Minutes of the Municipal Council Meeting
Meeting of August 28, 2020
The year two thousand and TWENTY, on the TWENTY EIGHTH of the month of AUGUST, at EIGHTEEN o'clock, the Municipal Council, duly convened, met in public session under the chairmanship of Mr Olivier de CONIHOUT, Mayor.
In attendance were :
- Olivier de CONIHOUT, Francis LEGROUT, Jean-François DEROIDE, Philippe BOSQUET, Christophe TIRARD,
- Véronique DEPREUX, Catherine CORNILLOT, Christine MOUQUET, Brigitte GAUTHIER-DARCET
Absent excused Philippe HERITIER, David PETITON
Powers Mr Philippe HERITIER to Mr Francis LEGROUT
Mr David PETITON to Ms Véronique DEPREUX
Mr Jean-François DEROIDE was elected meeting secretary.
Invitation dates August 18, 2020 Posting date August 18, 2020
Agenda :
- Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
- Communications from the Mayor
- Projects 2021 - Syndicat Départemental d'Energies
- Creation of a territorial editor position (Ms Magali LAFOREST)
- Modification of the decision concerning the compensation scheme (administrative department)
- Other business
The minutes of the previous meeting, sent in advance to each member of the Municipal Council, were adopted unanimously, there being no observations.
Agenda since last meeting
- August 6, 2:30 p.m.: DDTM / PLU meeting - Mrs. FOUGY
- August 19: Commemorations
- August 21 16h: MP Xavier Batut (following a meeting with the Mayor of St Aubin sur Mer): presentation of the commune
- August 24 18h: SMVOS meeting
Upcoming events
- August 29, 3pm: AG ASA Vasterival
- September 1, 2:30 p.m.: Press briefing - Saâne project
- September 3, 6 p.m.: Syndicat des Bassins Versants meeting
- September 5 12pm: Departure of Catherine Quessandier, Town Hall Secretary
- September 7, 6pm: Dieppe Conurbation Mayors' Conference
- September 8 10:30 am: Meeting with EUCLYD (PLU)
- September 8, 6pm: Mayors' meeting (security and public order)
- September 9, 6pm: Pôle d'Équilibre Territorial et Rural council meeting
- September 9, 6 p.m.: CSLA AGM
- September 10, 10 a.m.: Visit from Mr JUMEL
- September 11, 6pm: Meeting of Seine-Maritime Mayors (ADM 76)
- September 22 6 pm: Dieppe Conurbation Mayors' Conference
Cheque cashing
The commune has received 2 cheques:
- 100 € in thanks from Mr BELHOMME for the loan of mats enabling him to use his wheelchair;
- 500 € from the Clochers de l'Ailly association, donated following the 2 clochers kermesse on Sunday August 2, 2020.
The Municipal Council unanimously authorized the cashing of these cheques.
Creation of a territorial editor position
The position of Town Clerk was previously filled by an administrative assistant. In view of the arrival of Ms. LAFOREST (grade of rédacteur territorial) on September 1, it is necessary to close the administrative assistant position and recreate the position in the grade of rédacteur.
The Board unanimously approved the proposal.
Revision of the resolution concerning the Compensation Scheme (administrative department)
Monsieur le Maire informs the Council that, in connection with the arrival of Ms. LAFOREST, the Centre de Gestion has imposed a modification to the deliberation made in the context of the RIFSEEP (Régime Indemnitaire tenant compte des Fonctions, Sujétions, Expertise et Engagement Professionnel).
The state ceiling for the grade of rédacteur is €17,480.
For the next deliberation, a ceiling of €10,000 is proposed (after financial study).
With regard to the CIA (Complément Indemnitaire Annuel), the maximum amount set by the French State is
1 134 €. The proposed ceiling is €1,000.
The decree could be drawn up with an IFSE of €4,000 (paid monthly) and a CIA of €400.
The Board unanimously approved these proposals.
Technical department
The Syndicat Départemental d'Energies (SDE 76) has sent us its call for projects for 2021. The Board entrusts Mr. LEGROUT with the task of contacting the Syndicat to take stock of current projects and review the studies carried out.
An estimate was also submitted by the SDE for the replacement of a public lighting mast (which fell over a month ago due to obsolescence). The cost is €1869.72 inc.
An observation has been made about the timing of public lighting: switching on too late, switching off too early.
Mr DEROIDE informs the Board that the first municipal newsletter will be distributed from September 1. This quarterly letter can also be distributed digitally to residents who so choose. He adds that a Facebook page is being created and will be published soon.
Ms MOUQUET points out that the 30 km/h speed limit is not respected in Chemin des Ruguets and Chemin des Frênes. There used to be road markings, but these have been removed.
A reminder will be included in the forthcoming municipal newsletter. Mrs. CORNILLOT also mentions the same limitation for the chemin sous les Bruyères.
It seems worthwhile to take stock of the costs of electricity supply and maintenance. Mrs GAUTHIER-DARCET and Mrs LAFOREST have been asked to carry out a 3-year study.
The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 8:15pm.
For certified extract
The Mayor,
Olivier de CONIHOUT