Minutes of the Municipal Council Meeting
Session of July 25, 2019
In the year two thousand nineteen, on TWENTY-FIVE JULY, at nineteen p.m., the Municipal Council, duly convened, met in public session under the chairmanship of Monsieur Claude FERCHAL, Mayor.
In attendance were Claude Ferchal, Philippe Lefebvre, Denis Grout, David Petiton, Jean Pierre Boittout, Jean-Pierre Joubert, Richard Dupont
Colette Gouyer, Françoise Gambs
Absent Ms Christelle Weber
Mr Ludovic Patin
Mr Eric Lincot
Mr Vincent Varin
Mr David Petiton was elected meeting secretary.
Invitation dates July 12, 2019 Posting date July 12, 2019
- Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
- Communications from the Mayor
- Delegate communications
- Debate on the re-launch of the PLU
- Fixed-term contract - Replacement of a civil servant - Article 3, 1° of Law no. 84-53 of January 26, 1984
- MARAKANA Association" grant
- Reimbursement of CIGOGE expenses - Mrs LEMOINE
- Motion against the prospect of a reduction in the proximity of public finance services and the dismantling of the network of municipal treasuries
- Proposal to purchase cadastral archive documents
- Don
- Communauté d'Agglomération "Dieppe-Maritime": Transfer of "Social Action" Competence
- Communauté d'Agglomération "Dieppe-Maritime" Definition of Community Interest in business parks
- Amending Decision No. 2
Adoption of the minutes of the previous meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting, sent in advance to each member of the Municipal Council, were adopted unanimously, there being no observations.
Communications from the Mayor
- Acknowledgements :
The Mayor informs the Municipal Council of the thanks of :
- The "CAPRIMONT" Association and the "JUBILEE" Association for payment of the municipal subsidy
- Food Truck Request:
Monsieur le Maire informs the members of the Municipal Council that a request to set up an itinerant "food truck" business has been received at the Town Hall.
The Mayor explains that this is just a project for 2020. After discussion, the members of the Municipal Council decided that the decision would be taken at the next Municipal Council meeting.
Delegate communications
- Sludge spreading plan for the Dieppe wastewater treatment plant :
Mr Jean-Pierre BOITTOUT, reports that a meeting was held on Thursday June 27, 2019. The agenda of this meeting was the presentation of the results of the sludge spreading campaigns of the City of Dieppe's wastewater treatment plant. Sludge is spread over 49 communes, representing 6,700 tons of sludge dumped. The Communauté d'Agglomération "Dieppe-Maritime" carries out 20 controls and 24 soil analyses per year.
- Syndicat des Bassins Versants Saâne, Vienne et Scie :
Jean-Pierre BOITTOUT attended a meeting of the Syndicat des Bassins Versants Saâne, Vienne et Scie. The Syndicat is planning to set up a flood prevention and action program (PAPI). The aim of this program is to promote integrated flood risk management with a view to reducing the damaging consequences for human health, property, economic activities and the environment. As a contractual tool between the French government and local authorities, the PAPI scheme enables the implementation of a comprehensive policy, designed on the scale of the risk basin.
Created in July 1999, the Syndicat des Bassins Versants Saâne, Vienne et Scie is organizing a major event to celebrate its 20th anniversary. To mark the occasion, it is offering free, fun and sporting walking, canoeing and cycling tours "discovering the flora and fauna, flood markers, flood control facilities, Longueil marshes..." on September 21 and 22, 2019.
Debate on the re-launch of the PLU
Monsieur le Maire points out that the land in the hamlets of Blancmesnil le Haut and le Bas and the land at Chemin des Frênes has become unbuildable following the ELAN law, which states that in coastal communes, all land in hamlets cannot receive new construction. Monsieur le Maire proposes that we take up again the communal PLU project and update it with the regulatory data and context.
The Municipal Council, having considered the above, unanimously :
- DECIDES to resume the PLU project after being informed of the costs involved
- DONATE all powers to the Mayor to sign all documents required for this study.
Contrat de Durée Déterminée - Replacement d'un Fonctionnaire - Article 3,1° de la Loi n° 84-53 du 26 janvier 1984
The Mayor reminds the Municipal Council that the provisions of article 3-1 of Law no. 84-53 of January 26 1984 on statutory provisions relating to the local civil service allow for the recruitment of contractual agents to ensure the temporary replacement of civil servants or contractual agents authorized to carry out their duties or unavailable due to annual leave, sick leave, serious or long-term illness, long-term leave, maternity or adoption leave, parental leave or parental presence leave, family solidarity leave, civil service, participation in operational, civil security or health reserve activities, or any other leave regularly granted in application of the regulations applicable to contractual agents in the local civil service.
The Mayor explains that the needs of the service may justify the rapid replacement of unavailable civil servants or contractual agents.
The Municipal Council, after deliberation, unanimously,
- AUTHORIZED Monsieur le Maire to recruit contractual agents under the conditions laid down in article 3-1 of the aforementioned Law no. 84-83 of January 26, 19894 to replace civil servants or contractual agents temporarily unavailable. He will be responsible for determining the recruitment and remuneration levels of the candidates selected according to the nature of the functions concerned, their professional experience and their profile.
- The corresponding expenditure will be entered in chapter 012 article 6413 of the 2018 primitive budget.
Grant Association MARAKANA
The Mayor informs the members of the Municipal Council that they have to decide on a subsidy request from the MARAKANA Association.
The MARAKANA Association has organized a Dance and Music festival on Saturday July 6, 2019 and asks if the commune could participate with an exceptional subsidy of €500 according to its budget.
The Municipal Council, after deliberation, VOTED: AGAINST: 1
FOR: 7
- DECIDES to approve this exceptional grant of 500 euros.
- AUTHORIZES the Mayor to sign the necessary documents
Reimbursement of CIGOGE expenses - Mrs Lemoine
Having regard to the decision taken at the CCAS meeting of October 10, 2003 concerning the payment of the cost of installing a tele-assistance system for the elderly,
Having regard to deliberation N° CCAS 2015-012 concerning the dissolution of the CCAS,
Having regard to deliberation no. 2015-049 of November 27, 2015 concerning the dissolution of the CCAS,
In view of the fact that the CCAS has been dissolved, the commune of Sainte Marguerite Sur Mer is now directly responsible for the functions mentioned in the Code de l'Action Sociale et des Familles (Social and Family Action Code), which were previously carried out by the CCAS,
The Mayor informed the General Meeting that Mrs Jacqueline LEMOINE had had a telecare system installed as a matter of urgency. Monsieur le Maire has received a letter from Madame LEMOINE requesting reimbursement of the installation costs, and proposes to reimburse these costs, which amount to €33.53.
Having heard the Mayor's presentation, the Municipal Council unanimously :
- DECIDES to reimburse Mrs Jacqueline LEMOINE for the cost of installing a remote assistance system in the amount of €33.03
Motion against the prospect of a reduction in the proximity of public finance services and the dismantling of the network of municipal treasuries
On the eve of the summer, Gérald Darmanin, the French Minister of Action and Public Accounts, informed local elected representatives of a project to reorganize the services of the Regional Public Finance Departments, specifying that this project would be open to consultation until October.
Meetings on the first working hypotheses for this reorganization have already taken place. For the Seine-Maritime region, the plan is to open 15 new reception points in addition to the existing network. At the same time, however, it is planned to close 46 treasuries in Seine-Maritime, including the municipal treasuries of Eu, Blangy-sur-Bresle, Aumale, Forges-les-Eaux, Neufchâtel-en-Bray, Envermeu and Dieppe, and replace them with 17 accounting management services. The closure of the treasuries, which will result in job losses, is part of the government's stated objective of reducing the number of civil service posts by 50,000 by the end of the five-year period.
As a result, elected representatives, including many mayors of different political persuasions, are wondering about the future of the public finance service in their area: what precise, local response will be provided tomorrow to local authorities, taxpayers and citizens, not only private individuals but also numerous SMEs, shopkeepers and craftsmen, farmers and the self-employed?
The present motion affirms the support of the elected members of the Municipal Council for the employees of the Public Finance Department, the demand for transparency regarding the ins and outs of the planned reform, and the need for a genuinely shared reflection on the resources allocated to guarantee a local public finance service.
The local Public Finance network has been drastically reduced: 631 treasuries have closed in France since 2009, including Le Tréport, Offranville and Clères, and 750 local accounting positions have been eliminated.
In our department, 600 Public Finance jobs have disappeared between 2003 and 2018, including 46 in 2018 alone. In Dieppe, the Center has shrunk from 100 agents just a few years ago to around fifty today. The land registry service and the registration unit of Dieppe's business tax department were transferred to Rouen in 2017. The land registry service is currently under threat, as are those in Yvetot and Neufchâtel, and would also be transferred to Rouen.
A local service par excellence, each treasury has a number of missions:
- Budgetary and accounting management of local authorities and their public establishments, hospitals and certain housing agencies;
- Collection of taxes and receivables ;
- Local tax advice and support for debt rescheduling requests;
- Consulting for local authorities.
As part of this reorganization, accounting management would be handled by new departments, and advice to local authorities would be provided by dedicated managers.
For local residents, cash payments can no longer be made at our reception points. In practical terms, people who do not have a bank card or chequebook will have to travel to more distant treasuries, or even contact an organization that manages debt collection on an outsourced basis following a call for tenders.
In his letter to elected representatives, the Minister acknowledges that previous reforms had been decided "without any overall territorial visibility, and without elected representatives, the population and employees always being properly informed upstream.
He is therefore announcing a consultation process for this new restructuring, on an unprecedented scale.
However, the terms of the debate have not been clarified; no figures have been put forward for the number of jobs to be lost or relocated (for Dieppe, it is estimated that 5 to 10 jobs could be threatened), nor have details been provided on the locations planned for the reception points; nor the conditions of this reception: opening hours to the public, obligations in terms of service, number of agents mobilized, qualifications and status of these agents, dematerialization of documents via digital terminals.
Similarly, we have not been provided with any data on the current use of the treasuries that are to be closed.
- that the social crisis of recent months has brought to the fore the strong demand of the French people for access to local public services;
- that the staff of public finance centers are responsible for monitoring, welcoming and advising residents and local authorities, as well as the entire economic fabric of a given region, and that treasury departments perform essential local tasks;
- that at a time when the willingness to pay taxes is being called into question, public finance centers, as a local public service, contribute to the acceptance of taxes and are the pillars of a fairer tax policy;
The Municipal Council, having deliberated, unanimously, hereby AFFIRMS :
- that the consultation announced by the Minister must be accompanied by figures and details of the locations where the local reception centers will be set up;
- that the modernization of public action and the guarantee of its greater efficiency do not require less human resources, but more, with respected, better-trained and supported staff to deliver the high quality of service that citizens have a right to expect;
- that public finances are the responsibility of the State, which must not organize fiscal desertification, but provide the means for a local presence and flexibility in day-to-day tax and accounting operations, all the more so in a difficult economic and social context;
- that the government should make the fight against tax fraud a priority, rather than continuing to dismantle public finance departments, starting with local services.
Proposal to purchase a Cadastral Archive Document
Monsieur le Maire explains that someone has found part of a cadastral map of Sainte Marguerite Sur Mer dating from 1899. This person would like to sell it to the commune for 30 €uros.
Having heard the Mayor's presentation, the Municipal Council unanimously :
- DECIDES not to proceed with the purchase of part of a cadastral map of Sainte Marguerite Sur Mer.
Monsieur le Maire informs the members of the Municipal Council that the tenant of the "Cabane de la Plage" restaurant has made a donation of €200 to the Commune of Sainte Marguerite Sur Mer in gratitude for the loan of tables and chairs during the organization of the Fête de la Musique.
The Municipal Council, having deliberated, unanimously :
- ACCEPTS the donation of 200 € to the Commune of Sainte Marguerite Sur Mer by the Cabane de la Plage
Communauté d'Agglomération "Dieppe-Maritime" - Transfer of "Social Action" responsibility
For several years now, the communes of the Agglomération have been pursuing a proactive policy of public health by promoting health and quality of life, with the overall aim of reducing social and territorial inequalities in health. In particular, the City of Dieppe supports the "Atelier Santé Ville" (City Health Workshop) approach, financed under the City Policy framework. These initiatives bring together a range of public and private players.
I - Proposal to draw up and implement a Local Health Contract for the Agglomeration
- Context
On January 4, 2013, the City of Dieppe and the Agence régionale de santé (ARS) de Haute-Normandie signed a Local Health Contract (CLS) covering the period 2013 - 2015. The CLS has made it possible to develop actions that respond to the challenges facing the region. The ARS continues to support CLS projects through calls for projects. Co-financing is also granted every year by the City of Dieppe to ensure the sustainability of initiatives. Dieppe is still identified as a regional priority.
As a result, the Agence régionale de Santé would like to see a new CLS (2019-20121), on a conurbation-wide scale, to provide more coherent support for public and private players.
The CLS is a tool resulting from the "Hôpital Patients Santé et Territoires" (Hospital, Patients, Health and Territories) law of July 21, 2009, which enables public action by the Regional Health Agencies (ARS) and local authorities to be coordinated in a given area.
The aim of a CLS is to improve the population's state of health and reduce social and territorial inequalities in health. It covers health promotion, prevention, healthcare policies and medico-social support. The CLS is a tool for implementing regional health policy at local level. It is part of the Projet Régional de Sante (PRS) and brings together all the local players involved (in urban policy, education, social cohesion, etc.). Based on a local, global and shared health diagnosis, it must propose a partnership action plan. Through the CLS, the various stakeholders commit to actions to be implemented, resources to be made available, and results to be monitored and evaluated.
In addition to improving coordination between players, it helps to identify priorities at local level, to achieve a more legitimate and effective operational level in terms of healthcare, and to reinforce the coherence and relevance of actions undertaken.
A coordinator is responsible for running the scheme, under the authority of a steering committee comprising the signatories and institutional players (Education Nationale, Conseil Départemental, ARS, Agglomération, Communes, etc.).
The coordinator leads working groups, works with local players to draw up shared diagnoses, identifies priorities and work orientations, and helps to design and implement actions. The coordinator is also responsible for strengthening partnerships, putting local players in touch with each other and providing support in setting up projects (expertise, fund-raising, training).
- Dieppe-Maritime draws up and implements the Local Health Contract
In order to implement and draw up the CLS and participate in the Agglomeration-wide health promotion network, Dieppe-maritime must be made a competent body.
By virtue of law no. 2209-879 of July 21, 2009, known as "Hôpital Patients Santé Territoire" (H.P.S.T.) and article L5216-5 VI of the Code Général des Collectivités Territoriales, Dieppe-Maritime may assume responsibility for social actions of community interest, the scope of which must be specified.
- Financial and technical resources deployed to cover this area of expertise
The Local Health Contract action program is developed with a number of partners (State, ARS, Conseil départemental, CPAM, Agglomération, CCAS, etc.). Funding for this action program will therefore be shared between all partners. The Dieppe-Maritime conurbation will be called upon to finance this action program.
In order to carry out the task of developing and implementing this CLS, the City of Dieppe is making available to the Agglomeration part of the position of the Atelier Ville-Sante? coordinator, fully funded by the ARS and the Direction Départementale de la Cohésion Sociale (Prefecture).
II - Participation in the Local Health Promotion Network
The creation of a Local Health Promotion Network (Réseau Local de Promotion de Santé - RLPS) involves the recruitment of a coordinator to draw up an action plan focusing on Prevention.
This position is co-financed to the tune of €20,000 by the ARS and €20,000 by the Normandy Region.
ARS and the Normandy Region are therefore calling on the local authorities involved in this network (Dieppe-Maritime, Falaise du Talou, Terroir de Caux and Villes Sœurs) to help finance this position.
In deliberation no. 5 of March 19, 2019, Dieppe-Maritime decided to assume responsibility for social action, defining as a matter of community interest the development and implementation of the Local Health Contract (Contrat Local de Santé 5CLS) throughout its territory.
- The deliberation of June 25, 2019 of the Communauté d'Agglomération de la Région Dieppoise concerning the transfer of "Social action" competence.
- That the member communes must vote on this transfer of competence,
Having heard the Mayor's presentation, the Municipal Council unanimously :
- ACCEPTS the transfer of responsibility for "Social Action" to the Communauté d'Agglomération de la Région Dieppoise.
Communauté d'Agglomération "Dieppe-Maritime": definition of community interest in business parks
In accordance with the provisions of article L.5211-5-III, the Communauté d'Agglomération de la Région Dieppoise is responsible for the development of business parks and, as such, is empowered to intervene on behalf of its member communes in all development operations concerning these parks, provided they meet the conditions defined in deliberation no. 5 of March 9, 2004 taken by the Dieppe-Maritime Conurbation.
In this deliberation, Dieppe-Maritime declared to be of community interest, among other things, existing business parks or those to be created, of more than 10 ha and/or falling within the scope of the resorption and rehabilitation of industrial wasteland, subject to the conclusions of technical, financial and legal feasibility studies.
To date, two areas identified in the deliberation of March 9, 2004 have not been the subject of preliminary studies and are therefore not included in the Communauté d'Agglomération's operations, nor declared to be of community interest as they stand. These are the Dieppe Sud ZAC and the Regma site.
With regard to the Dieppe Sud ZAC, it should be noted that in view of the studies carried out by the City of Dieppe, it is not appropriate for the Communauté d'Agglomération to assume responsibility for this ZAC.
In fact, the Dieppe Sud ZAC redevelopment project is an overall project aimed at developing a new district near the station, including housing, services and shops. This development is part of the project to revitalize the town center, as outlined in the Action Cœur de Ville framework agreement and amendment no. 1 transforming this framework agreement into an "Opération de Revitalisation de Territoire" agreement.
This project is therefore one of the components of the strategy developed by the City of Dieppe as part of these state-sponsored schemes.
As a result, it fits in with other issues put forward by the city, both those close to the ZAC (multiplex cinema, oceanographic center, etc.) and those located within the perimeter defined in the Opération de Revitalisation de Territoire (O.R.T.), in which the Dieppe Sud ZAC is included.
It should be pointed out that the ORT agreement makes the station/Dieppe Sud sector one of the priority sectors in the strategy to revitalize the heart of the town. It is therefore necessary to keep the City of Dieppe at the helm.
In addition, projections of marine submersion have shown a significant impact on Dieppe Sud, particularly in view of the rise in sea level due to climate change. As part of the revision of the PPRI, the City of Dieppe has therefore asked the French government to create a "Zone Règlementairement Spécifique" (specific regulatory zone), in collaboration with government departments, in order to define the urban planning rules associated with this zoning.
In view of these factors, it is essential that the Dieppe Sud ZAC remains under the responsibility of the City of Dieppe.
- A decision is required to allow the City of Dieppe to retain jurisdiction over the Dieppe Sud ZAC.
- That the member municipalities must vote on this transfer of competence to the City of Dieppe
Having heard the Mayor's presentation, the Municipal Council unanimously :
- ACCEPTS the modification of the Communauté d'Agglomération de la Région Dieppoise deliberation no. 5 of March 9, 2004, indicating that the Dieppe Sud ZAC will remain under the jurisdiction of the City of Dieppe.
Amending Decision No. 2
Monsieur le Maire explains to the members of the Municipal Council that the municipal treasurer gave the depreciation accounts after the vote on the 2019 primitive budget. As the appropriations provided for in certain accounts of the 2019 budget are insufficient, it is necessary to make a transfer of funds:
The Municipal Council, having heard the Mayor's presentation, after deliberation, and unanimously :
- DECIDES to make the following budget amendment:
Ø D - Account 022 - Unforeseen expenditure - 16,405.00
Ø D - Account 739211 - Compensation payments + 5 905.00
Ø D - Account 6574 - Grants to associations + 500.00
Ø D - Account 6413 - Redundancy payments + 10 000.00
There being no further business, Mayor Claude FERCHAL thanks all those present and closes the meeting at 8.15pm.
For certified extract
The Mayor,