Minutes of the Municipal Council Meeting
Meeting of December 14, 2018
On December 14th, at nineteen o'clock in the evening, in the year two thousand and eighteen, the Municipal Council, duly convened, met in public session under the chairmanship of Monsieur Claude FERCHAL, Mayor.
In attendance were Claude Ferchal, Denis Grout, Jean Pierre Boittout, Jean-Pierre Joubert, David Petiton, Richard Dupont
Colette Gouyer, Françoise Gambs
Absent Ms Christelle Weber
Mr Philippe Lefebvre (proxy for Mrs Colette Gouyer)
Mr Eric Lincot
Mr Vincent Varin
Mr Ludovic Patin
Mr David Petiton was elected meeting secretary.
Invitation dates December 7, 2018 Posting date December 7, 2018
- Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
- Communications from the Mayor
- Beach Catering Agreement
- Convention Bazar - Grocery
- ESTRAN Agreement
- ADMR grant
- Right of intent to sell : Conservatoire du Littoral
- Amending Decision No. 2
- Claims reimbursement
- Les Deux Jours du Cheval" cheque
Adoption of the minutes of the previous meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting, sent in advance to each member of the Municipal Council, were adopted unanimously, there being no observations.
Communications from the Mayor
- Resignation
Monsieur le Maire informs the members of the Municipal Council of a letter from Monsieur Michel LECAT, Municipal Councillor, informing us that he is terminating his duties as Municipal Councillor as of December 14, 2018 at 12 noon.
In accordance with article L. 2121-4 of the Code Général des Collectivités Territoriales, the Mayor will forward a copy of the letter to the Sous-Préfet of Dieppe.
- Fiber optics :
Monsieur le Maire explains to the Assembly that he had an appointment on Thursday December 6 with an Orange representative to present the project to deploy fiber optics in the commune.
Fiber is a new technology for the Internet, enabling large quantities of information to be transported at speeds 100 times faster than ADSL.
Work is scheduled to start at the beginning of 2ème half-year 2019, ending at the end of 2ème half-year 2020.
- Dates to remember:
- New Year's Eve Ceremony: January 19, 2019 at 5 p.m. - Salle du Point de Rencontre
- Next Town Council meeting: February 7, 2019 at 7:30 p.m.
Beach Catering Agreement
The Mayor explained to the members of the Municipal Council that Mrs Charlotte WADOUX "La Cabane de la Plage" wished to sell her rental lease. The Mayor has met the potential buyer, Mr Nicolas STEPHAN, to inform him of any changes the commune would like to see. The Municipality would like a lease with a precise, more elaborate framework.
The rent is made up of a base fee and a contribution to the investment, plus 3 % each year. Water and electricity consumption is payable in cash on statement.
The agreement previously signed with Mrs Charlotte WADOUX included a contribution of 50 % of the investment for the beach shelter until 2019. This indexed contribution amounts to €960 for 2019, i.e. €160 per month over 6 months.
Roof waterproofing work scheduled for 2017 at a cost of €10,626 excluding VAT also generated a contribution of 50 %, or €5,313. The schedule should have been spread over 9 years, from 2017 to 2025, but Mrs. WADOUX requested that the deadlines be reduced to 6 years, starting in 2020, so as not to accumulate the remaining deadlines on the first contribution. This agreement has been renewed with Mr. Nicolas STEPHAN.
It has therefore been decided that the amount of €5,313 will be spread over 6 years, i.e. €885.50 per year, indexed at 3 %, i.e. €147.58 per month for 2020.
The monthly rent for 2019 is as follows:
- of the 1er May to September 30
- Main rent: €30
- Investment 1 : 00 €uros
513.30 euros
- from 15/04 to 30/04 and from 1/10 to 15/10
- 65 euros
The monthly rent for 2020 will be as follows:
- Main rent: 91 €uros
- Investment 2: 58 euros
511.49 euros
In addition to rent, water and electricity consumption will be payable in cash on receipt of meter and sub-meter index readings.
Every year, from 1er to April 15 and from October 15 to October 30 free of charge, and from April 15 to October 15 in the form of monthly rents payable at the end of each month.
The rent and the investment will be increased by 3 % every year as per the preamble below.
The Commune of Sainte Marguerite Sur Mer rents and makes available to Mr Nicolas STEPHAN for a period of 3 years, premises located on the beach for use as a kitchen, a beach shelter serving as a catering area and an area of perré defined by a plan attached to the precarious occupancy agreement in order to operate a fast-food business.
It has been agreed that the Commune will install the beach furniture for the 1er April and will be dismantled on 1er November each year, to facilitate marketing from April 15 to October 15.
This precarious occupation agreement is for a period of 3 years, tacitly renewed for 2 identical periods of 3 years.
This agreement may be terminated by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, at any time, subject to 3 months' notice.
The Municipal Council, having deliberated, unanimously :
- ACCEPTS the Mayor's proposal
- AGREES to sign a three-year precarious occupancy agreement for the "Beach Restaurant" with Mr Nicolas STEPHAN under the terms and conditions described above.
- AUTHORIZES the Mayor to sign all related documents.
Convention Bazar - Grocery
The Mayor explains to the members of the Municipal Council that Mr Nicolas STEPHAN is taking over the Bazaar - Epicerie business.
The commune of Sainte Marguerite Sur Mer rents and makes available a cabin previously used as a "beach reception area" to be used mainly as a "bazaar - grocery store".
The commune will install the beach furniture for the 1er April and will dismantle on April 1.er November to allow operation from April 15 to October 15.
Rents payable at the end of each month will be for 6 months, from 15/04 to 15/10.
Mr Nicolas STEPHAN undertakes to install at his own expense any interior facilities he deems necessary. Any outside installations must be approved by the Municipality to ensure that the spirit of the waterfront is respected.
The rent is set at 120 €uros per month over 5 months, and 2 fortnights at 60 €uros, i.e. 720 €uros. The rent will be increased by 3 % every year.
In addition to the rent, electricity consumption will be payable in cash on receipt of the sub-meter index readings.
This precarious occupation agreement is for a period of 3 years, tacitly renewed for 2 identical periods of 3 years.
This agreement may be terminated by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, at any time, subject to 3 months' notice.
The Municipal Council, having deliberated, unanimously :
- ACCEPTS the Mayor's proposal
- AGREES to sign a three-year "Bazar - Epicerie" precarious occupancy agreement with Mr Nicolas STEPHAN under the terms and conditions described above
- AUTHORIZES the Mayor to sign all related documents.
ESTRAN Agreement
The Mayor invites the Municipal Council to vote on the ESTRAN agreement.
The Mayor explains that the ESTRAN agreement signed on December 4, 2015 for the years 2016-2017-2018 has come to an end. A new agreement must be drawn up and signed for a period of three years. The commune's annual contribution is as follows:
- 2019 : 4 700 €
- 2020 : 4 750 €
- 2021 : 4 800 €
The purpose of this agreement is to redefine the conditions for the management of sites in the coastal area of the commune of Sainte Marguerite Sur Mer on the public maritime domain for which the commune is responsible, and paths or portions of paths belonging to the communal domain.
Monsieur le Maire would like the Commune not to renew the agreement for 2019. Communal employees will be responsible for clearing brush and maintaining the paths.
The Municipal Council, having deliberated, unanimously :
- DECIDES not to sign the ESTRAN agreement
ADMR grant
Monsieur le Maire informs the members of the Municipal Council that they have to decide on a request for a grant from the Association Départementale ADMR de l'Aide à Domicile.
This subsidy is paid into the social action fund, whose purpose is to help families who, owing to financial difficulties, are unable to pay the full cost of the services they receive.
The Municipal Council, having heard the Mayor, unanimously :
- DECIDES to request further information from ADMR before deciding on a possible grant.
Right of intent to sell : Conservatoire du Littoral
The Conservatoire du Littoral has been informed of a proposal for the sale by Mrs Béatrice BONNET, of parcels cadastralized Section B n° 190 located within the pre-emption zone created as Espaces Naturels Sensibles where the Conservatoire du Littoral has become delegate by agreement, and B n° 8 outside the pre-emption zone, with a total surface area of 28,115 m², located in Sainte Marguerite Sur Mer.
The Département de Seine-Maritime having made known its decision to waive its right of pre-emption and in accordance with article R.215-5 of the Code de l'Urbanisme, the Conservatoire du Littoral waives its right to acquire the property in question.
The Municipal Council, having heard the Mayor, unanimously :
- APPROVES this transaction.
Amending Decision No. 2
The Mayor explains to the members of the Municipal Council that, as the appropriations provided for in certain accounts of the 2018 budget are insufficient, it is necessary to make a transfer of funds:
The Municipal Council, having heard the Mayor's presentation, after deliberation, and unanimously :
- DECIDES to make the following budget amendment:
Ø D - Account 022 - Unforeseen expenditure - 305.00
Ø D - Account 657351 - Attached GFP - 12 905.00
Ø D - Account 739211 - Compensation allowance + 13 000.00
Ø D - Account 6064 - Administrative supplies + 210.00
Ø D - Account 020 - Unforeseen expenditure - 20 000.00
Ø D - Account 2041582 - Buildings and Installations + 20 000.00
Ø D - Account 21568 - Other. Mat. Et Outil Incendie - 100 000.00
Ø D - Account 2315 - Inst. Mat. Et Outillage + 100 000.00
Claims reimbursement
The Mayor informs the assembly that :
- Following damage to four windows in the canteen on Place Sylvain Halfon, the Mayor lodged a complaint with the Gendarmerie. The windows were replaced during the All Saints' vacation. GROUPAMA reimbursed us €1,317.49, the amount of the estimate.
- Following a second deterioration of seven windows in the canteen. The commune lodged a complaint with the gendarmerie and made a new claim with our insurer. After the expert's visit, GROUPAMA reimbursed us €2,164.91, the amount of the estimate.
The Board is asked to approve the acceptance of these cheques.
The Municipal Council, having deliberated, unanimously :
- DECIDES to accept the cheques for €1,317.49 and €2,164.91 in compensation for the two claims relating to the canteen windows.
Cheque from "Les deux Jours du Cheval" Association
Monsieur le Maire explains to the members of the Municipal Council that the Association "Les Deux Jours du Cheval" has been dissolved. As planned at their last meeting when the dissolution was decided, the surplus has been shared with the participating communes. Mr Christian LEROUX donated a cheque for 3,500 euros on behalf of the Commune de Sainte Marguerite Sur Mer.
The Municipal Council, after deliberation, unanimously :
- DECIDES to accept the cheque for 3,500 euros
There being no further business, the Mayor thanked all those present and adjourned the meeting at 8:30 pm.
For certified extract
The Mayor,