Minutes of the Municipal Council Meeting
Meeting of July 10, 2020
In the year two thousand and TWENTY, on the TENTH day of JULY, at EIGHTEEN hours and THIRTY minutes, the Municipal Council, duly convened, met in public session under the chairmanship of Mr Olivier de CONIHOUT, Mayor.
In attendance were :
- Olivier de CONIHOUT, Francis LEGROUT, Jean-François DEROIDE, Philippe BOSQUET, Philippe HERITIER, David PETITON,
- Véronique DEPREUX, Catherine CORNILLOT, Christine MOUQUET, Brigitte GAUTHIER-DARCET
Absent excused Mr Christophe TIRARD
Powers Mr Christophe TIRARD to Mr Philippe BOSQUET
Mr Jean-François DEROIDE was elected meeting secretary.
Invitation dates July 03, 2020 Posting date July 03, 2020
Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
- Communications from the Mayor
- Purchase of Gel Tower (hydroalcoholic solution)
- Rent discount Beach hut
- Commissions
- Other business
Adoption of the minutes of the previous meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting, sent in advance to each member of the Municipal Council, were adopted unanimously, there being no observations.
Mrs Brigitte GAUTHIER-DARCET arrives at 6.40pm.
Communications from the Mayor
Tender Commission
Monsieur le Maire informs the Council of an e-mail received from the Prefecture concerning the latest elections to the call for tenders committee.
Only 3 holders and 3 substitutes were to be elected, but a list of 4 substitutes was submitted.
An error was made when computerizing the deliberation. Mr Philippe HERITIER confirms that he did not stand for election.
The Mayor proposes a show of hands to correct the number of substitutes.
VU :
- Article L.2121-21 of the "Code Général des Collectivités Territoriales
- That the titular members of the call for tenders committee be appointed for the duration of the term of office;
- That, in addition to the Mayor, its Chairman, this commission is made up of 3 members of the Municipal Council, by representation on a first-past-the-post basis.
In accordance with Article L.2121-21 of the Code Général des Collectivités Territoriales, the Municipal Council unanimously :
- DECIDES to vote by show of hands;
- ELECTS Messrs Philippe BOSQUET, Francis LEGROUT and David PETITON as full members of the tender committee;
- ELECTS Mrs Brigitte GAUTHIER-DARCET, Mrs Catherine CORNILLOT and Mr Christophe TIRARD as alternate members;
- ACKNOWLEDGES that, in accordance with Article 22-III of the French Public Procurement Code, a full member of the Tender Committee will be replaced by the alternate member of the same list who comes immediately after the last elected member of the said list, and that the alternate member who has thus become a full member will be replaced by the above-mentioned candidate;
- TAKES NOTE that, in accordance with Article 22-IV of the French Public Procurement Code, in the event of a tie, the Chairman has the casting vote.
July 14th Ceremony
Monsieur le Maire reminds the Council that invitations have been received for the organization of the July 14th ceremony.
A wreath-laying ceremony will take place at 11:30 am at the war memorial (Place Alphons), followed by a drink (offered by Mr. LORIOT).
Beach opening
The beach opening ceremony took place on Monday July 6 at 7pm, with the help of Mr STEPHAN, manager of the Cabane de la Plage. It was also an opportunity for the municipality and Quiberville to welcome the beach supervisors, represented by Patrice GOMEZ, Lieutenant of the Seine-Maritime Fire Brigade, in the presence of Chief DEMONCHY of the Offranville Gendarmerie Brigade.
Communication cancellations of annual events
Mrs Christine MOUQUET asks about the questions raised by local residents concerning certain events organized each year (book fairs, everything fairs, exhibitions, etc.).
Monsieur le Maire specifies that, due to sanitary measures, these will have to be postponed until 2021.
Mr DEROIDE suggests that the information be relayed on the commune's website by the Mairie secretary.
Meeting with Mr JUMEL, Member of Parliament for the 6ème constituency of Seine-Maritime
The Mayor informs the Council of a letter received from Mr. Sébastien JUMEL, Member of Parliament, requesting a meeting. The meeting has been scheduled at the Town Hall for Thursday September 10.
Purchase of a Gel Tower
In view of the health measures linked to COVID 19 and the opening of the beach, the installation of a gel tower (hydro-alcoholic solution dispenser) in the showers was necessary to ensure the protection of users.
The urgency of installing such a device was resolved by the supply of a tower purchased by Madame DEPREUX.
The Mayor is seeking the Council's agreement to be reimbursed for the invoice submitted by InoxAlu Concept in the amount of €303.99 incl. VAT.
The Board gave its unanimous approval.
Cabane de la plage" rent rebate
The Mayor informs the Council of discussions held with Mr Nicolas STEPHAN, manager of the "Cabane de la Plage".
The latter signed an agreement on December 20, 2018, for the rental of the bungalows. The agreement took effect on December 1er May to September 30.
Due to the health measures linked to COVID-19, the restaurant was only able to open for business on June 22, 2020. Mr STEPHAN is therefore requesting a discount on the May and June rents.
Monsieur le Maire explains that it would be normal to agree to this gesture of solidarity.
In addition, a rider to the agreement has been drawn up, stipulating in particular the terms and conditions for cleaning and access to the toilets. Compensation of €1,000 has been set aside for the 2020 season (rising to €1,500 in 2021).
The Board unanimously approved the amendment and the rent discount.
Urban planning / PLU
Madame DEPREUX reminds us of the importance of developing the commune, particularly around the lighthouse. The development of the parking lot (or even a car-sharing area) needs to be considered. We need to revisit the discussions already initiated by the previous municipal team with Mr LEGRAND, whose land would enable the construction of the parking lot and possibly a play area for children.
Mr LEGROUT points out that the land in question is suitable for building, and the price would therefore be that of a building plot. Part of the land already belongs to the commune and would perhaps be sufficient.
Mr DEROIDE agrees, and asks about the financial impact of buying a building plot to build a parking lot.
Mr LEGROUT points out that a pond was planned in the PLU project, but that the surface area of the land remains large.
Mr BOSQUET proposes a site visit on Thursday July 16.
Discussions are also underway with the Département regarding coverage of Sainte-Marguerite sur Mer by mobile radio operators. Measurements (radio survey) are to be carried out in the commune. The members of the commission reiterated the importance of high-quality coverage, both for safety reasons and for the development of tourism and the economy in Sainte-Marguerite sur Mer.
Community life
Madame MOUQUET informs us that the children's Christmas party will take place on December 19, 2020. A show and a snack are usually offered for an audience of around 140 people.
Compagnie Mariska presented a quote of 800€, with a calendar possibility only at the beginning of December. A second quote was received from "Touches d'histoires", a storyteller who had already performed in 2016, for €391 (45-minute performance).
Ms MOUQUET will contact the company to ensure that the contract includes provisions for COVID-19-related measures.
The Board unanimously approved the second quotation and signed the contract.
Ms MOUQUET then presented the project put forward by Ms TURMEL, a teacher at Sainte Marguerite and President of the Maracana Association.
She would like to propose a festival in 2021. Ms MOUQUET and Mr HERITIER will meet with her on Wednesday July 15 to discuss the venue and possible subsidies.
The association runs classes on Mondays and Wednesdays, with a membership of around 60. Mr HERITIER points out that this is a departmental association.
The Council reiterated the importance of having dynamic associations within the Commune and unanimously approved the loan of the meeting point room.
Mr DEROIDE asks about the rules of principle for awarding grants. Criteria must be defined in order to respond to associations in an objective, balanced and transparent way.
Monsieur le Maire also reports on the postponement of the Oxfam Trek. The Town Hall meeting room was originally intended to serve as a "rest" room at the end of the race for the GR21 trekkers. To date, no date has been given.
Mr. HERITIER also informs us that a visit to the church is planned on September 26 by the church preservation association. The tour, with commentary by Mr LEFEBVRE, will be open to all local residents. The Mayor points out that this is the only Romanesque church in the area, to which Mr. HERITIER adds that it is also the oldest.
Madame DEPREUX attended the preparatory meeting for the August 19 commemoration at Dieppe town hall. The report she received will be forwarded to the Association des Anciens Combattants.
Mr LEGROUT explains that the current priority is to work on the PLU.
He asked for a technical update on the operating and investment budgets.
Mrs. GAUTHIER-DARCET requests a meeting with the secretary (Mrs. LAFOREST) to study budgetary possibilities.
She will take note of the Agglomération de Dieppe's budget data. The 2019 tables will be made available on the Drive by the secretariat, and the 2020 budget will be examined as soon as it is circulated.
Mr. BOSQUET recalls the concern about speeding on the Route du Phare and suggests alerting the department by proposing the installation of speed bumps.
Mr. PETITON points out that the previous municipal team had already taken this step, but that no solution had been found, the speed bumps themselves being noisy.
Mr DEROIDE reports that the first meeting of the commission took place on June 6. Ms MOUQUET has begun work on identifying dangerous points along the departmental road. Safety improvements will require major work.
A meeting is scheduled with the Direction Départementale des Territoires et de la Mer (DDTM) on Thursday August 6, 2020.
Mr HERITIER draws attention to the budget for work on the 3ème on the departmental road.
Mr LEGROUT has been appointed to manage this project.
Mr DEROIDE also reiterates the need to update the local emergency plan. Census data from INSEE will be needed for this update.
Mr DEROIDE presents the newsletter project. The newsletter will communicate with residents on a variety of topics, and will be published quarterly. A paragraph written by each commission on current issues is expected by the end of July, so that the first publication can take place at the beginning of September.
A photo-sharing folder has also been created on the Drive to feed the newsletter.
The commune's mailbox is currently very spammy and unsuitable, as it is used for communications to the Mayor, secretariat and deputies. In the contract already drawn up, the service provider hosting the website proposes the provision of 5 addresses. The Mayor proposes that these be used, initially in addition to the current address, until the latter disappears. The 5 proposed addresses would be made available to the following people: Mayor, Secretary, 1er assistant, 2ème assistant and 3ème assistant. Mr DEROIDE proposes a study of the website contract.
Several projects are currently under study, notably the Blancmesnil cemetery and the lighthouse. Mr HERITIER points out that for the latter, we need to wait for the Dieppe Agglomeration elections.
Mr DEROIDE then asked about the possibility of a meeting with the residents of Sainte Marguerite, Longueil and Quiberville. Mr HERITIER points out that we need to wait until after the September 26 meeting. An announcement could be made at the end of October.
Other business
The Mayor informed the Council of the fire that affected a bungalow facing the beach on Monday July 6. The sub-prefecture has been consulted in response to questions from the neighbors. The owner must contact his insurance company in order to clear up the fire quickly. The area has been cordoned off. The Gendarmerie is currently investigating the cause of the fire.
Mrs MOUQUET, in charge of School Affairs, requests authorization to have a set of school keys at her disposal, in order to deal with certain situations (late arrival of a teacher, for example...).
The Board gave its unanimous approval.
The Mayor closes the meeting at 8:45pm.
For extract
Certified true
The Mayor,
Olivier de CONIHOUT