014 with Mr Roland GUEUDIN, a farmer in Quiberville.
Its purpose is to carry out snow removal and/or salting operations, at the Mayor's request and in accordance with his instructions.
Following recent telephone contact with Mr GUEUDIN, the agreement needs to be updated so that insurance companies can take it into account.
After deliberation, the members of the Municipal Council unanimously decided to renew the agreement.
o Vasterival valley
A meeting to present the CEREMA report was held on January 10, 2022.
The study shows that an additional soil survey is required.
An estimate of €11,300 was submitted by CEREMA.
The Municipal Council agrees to carry out the additional study (the cost of which will be shared with the commune of Varengeville-sur-Mer) and authorizes the Mayor to apply for an ANCT grant.
o Coastline retreat
Monsieur le Maire informs Council members that the Ministry of Ecological Transition is currently consulting local authorities on the draft decree establishing the list of local authorities primarily affected by coastline retreat.
This consultation will be carried out locally under the authority of the Préfets de département, who will be assisted by the DDTM. The commune of Sainte-Marguerite is one of 4 designated as "priority" communes in Seine-Maritime (250 communes throughout France). The Mayor was able to meet the Prefect at a meeting on this subject on Thursday January 20.
This subject will be raised again at the next Board meeting, once further information has been received.
o Replacement of secretarial computer
The secretarial computer is showing signs of weakness.
Switching to Windows 10 and updating business software has severely slowed capacity. For some weeks now, recurrent crashes have been occurring. Connection to the fiber is via a key, as the current tower does not support wifi.
An estimate of €1,286.40 was obtained from ABIS.
This includes the replacement of the tower and screen, and the complete transfer of files and software.
The Municipal Council unanimously approved the replacement of this equipment.
o Work on the town hall
The application to declare the work has been accepted.
Mr BOUDET, the architect, has drawn up a breakdown of the lots for the work, and should be able to provide the figures in a few days' time.
Grant applications must be submitted quickly.
After deliberation, all Council members authorized the Mayor to submit applications for subsidies from the DETR, DSIL, the Département and the CRTE (Contrat de Relance supported by the Communauté d'Agglomération Dieppe-Maritime).
o Organization of the "Sur les chemins du Phare" Festival
Mr DEROIDE informs the Board that a meeting to fine-tune the "security" aspect of the event is scheduled for February 11, 2022, starting at 5pm.
In addition to the safety committee and the organizing members of the Marakana Association, the Gendarmerie, the Sous-Préfecture and the Fire Brigade were also invited.
The Mayor adjourns the meeting at 9pm.