In the year two thousand and TWENTY ONE, on the FIFTH day of FEBRUARY, at EIGHTEEN p.m., the Municipal Council, duly convened, met in public session under the chairmanship of Mr Olivier de CONIHOUT, Mayor.
In attendance were :
- Olivier de CONIHOUT, Francis LEGROUT, Jean-François DEROIDE, Philippe BOSQUET, Christophe TIRARD, Philippe HERITIER,
- Véronique DEPREUX, Catherine CORNILLOT, Brigitte GAUTHIER-DARCET, Christine MOUQUET
Absent excused :
Power :
Mr David PETITON to Mr Philippe HERITIER.
Mr Jean-François DEROIDE was elected meeting secretary.
Invitation dates January 27, 2021 Posting date January 27, 2021
After noting compliance with sanitary measures (physical distancing, wearing a mask), the Mayor opened the meeting.
Agenda :
Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
- Communications from the Mayor
- Communications from the Commissions
- CERAMA assessment for the Vasterival descent
- Emergency work on church marquee
- Other business
Adoption of the minutes of the previous meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting, sent in advance to each member of the Municipal Council, were adopted unanimously, there being no observations.
Communications from the Mayor
Agenda since last meeting
January 13: Meeting with Erwan JOUBAUD (Department) - F. LEGROUT
January 13: Dieppe Pays Normand - SCOT
January 18: Dieppe-Maritime Attractiveness Commission
January 20: CAUE meeting, Ms LOPES (Town Hall project)
January 21: Agglomération Transversal Commission - J-F DEROIDE
January 21: Presentation of fire defense regulations by Capt. Clément JOLY (Service Départemental d'Incendie et de Secours).
January 25 (3:30 pm): Economic Development Commission - Dieppe Pays Normand
January 25 (4pm - Rouen) : Syndicat Mixte de Promotion de l'Activité Transmanche (Joint Syndicate for the Promotion of Cross-Channel Activity)
January 26: Syndicat des Bassins Versants meeting - Ch. MOUQUET
January 27: Rendez-vous Bassins Versants, Mr TOPIN - F. LEGROUT, Ch. MOUQUET
January 28: Visit to St Pierre Le Viger town hall (works project)
January 28: Meeting at the Centre des Finances Publiques with Mr Jean-Marc LACIRE, principal treasurer, to draw up the 2021 budget - Brigitte GAUTHIER-DARCET and Magali LAFOREST
January 28: SCOT meeting
February 2: Agglomeration Community Office
February 5: Finance Committee
February 5: SCOT meeting
Upcoming events
February 09: Mayors' Conference
February 17: Seine Maritime Numérique Syndical Committee
February 19: PLU Commission meeting - Perspectives Urba
February 25: Update and 2020 retrospective with Chief DEMONCHY (Offranville Gendarmerie) - Safety Commission
February 27: Syndical Committee of ASA Vasterival
March 08: Comité Syndical Transmanche
March 16: Community Office
March 22: Dieppe Pays Normand Economic Development Commission
March 23: Community Council
March 26: Finance Committee
Miscellaneous communications
February 19 to February 26: Secretarial leave - Setting up of duty hours
Commission communications
CEREMA assessment - Vasterival valley
CEREMA (Centre d'Etudes et d'Expertise sur les Risques, l'Environnement, la Mobilité et l'Aménagement) has drawn up an estimate for the assessment of ground movements and the issues at stake on the Vasterival descent. The cost is €15,150.
The Mayor informs us that he will contact the Mayor of Varengeville-sur-Mer to validate the operation.
The Municipal Council unanimously approved the estimate, and authorized the Mayor to apply for any subsidies required for the project, and to sign any related documents.
Emergency work on church marquee
Following the appearance of a major crack in one of the church's capitals, Mr. LEGROUT asked Normandie Rénovation to provide expert advice. An estimate of €3,600 was submitted.
A municipal closure order has been issued for the safety of users, until the work is completed.
The Municipal Council approves the estimate and authorizes the Mayor to apply for any subsidies required for the project, and to sign any related documents.
Regarding the sanitation project, a meeting will be organized with the DRAC to examine feedback from the various architects.
SDE project - Route du Sémaphore network reinforcement
The Syndicat Départemental d'Energie de la Seine-Maritime has sent us its estimate for repairing and burying the Route du Sémaphore networks. The cost is €69,120, including
57,430 would be covered by SDE 76. The remaining cost of €11,690 for the commune has been taken into account in the loan proposal.
After deliberation, the Municipal Council unanimously decides to reject the quotation.
SDE 2021 projects - Loan proposals
An order to carry out the 5 projects approved by the Council (total remaining cost: €122,770), the SDE is proposing, via a partnership with Crédit Agricole, the following borrowing options:
Duration | Annuities | Rates | Cost of borrowing |
5 years | 14 892,45 € | 0.30 | 959,33 € |
7 years | 10 669,28 € | 0.30 | 1 182,06 € |
9 years old | 8 364,50 € | 0.40 | 1 875,59 € |
11 years old | 6 932,21 € | 0.55 | 2 996,26 € |
Following a budgetary analysis of borrowing capacity, the Finance Committee recommends a minimum term of 9 years.
After deliberation, the Municipal Council unanimously decided to take out the proposed 11-year loan, and authorized the Mayor to sign all related documents.
Information - Fording
Following the identification of fencing work to be carried out on the Cap d'Ailly pasture by the Conservatoire du Littoral and an order to cut down the dying ash trees on the property boundary, a subsidence at the level of the culvert was noted.
The access should be consolidated.
Stormwater detour - Rue de la Ferme
The farm road is frequently flooded by run-off water.
Following consultation with the Syndicat des Bassins Versants, the possibility of a detour into the Saâne has been studied. The acquisition of the necessary land, at the expense of the commune, could be the subject of a grant application.
The Municipal Council approved the proposal and authorized the Mayor to apply for a DSIL grant from the Prefect.
Floor repair - Nursery school
Ms TURMEL reports that the PVC floor tiles in the kindergarten are badly damaged.
Mr LEGROUT commissioned an estimate from the Saint-Maclou company. This came to €4454.45 excluding VAT.
The Council approved the estimate and authorized the Mayor to apply to the Prefect for DETR and DSIL grants.
Binding of by-laws and deliberations
Circular NOR: IOCB1032174C of December 14, 2010 states that the binding of registers is now mandatory, according to the same technical specifications as those for civil status registers. Binding is carried out every 5 years for communes with fewer than 1,000 inhabitants. The last binding was carried out at the end of 2010.
A quotation has been obtained from SOULET .
Based on 180 sheets, the cost of a cloth binding with titling is €326.44 + (€90 beyond 180 sheets, up to 250).
2 registers are required, i.e. €652.88. An additional €90 will be required (i.e. €832.88).
To date, documents are stored in file folders.
The Municipal Council unanimously approved the proposal.
Communication point
Workshops organized by Agglomération Dieppe Maritime's "Transition Ecologique, Numérique et Solidaire" cross-commission are scheduled for February 16, February 22 and February March. Mr DEROIDE invites any local councillors who would like to take part to let him know. The content of these workshops will be sent to them by e-mail.
Newsletter Marguerite à la P(l)age
The next newsletter is scheduled for distribution from 1er April.
Papers should be returned to the secretariat by March 15.
Other business
Board meeting of March 26
Mrs GAUTHIER-DARCET reminds us that the next Finance Committee meeting will take place on Friday March 26.
At the end of this meeting, the Municipal Council will vote on the 2020 administrative account and the 2021 budget. Documents will be sent in advance to prepare for this meeting. Questions can already be forwarded to the committee.
Commission Communale des Impôts Directs
At the request of the Prefecture, the commission must meet before Friday March 26.
As a reminder, the full members appointed by the Regional Director of Public Finance are :
- Christophe TIRARD - Philippe LEFEBVRE
- Elisabeth GUEROUT - Brigitte POUCHIN
In the event of absence, the designated alternates are :
- Vincent VARIN - Romain BELLAMY
- Jean-François DEROIDE - Christine MOUQUET
- Catherine CORNILLOT - Laurence HATRON
The commission is called upon to give its opinion on the updated assessments of built-up and non-built-up properties.
The date set for this meeting is March 19 at 4:00 pm.
Grant applications from associations
The previous budgets included grants for the following associations:
Nursery School Cooperative
Primary School Cooperative
Club Caprimont
Intercommunal Library
Sport & Loisirs de l'Ailly
Cap d'Ailly
Horse Festival
Dieppe Foreshore
JUBILEE Association
Fête du Vent Cerf Volant Club de Dieppe
Diepp'Ason Association
Piranhas Association
Sailing Club (Quiberville Yatching Club)
Marakana Association
Collège Jean Cocteau - Offranville
Mrs Colette GOUYER, President of Club Caprimont, asks about the 2021 allocation. The question was also raised by Mr HERITIER.
Previously, the amount was set out in the budget and paid out on condition that the association's accounts, approved by the general meeting, were submitted.
There is a legal document (Cerfa N°12156*05) available on the public service website, which could be sent to associations.
Ms MOUQUET and Ms LAFOREST will forward this document to the associations.
The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 8:45 p.m.