Minutes of the Town Council Meeting

Meeting of February 18, 2022

In the year two thousand and TWENTY-TWO, on the EIGHTEENTH day of FEBRUARY, at EIGHTEEN thirty minutes past midnight, the Municipal Council, duly convened, met in public session under the chairmanship of Mr Olivier de CONIHOUT, Mayor.

 In attendance were :

  • Messrs Olivier de CONIHOUT, Philippe BOSQUET (arriving at 7:00 pm), Mr Jean-François DEROIDE, Francis LEGROUT
  • Véronique DEPREUX, Christine MOUQUET, Brigitte GAUTHIER-DARCET, Catherine CORNILLOT

 Absent excused :

  • Philippe HERITIER, David PETITON and Christophe TIRARD

 Power :

  • Mr Philippe HERITIER to Mr Jean-François DEROIDE
  • Mr David PETITON to Mr Olivier de CONIHOUT
  • Mr Christophe TIRARD to Mr Francis LEGROUT
  • Mr Philippe BOSQUET to Mrs GAUTHIER-DARCET (until 7:00 p.m.)


 Mr Jean-François DEROIDE was elected meeting secretary.


Invitation dates February 10, 2022         Posting date February 10, 2022


After noting that the sanitary measures had been complied with, the Mayor opened the meeting.


Agenda :

 Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting

  • Communications from the Mayor
  • Communications from the Commissions
  • Climate law and resilience - coastline recession
  • Purchase of a wooden chalet
  • Valleuse de Vasterival - Grant applications
  • Other business


Adoption of the minutes of the previous meeting

 The minutes of the previous meeting, sent in advance to each member of the Municipal Council, were adopted unanimously, there being no observations.

 Communications from the Mayor

Agenda since last meeting

 January 25: CRTE (Contrat de Relance et de Transition Ecologique) meeting - Dieppe-Maritime

January 28: Presentation of the Leader Fund

January 31: Kindergarten demonstration

February 1: Agglo meeting - Financial and Fiscal Pact

February 03: Meeting with Mr BUQUOI, Dieppe-Maritime Digital Advisor

February 07: Draw for the allocation of beach huts

February 11: Appointment for the beach convention - Seine-Maritime Attractivité (Mme Corruble)

February 11: Rendez-vous security Festival "Sur les chemins du Phare

February 14: Community Life Commission

February 14: SMVOS Board meeting

February 15: Watershed Syndicate

February 17: Transfer from the café to the beach

February 18: Finance Committee

February 19: End of the PPA consultation phase for the PLU

 Upcoming events

 February 23: MOBY meeting (school mobility) - Dieppe-Maritime

March 01: Community Office

March 02: PETR Bureau

March 08: Seine-Maritime Numérique Board of Directors meeting

March 08: Community Council

March 15: Watershed Syndicate

March 18: Organization of the Commission Communale des Impôts Directs (local tax commission)


Next Town Council meeting: Friday, March 18, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.


Commission communications

  • Climate law and resilience - Coastline recession

 The Mayor explains:

One of the key points of the Climate and Resilience Act is a reform of the town planning code and the way in which erosion risk is taken into account in planning documents (articles 239 to 243), so as to improve the management of new constructions in areas where the retreat of the coastline is known and must be anticipated, to avoid increasing the vulnerability of people and property.

A list of 250 coastal communities considered most vulnerable to coastline retreat will shortly be drawn up by decree.

A draft list, drawn up in mid-November 2021 by the Ministry of Ecological Transition, has led to the selection of four communes, the most concerned, in the Seino-Marin territory: Dieppe, Sainte-Marguerite-sur Mer, Quiberville and Criel sur Mer.

This list was drawn up on the basis of the CEREMA study carried out in 2018 and 2019, at the request of the Seine-Maritime D.D.T.M. and following a "Hazard-Stake" cross-analysis.

Other communes may join the list on a voluntary basis.

 New provisions of the Climate and Resilience Act

In terms of land rights :

The rules of the PPRN will no longer apply to the "cliff collapse" risk, and will be replaced by those of the town planning code.

Only two zoning zones will exist: 0-30 year setback and 30-100 year setback. Inconstructibility rules will be more progressive than at present: almost total inconstructibility in the 0-30 year zone, but constructibility possible in the 30-100 year zone, subject to conditions.

Barnier fund

The compensation system will no longer be based on the Barnier fund, but on an upstream bond for new constructions, extensions or properties acquired under the new regime.

Maintained for other properties threatened by serious and imminent peril.

 Main impact of the decree :

- Obligation to revise regulatory risk zoning, subsidized by the French government to the tune of 80%;

- Obligation to revise the PLU /PLUI: launch of the procedure within the year, to be completed within 3 years;

- Extended right of pre-emption ;

- Possibility of signing an agreement with the State to specify the technical and financial resources mobilized for an integrated local coastline strategy;

- Obligation for the owner to deposit a sum equivalent to the destruction, plus reinstatement of the land, for any new construction/extension, as well as for the purchase of an existing property in zone 30.

- Possibility of carrying out a Major Urban Planning Operation (GOU), preceded by a Partnership Development Project (PPA), which would enable us to envisage a strategic repositioning of the stakes involved in the two perimeters, possibly derogating from the Littoral law.

 The following points will be specified at a later date by ordinance :

- Possible introduction of a real lease to adapt to climate change;

- Possibility of obtaining an exceptional derogation from the Loi Littoral in the context of a major urban planning operation (GOU);

- Definition of an "administrative discount" property valuation method. The principle is that property loses value as it approaches the risk. It loses its value, hence the future discount.

 In view of all these factors, the municipalities concerned are asking questions, even if the phenomenon of coastline retreat is unavoidable:

- What funds will be mobilized for compensation?

- Who will ultimately own the land pre-empted by the Etablissement Public Foncier de Normandie? The communes or the State? Who will ultimately pay for these acquisitions?

- How will the State support communes in revising their PLUs?

- What will be the support mechanism for municipalities when it comes to mapping the 0-30 and 30-100 year perimeters?

- The amount for deconstruction and restoration of the land will be set by the planning permission. What about the expertise of the relevant departments? This urban planning easement will be controlled by the mayors: a potential source of litigation.

- How will information be disseminated to local residents affected by these perimeters?

- Will the State finance the restoration of public infrastructure (roads, networks, etc.) affected by the retreat of the coastline?

- For the commune of Sainte-Marguerite, around twenty private properties are affected by the 30 to 100-year zone, as well as waterfront infrastructures. The compensation system still needs to be fine-tuned.

- Will it be possible to implement the Grand Opération d'Urabanisme when the four communes are not part of the same intercommunalité? Who will pay for the study costs associated with this PPA and GOU, if it can be implemented?

- How will the local authorities in charge of GEMAPI issues be involved in the process and its financing?

- What changes or exemptions from the Loi Littoral may be granted on the commune of Sainte-Marguerite-sur-Mer (particularly in terms of setting up infrastructures for cell phone coverage)?

 This is why :

In view of these requests for clarification, and while awaiting the application texts from the State, without mortgaging the future with regard to future aid from the State, which will be allocated first and foremost to priority communes, it is proposed that we take note of this classification among the 250 priority communes.

The Mayor proposes to the Municipal Council:

  • To take note of Sainte-Marguerite-sur-Mer's inclusion among the 250 priority communes in the forthcoming decree.
  • To ask the French government to clarify the above questions as soon as possible.
  • To apply to the French government for future financial aid at the maximum rate.

 With no further questions, the vote is taken.

After deliberation, the municipal council, with all members present and represented, decides :

  • To take note of Sainte-Marguerite-sur-Mer's inclusion among the 250 priority municipalities in the forthcoming decree.
  • To ask the French government to clarify the above questions as soon as possible.
  • Apply to the French government for future financial assistance at the maximum rate.


  • Purchase of a wooden chalet

 Mr LEGROUT informs the Board that the little café hut has been moved to the seafront.

In order to continue offering this service at the market, he suggests the purchase of a wooden garden shed-type chalet.

A quote from Leroy Merlin for €1,890 incl. VAT has been received.

 After deliberation, the members of the Municipal Council unanimously approve the purchase.


7:00 pm: Arrival of Mr Philippe BOSQUET

  • Beach animation project

 The arrival of the new operators at the seafront restaurant calls for a number of changes. In particular, the electricity meter will have to be moved and the subscription switched to a "yellow" tariff.

Mr LEGROUT asks for the Board's opinion on the invoicing of these improvements.

It is proposed that the cost of moving the meter (around €4,000) be financed by the Town Hall, and that the cost of the subscription be billed to the operators at the same time as the cost of electricity consumption.

Board members unanimously approve the proposal.


  • Vasterival valley

 The Syndicat Mixte du Littoral has offered the services of Valérian, with whom it has a public contract, to carry out the work on the valley staircase.

An agreement will be proposed at the next council meeting, so that the project management can be entrusted to them. The final cost of the project will be shared equally with the commune of Varengeville-sur-Mer.

A quotation of €25,488.05 (incl. VAT) has been submitted. The quotation will be approved on receipt of the deliberation and agreement from the commune of Varengeville-sur-Mer.

 As the commune of Sainte-Marguerite has been designated as the project leader, it is up to us to submit the grant applications.

 After deliberation, the members of the Municipal Council unanimously agreed to submit applications for subsidies from the DETR and the Département.


  • Community Life Commission

 The commission met on Monday February 14, 2022.

 The possibility of equipping the beach with a defibrillator was raised. At present, there is only one on the commune, in the Salle du Point de Rencontre. The beach is only covered by this equipment during surveillance periods, thanks to the presence of the fire department. As the idea is welcomed, an estimate will have to be drawn up in order to validate the purchase at the next council meeting.

 Following her research, Mme CORNILLOT has sent everyone a summary of the regulations governing the creation of gîtes. A lot of "Air bnb" type rentals are being proposed, impacting the real estate offer in the commune.

It would be advisable to remind rental owners of the regulations, initially in the Newsletter. The possibility of approaching the Communauté d'Agglomération, the body that collects tourist taxes, to find out how many rentals are listed, is also raised.

 Mme DEPREUX also reports on her meeting with Mr BUQUOI, Digital Advisor for the Agglomeration.

The center offers meetings and appointments to help local residents with their online paperwork and, more generally, with their use of digital tools.

The weekly Friday morning slot, from 1er April, has been decided.

Information will be given in the next newsletter (mid-March).

 Ms MOUQUET attended a meeting of the Paluel CLIN on protocol in the event of a nuclear incident. In the next newsletter, she suggests that residents who have not received their iodine tablets should be reminded that they can pick them up by presenting proof of address at a pharmacy.

 The next commission meeting is scheduled for Monday March 14 at 4:30pm.


 Other business

 CO2 detector purchase

 The installation of CO2 detectors in schools is currently subsidized by the French government to the tune of €8 per pupil. Applications must be submitted by April 30, 2022.

It is highly likely that these detectors will become compulsory for the new school year.

SEDI Equipement is offering these detectors at a unit price of €65.50.

After deliberation, the members of the Council gave their unanimous approval and authorized the Mayor to apply for the corresponding grant from the French government.


  • Electronic transmission of documents

 At the last SMVOS board meeting, the use of @ctes software was discussed.

This tool enhances the security and reliability of local authority document transmission to the prefecture (by-laws, deliberations, etc.). It also saves time and money (no more costs for paper mailings).

The Mayor is seeking the Council's agreement to contact one of the third-party transmitters approved by the French Ministry of the Interior, and to sign an agreement with the Prefecture.

 The proposal was unanimously accepted by the Board.


  • Partial payment of health insurance for employees

 Further to Decree no. 2021-1164 of September 8, 2021 on the reimbursement of a portion of supplementary social protection contributions intended to cover employees' healthcare costs and applicable from 1er On January 1, 2022, the French government will offer a flat-rate reimbursement of 15 euros per calendar month, irrespective of the amount of monthly contributions paid by the agent.

 All our agents are eligible and must apply using the form they will receive with their next pay slip.

 After deliberation, the Board members unanimously agreed to apply the decree from March 2022.


 Meeting of the Syndicat des Bassins Versants Saâne, Vienne et Scie

 Ms MOUQUET points out that the Syndicat has pooled its projects and resources with the Syndicat de l'Arques within a joint entity: PAPI (agreement signed in December 2021), responsible for flood prevention, ad hoc development, studies and communication.

The GEMAPI (management of flood prevention, including sea defence) remit corresponds to a tax of around 20 euros on taxpayers' bills.

The GEMAPI "defense against the sea" remit does not include structural works in excess of 50K euros, but corresponds to routine maintenance work, or surveillance and monitoring of files.

The reconnection work planned for the year includes the levelling of merlons, and environmental, hydrographic, hydrological and archaeological studies.

 The communications department is at the service of schools or groups of residents who would like a lecture or on-site visit.


  • Organization of the "Sur les chemins du Phare" Festival

 Mr DEROIDE informs the Board that the meeting to fine-tune the "security" aspect of the event took place on Friday February 11, 2022. The Prefecture, the Gendarmerie and SDIS 76 were invited. Only Captain GRILLON, Fireman, was present.

The meeting provided an opportunity to review the elements required for the safe organization of events hosting less than 1,500 people (simultaneously): passage and parking of emergency vehicles, identification of organizers (armbands, vests...), installation of barriers for sidewalk access, presence of fire extinguishers...)

 The safety committee is proposing the purchase of 5 reflective vests for events, available from the town hall.

The municipal council unanimously approves.

 Reimbursement of expenses

 Ms MOUQUET presented a bill for expenses of €24.96 for travel in January and February (meetings of the agglomeration and the watershed syndicate).

 The Town Council unanimously approves the reimbursement of expenses.


  • Barn Owls


Ms. MOUQUET presents Dieppe-Maritime's project, in support of the Groupe Ornithologique Normand, to identify places in public buildings where a cache can be installed to help barn owls, whose numbers are declining, to reproduce.

A decision will be taken when the GON's findings are available.


                                                                       The Mayor adjourns the meeting at 8:30pm.