At nineteen o'clock on the sixteenth day of March, in the year two thousand and eighteen, the Municipal Council, duly convened, met in public session under the chairmanship of Monsieur Claude FERCHAL, Mayor.


In attendance were Claude Ferchal, Philippe Lefebvre, Denis Grout, Jean Pierre Boittout, Jean-Pierre Joubert, David Petiton, Richard Dupont

Mrs. Colette Gouyer

Absent Ms Christelle Weber

                            Mrs Françoise Gambs

                            Mr Michel Lecat

                            Mr Vincent Varin

                            Mr Eric Lincot

                            Mr Ludovic Patin

Mrs Colette Gouyer was elected secretary of the meeting.

Invitation dates March 8, 2018                                    Posting date March 8, 2018


  • Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
  • Communications from the Mayor
  • Borrowing: Capital expenditure
  • 3VD Concept quote: Project management for the installation of two fire tanks
  • Sales proposal: Telephone supplier
  • Seniors' meal
  • Foot Fishing" information panel
  • Participation in the refurbishment of the Vasterival valley
  • Sainte Marguerite Sur Mer website
  • Work: Deteriorations Salle du Point de Rencontre

Adoption of the minutes of the previous meeting 

The minutes of the previous meeting, sent in advance to each member of the Municipal Council, were adopted unanimously, there being no observations.

Communications from the Mayor

  • Dates to remember:
  1. March 25, 2018: Concert organized by Cap d'Ailly to benefit the restoration of the Church of Sainte Marguerite Sur Mer
  2. April 10, 2018: Installation of the Beach cabins
  3. April 13, 2018: Next City Council meeting
  4. April 15, 2018: Boot Camp Run
  • Work on "Rue aux Juifs" and "Traversée de Commune":

Monsieur le Maire informs the members of the Municipal Council that he had a meeting on Thursday March 15 with Monsieur MALOT, V3D Concept, in charge of coordinating the work on the "Rue aux Juifs" and the "traversée de Commune".

Work to bury networks and upgrade public lighting "Rue aux Juifs" will start on April 9 and finish on May 4, 2018.

The work on

  • Rehabilitation of Rue aux juifs,
  • Installation of a fire hydrant at Résidence Bel Air,
  • Safety improvements in the town center

will be carried out from April 16 to May 18, 2018.


A "letterbox" distribution will be made to local residents to inform them of the inconvenience caused.

  • DICRIM :

Monsieur le Maire informs the Assembly that the French government has issued an update on major natural and technological risks. The aim of the document is to set out all the risks that the population of Sainte Marguerite Sur Mer could face: flooding, nuclear, ground movement, underground cavities and transport of hazardous materials.

The document can be consulted at the town hall.

  • Thanks to :

The Mayor wishes to thank :

  • GOUEL/LAMULLE family for sending flowers at Mr GOUEL's funeral


Borrowing for capital expenditure projects

VU the Code Général des Collectivités Territoriales, in particular article L 2337-3,

HAVING REGARD TO the 2018 Budget Primitif,

CONSIDERING that local authorities and their public bodies may only take out loans as part of their budget to finance capital expenditure,

CONSIDERING that it is up to the Municipal Assembly to take the decision in this matter,

After favorable opinion of the Finance Committee of February 27, 2018,

The Mayor informs the members of the Municipal Council of the 2018 investment program.

The Municipal Council, having heard the Mayor's presentation and after exchanging views : 

- Takes into consideration and approves the investment project presented to it

- Determine the financial resources required to meet project expenses.


Amount incl. VAT: €438,545

Proposed method of financing :         

  • Medium- to long-term loan €300,000

After negotiations, the Mayor has accepted the proposal made by the Caisse Régional de Crédit Agricole de Normandie-Seine for a loan of 300,000 €uros, broken down as follows:

  • Rate: 1.76 %
  • Credit period: 20 years
  • Repayment schedule: Quarterly
  • Type of maturity: Constant maturities

The Municipal Council, having heard the Mayor's presentation and deliberated, unanimously :

  • APPROVES the above-mentioned proposal
  • DECIDES to contract a loan of €300,000 with Caisse Régionale de Crédit Agricole de Normandie-Seine.
  • UNDERTAKES, on behalf of the Collectivité, to enter as a priority item of expenditure in its budget each year, the sums required to repay the capital and interest on the loans thus contracted.
  • AUTHORIZE the Mayor to sign the contract with the Caisse Régionale de Crédit Agricole de Normandie-Seine and accept all the terms and conditions set out therein.

V3D CONCEPT quote: Project management for the installation of two fire tanks

The Mayor explains to the Municipal Council the commune's objective of improving fire risk coverage in areas not covered. Three areas - Résidence Bel Air, the end of Route de Saint Martin and Chemin des Frênes - are not covered by this system. The commune is planning to create two underground cisterns in "Résidence Bel Air" and "Route de Saint Martin". V3D CONCEPT is proposing a quote of €5,700 (excl. VAT) for the installation of two underground fire tanks.

The Municipal Council, after deliberation, unanimously :

  • ACCEPTS the Mayor's proposal
  • ACCEPTS the quotation from V3D CONCEPT for an amount of €5,700 (excl. VAT)
  • INSTRUCTS the Mayor to sign all documents relating to this operation

Sales proposal: Telephone supplier

The Mayor informs the General Meeting of the project to renew the telephony package.

OPTIPRO Groupe MSI 2000, CORIOLIS and GROUPE TELECOM propose a switchboard installation. The main objectives of this proposal are to :

  • optimize telephone reception
  • help increase the town hall's resources and reduce telephony costs.

The Mayor presents the telephony offers received to the Municipal Council.

The Municipal Council, having considered the above, unanimously :

  • DECIDES to select CORIOLIS with an option to purchase the equipment for €2,988 excluding VAT, with a one-year maintenance contract. The subsequent maintenance contract will cost €295/year excluding VAT. Subscriptions, fixed, mobile and Internet communications will amount to €227.55 per month, plus the purchase of a smartphone at €1 excl. tax.
  • DECIDES to create an analog line at the nursery school with ORANGE for €100 excluding VAT.
  • AUTHORIZES the Mayor to sign the CORIOLIS proposal.

Seniors' meal

As usual, seniors aged 65 and over are invited on March 18, 2018 to share the traditional Seniors' Meal.

The meal is prepared by Restaurant de l'Ailly for a menu costing €41.50 per person.

The Municipal Council, having heard the Mayor's presentation, after deliberation, and unanimously :

  • ACCEPTS the organization of the March 18, 2018 Alumni Meal

Foot Fishing" information panel

Monsieur le Maire informs the Municipal Council that the Conservatoire du Littoral is proposing the installation of RIS-type signs on the beach's foreshore to inform the public of the regulations governing foot fishing. The Dieppe Caux Le Tréport nautical station has been very receptive to this project, considering that it could help to reduce the bad behavior observed among certain anglers by providing information that is currently absent from our shores. These panels could convey a very positive image of a region concerned with preserving its natural riches, and in particular its coastal marine fauna.

The elected representatives of the Nautical Station decided to carry out a consultation for all communes wishing to acquire information panels at the best value for money. As agreed, the Nautical Station carried out a consultation to select a potential supplier for the purchase of "Pêche à Pieds" information panels. Three suppliers responded. After analyzing the bids, the Nautical Station proposes to retain the product proposed by Entreprise ACP NORD. The cost of the panel, delivered ready to assemble, is €930 excluding VAT without the display case, and €1,040 excluding VAT with the display case option.

Monsieur le Maire explains to the members of the Municipal Council the procedure to follow in order to acquire these panels and benefit from funding from the Agence de l'Eau (50%), the Département de la Seine-Maritime (30%) and the Station Nautique (200 €).

The Municipal Council, having deliberated, unanimously :

  • DECIDES to purchase a "Pêche à Pieds" information panel at a cost of €930 excluding VAT.
  • REQUESTS funding of €200 from the Agence de l'Eau (50%), the Département de la Seine-Maritime (30%) and the Station Nautique.
  • GIVES full powers to the Mayor to finalize this transaction.

Participation in the repair of the Vasterival valley

Monsieur le Maire explains that the Valleuse de Vasterival straddles the communes of Sainte Marguerite Sur Mer and Varengeville Sur Mer, within the perimeter of the ASA Vasterival.

The chemin de la Valleuse de Vasterival starts at the Vasterival parking lot and traffic circle and runs for 160 ml to a staircase leading to the beach.

This is the only access to the beach between the Valleuse de la Glacière to the north of Varengeville, and the beach at Sainte Marguerite Sur Mer: this access is of particular interest to the fire department and emergency services in the event of interventions on the beach or foreshore.

Unfortunately, as it lies below a natural watershed, the path is severely damaged by natural runoff during rainy periods.

The project to repair the Valleuse de Vasterival road is worth a total of €6,500 including tax, with the Commune de Varengeville Sur Mer contributing €1,620, the Commune de Sainte Marguerite Sur Mer €1,620 and the ASA Vasterival €3,260.

The Municipal Council, having deliberated, unanimously :

  • ACCEPTS the Mayor's proposal
  • DECIDES to contribute €1,620 (inc. VAT) to repairing the Valleuse de Vasterival road.

Sainte Marguerite Sur Mer website 

Monsieur le Maire explains to the members of the Municipal Council that our site currently poses a problem both in terms of the browsing experience for users of mobile devices, and also in terms of its referencing. The site uses Adobe Flash Player technology, and Adobe has announced that it will be abandoning this technology by 2020, so our site needs to be modernized.

Monsieur le Maire proposes two service providers: PhPConsultant and Hotel Web-Design.

The Municipal Council, having considered the above, unanimously :

  • DECIDES to retain Hotel Web-Design for the installation of a Responsive Website package for €3,590 incl. VAT, website hosting, domain management and renewal, technical support, email account for €39 incl. VAT/month and the drone video-clip option (drone overflight of the beach, lighthouse, cliffs, beach huts and surrounding area) for €390 incl. VAT.
  • AUTHORIZES the Mayor to sign the Hotel Web Design proposal.

Work: Deteriorations Salle du Point de Rencontre

Monsieur le Maire explains to the Municipal Council that when the Salle du Point de Rencontre was reserved on February 10, 2018, some damage was noted. Indeed, the plasterboard wall was knocked in by one of the guests. After review, the cost of restoring the damage operated amounted to €150. Restoration work was carried out by the municipal services, estimated at 6h x €25, i.e. €150. The deposit of €100 was cashed, and a cheque for €50 in addition to the deposit.

The Dieppe municipal treasury requests a statement of the cost of the damage.

The Municipal Council, after deliberation, unanimously :

  • DECIDES to approve the cost of damage to the Salle du Point de Rencontre

There being no further business, the Mayor thanked all those present and adjourned the meeting at 8:30 pm.