In the year two thousand and eighteen, on APRIL THIRTEENTH, at nineteen p.m., the Municipal Council, duly convened, met in public session under the chairmanship of Monsieur Claude FERCHAL, Mayor.

In attendance were Claude Ferchal, Philippe Lefebvre, Denis Grout, David Petiton, Jean Pierre Boittout, Jean-Pierre Joubert, Ludovic Patin, Michel Lecat, Richard Dupont

 Colette Gouyer, Françoise Gambs

Absent Ms Christelle Weber

                             Mr Eric Lincot

                            Mr Vincent Varin (proxy for Mr Denis Grout)

Mr David Petiton was elected secretary of the meeting.

Invitation dates April 3, 2018                                         Posting date April 3, 2018


  • Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
  • Communications from the Mayor
  • Delegate communications
  • Voting on three tax rates
  • Compte de Gestion Commune 2017
  • Commune Administrative Account 2017
  • Appropriation of profit
  • Municipal Grants 2018
  • Budget Primitif 2018
  • Communal contributions to SMVOS LQSASM
  • Cemetery concession rates

Adoption of the minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting, sent in advance to each member of the Municipal Council, were adopted unanimously, there being no observations.

Communications from the Mayor

  • Implementation of a Local Program for the Prevention of Household and Assimilated Waste (PLPDMA)

Monsieur le Maire informs the Municipal Council that a meeting was held with Madame Céline LEROUX, Chargée de Mission Prévention des Déchets de la Communauté d'Agglomération Dieppe-Maritime, on March 20, 2018. The agenda for this meeting was the presentation of the project to set up a local prevention program for household and similar waste. The aim of this program is to take stock of the players involved and, above all, to set targets for reducing household and similar waste. Preventing waste production is a social issue. Reducing waste is everyone's responsibility. The Mayor proposes a discussion on this program with Mr. Joubert and Ms. Gouyer on Tuesday, April 17, 2018 at 4 pm at the Town Hall. 

  • Saâne project :

Monsieur le Maire informs the Municipal Council that a meeting was held on Wednesday, April 4, 2018 at the Mairie de Longueil concerning the progress of the definition and feasibility study for the reconnection of the Saâne to the sea. The study focuses on 3 major objectives

  • Hydraulic developments to restore a direct historical reconnection to the sea make it possible to :
    • Facilitating the evacuation of river flood flows
    • Control marine intrusion without increasing flood risk in the lower valley and upstream 
  • Restore fish and sediment continuity and estuarine functionality in the lower third of the valley
  • Maintain socio-economic uses and integrate the development of new activities

Delegate communications

  • SDE 76

Mr Jean-Pierre BOITTOUT, SDE76 alternate delegate attended a meeting held on March 22, 2018 in Bacqueville En Caux.

The agenda for this meeting was as follows:

  • Election of the Chairman: Mr THELU was re-elected
  • Election of Vice Presidents: They were all re-elected
  • Administrative and management accounts 2017
  • Line of credit

Vote on the Three Tax Rates

VU the French General Tax Code, in particular articles 1379, 1407 et seq. and article 1636B sexies relating to local taxes and the setting of tax rates;

Mr Philippe Lefebvre, First Deputy Mayor, recalls the three tax rates for 2017:

Council tax: 14.15 %

Property tax: 23.42 %

Taxe Foncière Non Bâti : 42.68 %

The Municipal Council, having considered the proposal, unanimously :

  • DECIDES to set the local tax rates for 2018 according to the table below:


  2017 rates 2018 rates Bases 2018 Product
Council Tax 14.15 % 14.15 % 913 000 € 129 190 €
Real Estate Tax 23.42 % 23.42 % 550 300 € 128 880 €
Non-Built Property Tax 42.68 % 42.68 % 31 300 € 13 359 €


                                                                                                                            Total €271,429


  • INSTRUCTS the Mayor to notify the tax authorities of this decision.

Revenue and expenditure account 2017

Philippe Lefebvre, First Deputy Mayor, reminds us that the management account represents the rendering of accounts by the accountant to the authorizing officer. It must be voted prior to the administrative account

Having been presented with the budgets for 2017 and the related amending resolutions, the final accounts receivable, details of expenditure and orders issued, receipts and orders, the management account drawn up by the Receiver accompanied by the development statements for third-party accounts, as well as the statements of assets, liabilities, receivables and payables.

Having satisfied himself that the Receiver has entered in his records the amount of each of the balances shown on the balance sheet for the 2017 financial year, that of all the titles issued and all the payment orders authorized and that he has carried out all the operations of order that he has been instructed to enter in his records.

Considering that revenue and expenditure transactions appear regular and sufficiently justified, the Deputy Mayor presents the 2017 Compte de Gestion to the Assembly, identical to the 2017 administrative account.

The Municipal Council, after deliberation, unanimously :

  • APPROVES the municipal treasurer's management account for the year

This management account, approved and certified as true by the authorizing officer, does not call for any observations or reservations on his part concerning the keeping of the accounts.         

Administrative Account 2017

The 2017 Commune Administrative Account presented by Mr Philippe Lefebvre, First Deputy Mayor, shows the following results:

            Operating section

            Revenue: €460,938.59

            Expenditure: €354,680.08

            Surplus: €106,258.51

            Investment section

            Revenue: € 264,875.94

            Expenditure: € 142,328.00

            Surplus: € 122,547.94

            Total surplus :

            Operating surplus + Investment surplus

                    106 258.51 €                              +                 122 547.94  €      =           228 806.45 €

The accumulated results to be included in the 2018 Primitive Budget are therefore as follows  

            Operating section

                 Previous surplus + Surplus for the year                                                          

                        11 974.41 €                           +                          106 258.51 €     =          118 232.92 €

            Investment section

                Previous deficit + Surplus for the year

                   –   142 168.83 €                        +                         122 547.94 €      =        – 19 621.89 €

Net income

            Operating surplus + Investment deficit

                 164 540.24 €                              +                 – 19 621.89 €         =              98 611.03 €

The Municipal Council, having considered the matter, unanimously, with Mr FERCHAL abstaining from the vote:

  • APPROVES the Compte Administratif de la Commune 2017.

Appropriation of profit

The Municipal Council, meeting under the chairmanship of Mr Claude FERCHAL, Mayor, having adopted the administrative account for the 2017 financial year, the results of which, in accordance with the management account, are as follows:

  • Operating surplus of €118,232.92
  • Investment deficit of €19,621.89
  • In view of outstanding commitments :

→ Expenditure: €40,494.00

→ Revenue: €40,494.00

→ Balance: €0.00

The Municipal Council, having deliberated, unanimously :

  • DECIDES to appropriate the results of the 2017 financial year to the primary budget for the 2018 financial year as follows:
  • To cover the financing requirement of the investment section, the sum of €19,621.89 was transferred to account 1068 "Capitalized operating surpluses".
  • Account R002 "Operating surplus carried forward": €98,611.03
  • Account D001 "Investment deficit carried forward": €19,89

Municipal Grants 2018

The Municipal Council, having deliberated, unanimously :                                  

  • DECIDES to award the following grants to the Associations, namely : VOTE: For: 11

                                                                                                                                                            Abstention: 1


Primary School Cooperative

580.00 €

Nursery School Cooperative

      580.00 €

Club Caprimont

330.00 €

Intercommunal Library

     300.00 €

Sport & Loisirs de l'Ailly

     200.00 €

Cap d'Ailly    

     700.00 €


    150.00 €

Dieppe Foreshore

4 650.00 €

Collège Jean Cocteau-Offranville

510.00 €

JUBILEE Association

150.00 €

Piranhas Association

Running and canicross section

200.00 €

Diep'Ason Association                                      

150.00 €

Sailing Club (Quiberville Yatching Club)       

100.00 €

Marakana Association

400.00 €


For a total of € 9,000.00 entered in account 6574

Budget Primitif 2018

The Finance Committee met on February 27, 2018 and March 16, 2018.

HAVING REGARD TO the agreement dated March 28, 2018 from the Dieppe Municipal Treasury, 

The 2018 Primitive Budget, presented by Mr. Philippe Lefebvre, First Deputy Mayor, is balanced chapter by chapter, for the operating and investment sections, in revenue and expenditure, the 2018 Primitive Budget as follows:

            – Operating expenses: €543,809

            – Operating revenue: €543,809


           – Capital expenditure: €791,434

            – Investment income: €791,434 

The Municipal Council, having deliberated, unanimously :

  • VOTED the 2018 Budget Primitif.
  • ADOPTS the Budget Primitif balanced in expenditure and revenue at €543,809 in the operating section and €791,434 in the investment section.

Communal contributions to SMVOS LQSASM

Monsieur Le Maire informs the Assembly of the amount of the contribution to the Syndicat Mixte à Vocation Scolaire of Longueil, Quiberville, Saint Aubin Sur Mer and Sainte Marguerite Sur Mer, i.e. €50,432 for 2018 and proposes that this contribution be levied by direct contributions.

The Municipal Council, having deliberated, unanimously :

  • DECIDES that the communal contribution of €50,432 will be deducted from direct taxes.

Beach Watch services 2018 season

Monsieur le Maire informs the members of the Municipal Council that the Service Départemental d'Incendie et de secours is renewing the beach surveillance operation for the 2018 summer season. Beach surveillance for 2017 amounted to €10,208.70. The proposal for summer 2018 is estimated at €12,486.36 for the period from July 7 to August 26, 2018.

The Municipal Council, after deliberation, unanimously :

  • DECIDES to renew beach surveillance for the 2018 season by the Service Départemental d'Incendie et de Secours for the period from Saturday July 7 to Sunday August 26, 2018, i.e. 51 days for an estimated amount of €12,486.36.
  • INSTRUCTS the Mayor to sign all documents relating to this operation 

Cemetery concession rates

Monsieur le Maire informs the members of the Municipal Council that the last readjustment of the rates for concessions in the cemetery dates back to February 18, 2011. Monsieur le Maire proposes an increase in the rates for concessions in the cemetery on reservations from April 16, 2018:

                                                                                   Old rate                             New price list


  • 30-year plot: 2 m² €150                                         200 €
  • 50-year plot: 2 m² €250                                         300 €

The Municipal Council, having heard the Mayor's presentation, after deliberation : VOTE: FOR: 10

                                                                                                                                                             AGAINST: 1

                                                                                                                                                            ABSTENTION: 1

  • DECIDES to increase the price of concessions in the cemetery:
    • 30-year plot: 2 m² € 200
    •  50-year plot: 2 m² €300

There being no further business, the Mayor thanked all those present and adjourned the meeting at 9:30 pm.